=== requests for enhancement === notes: I propose some brain-storming on IDE issues. 1. Parse with Camlp4 for all functionality: indentation and Emacs Code Browser-like features. Augmented with information from .annot files. 2. Use heuristics to repair unfinished code, like here (example should be better, I'm sorry): replace in the background (not in the buffer) let rec fib n = if then 1 else fib(n-1) + ;; with let x01 = ref None;; let x02 = ref None;; let f01() = match !x01 with Some x -> x | None -> failwith "x01";; let f02() = match !x02 with Some x -> x | None -> failwith "x02";; let rec fib n = if (f01()) then 1 else fib(n-1) + (f02());; Report types for unfinished code as well with C-c C-t. 3. Follow-to-definition and show-where-used for identifiers. 4. Customize `allout-mode' to use ocamldoc syntax. 5. Did I mention context-aware complete? Based on the AST returned by Camlp4 together with .annot files. Perhaps unifying types to get a clean list of candidates. Support OCaML's reviised syntax. 2) on a totally non-language-related level, I also notice that shift+cmd+right-arrow doesn't behave as it does in other languages (that is, it highlights the line). Naturally, this is the kind of thing that is totally uninteresting to implement and fix but which drives you bananas when you're trying to use an editor. Either of these would be an improvement. If I were to make a specific request, it would be an emacs-like behavior, where it would highlight either up to the next space or up to the matching delimiter. So, for instance, using [*] to indicate the position of the cursor, suppose we have this situation: let f x = [*]if (abc def) then (abc ; def) else ghi; ... and I were to hold down shift+option and hit the right-arrow-key three times, then the region between the present cursor location and the end of the word "then" would be highlighted (in a perfect world). I'm hesitant to describe this in a lot of detail, because I'm not trying to dictate anything; it's just that the current setup is hard for me to use, and any solution that allowed me to use the keyboard to select regions of text in a reasonably efficient manner would be fine with me. It's just that I often find myself holding down shift+right-arrow-key and sitting there waiting for the key repeat to highlight a chunk of text.