(module combinator scheme/base
(require scheme/unit
(only-in (lib "etc.ss") opt-lambda))
(require "structs.rkt"
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-unit combinators@
(import error-format-parameters^ ranking-parameters^ language-dictionary^)
(export combinator-parser-forms^)
(define return-name "dummy")
(define terminal-occurs "unique-eq")
(define (make-weak-map) (make-weak-hasheq))
(define (weak-map-put! m k v)
(hash-set! m k (make-ephemeron k (box v))))
(define weak-map-get
(opt-lambda (m k [def-v (lambda () (error 'weak-map-get "value unset"))])
(let ([v (hash-ref m k #f)])
(if v
(let ([v (ephemeron-value v)])
(if v
(unbox v)
(define terminal
(opt-lambda (pred build name [spell? #f] [case? #f] [class? #f])
(let* ([memo-table (make-weak-map)]
[fail-str (string-append "failed " name)]
[t-name (if src? (lambda (t) (token-name (position-token-token t))) token-name)]
[t-val (if src? (lambda (t) (token-value (position-token-token t))) token-value)]
[spell? (or spell?
(lambda (token)
(if (t-val token) (misspelled name (t-val token)) 0)))]
[case? (or case?
(lambda (token)
(and (t-val token) (misscap name (t-val token)))))]
[class? (or class? (lambda (token) (missclass name (t-name token))))]
(lambda (c n k i u)
(make-terminal-fail c (if (and src? i)
(make-src-lst (position-token-start-pos i)
(position-token-end-pos i))
n 0 u k (if src? (position-token-token i) i)))]
[value (lambda (t) (or (t-val t) name))]
(if src?
(lambda (token) (build (position-token-token token)
(position-token-start-pos token)
(position-token-end-pos token)))
(opt-lambda (input [last-src (list 1 0 1 0)] [alts 1])
(printf "terminal ~a\n" name)
[(eq? input return-name) (printf "name requested\n")]
[(null? input) (printf "null input\n")]
(let ([token (position-token-token (car input))])
(printf "Token given ~a, match? ~a\n" token (pred token)))])
[(eq? input return-name) name]
[(eq? input terminal-occurs) (list (make-occurs name 1))]
[(weak-map-get memo-table input #f) (weak-map-get memo-table input)]
(let ([result
[(null? input)
(fail-res null (make-terminal-fail rank-end last-src name 0 0 'end #f))]
(let* ([curr-input (car input)]
[token (if src? (position-token-token curr-input) curr-input)])
[(pred token)
(make-res (list (builder curr-input))
(cdr input) name
(value curr-input) 1 #f curr-input)]
(printf "Incorrect input for ~a : ~a miscase? ~a misspell? ~a \n" name
[(token-value token) (token-value token)]
[else (token-name token)])
(case? curr-input)
(spell? curr-input))
(fail-res (cdr input)
(let-values ([(chance kind may-use)
[(case? curr-input) (values rank-caps 'misscase 1)]
[(> (spell? curr-input) 3/5)
(values (* rank-misspell
(spell? curr-input)) 'misspell 1)]
[(class? curr-input) (values rank-class 'missclass 1)]
[else (values rank-wrong 'wrong 0)])])
(make-fail chance name kind curr-input may-use)))]))])])
(weak-map-put! memo-table input result)
(define seq
(opt-lambda (sub-list build name [id-position 0])
(let* ([sequence-length (length sub-list)]
[memo-table (make-weak-map)]
[terminal-counts #f]
[prev (lambda (x)
(cond [(eq? x return-name) "default previous"]
[else (fail-res null null)]))]
(lambda (r)
[(res? r)
(make-res (list (build (res-a r)))
(res-rest r)
name (res-id r) (res-used r)
(res-possible-error r)
(res-first-tok r))]
[(and (repeat-res? r) (res? repeat-res-a r))
(make-res (list (build (res-a (repeat-res-a r))))
(res-rest (repeat-res-a r))
name (res-id (repeat-res-a r))
(res-used (repeat-res-a r))
(repeat-res-stop r)
(res-first-tok (repeat-res-a r)))]
[else (error 'parser-internal-error1 (format "~a" r))]))]
[my-error (sequence-error-gen name sequence-length)]
[my-walker (seq-walker id-position name my-error)])
(opt-lambda (input [last-src (list 1 0 1 0)] [alts 1])
(unless (eq? input return-name) (printf "seq ~a\n" name))
[(eq? input return-name) name]
[(eq? input terminal-occurs)
(or terminal-counts
(set! terminal-counts 'counting)
(set! terminal-counts
(consolidate-count (map (lambda (symbol) (symbol terminal-occurs)) sub-list)))
[(weak-map-get memo-table input #f)
(weak-map-get memo-table input)]
[(null? sub-list)
(builder (make-res null input name #f 0 #f #f))]
(let* ([pre-build-ans (my-walker sub-list input prev #f #f #f null 0 alts last-src)]
[(and (res? pre-build-ans) (res-a pre-build-ans)) (builder pre-build-ans)]
[(and (pair? pre-build-ans) (null? (cdr pre-build-ans))) (builder (car pre-build-ans))]
[(pair? pre-build-ans) (map builder pre-build-ans)]
[else pre-build-ans])])
(weak-map-put! memo-table input ans)
(printf "sequence ~a returning \n" name)
(printf "answer is ~a \n" ans)
(define (seq-walker id-position seq-name build-error)
(letrec ([next-res
(lambda (a id used tok rst)
[(res? rst)
(make-res (append a (res-a rst)) (res-rest rst)
seq-name (or id (res-id rst))
(+ used (res-used rst)) (res-possible-error rst) tok)]
[(and (repeat-res? rst) (res? (repeat-res-a rst)))
(make-res (append a (res-a (repeat-res-a rst)))
(res-rest (repeat-res-a rst)) seq-name
(or id (res-id (repeat-res-a rst)))
(+ used (res-used (repeat-res-a rst)))
(repeat-res-stop rst) tok)]
[else (error 'parser-internal-error2 (format "~a" rst))]
(lambda (subs input previous? look-back look-back-ref curr-id seen used alts last-src)
(let* ([next-preds (cdr subs)]
[curr-pred (car subs)]
[id-spot? (= id-position (add1 (length seen)))]
(lambda (old-result curr curr-ref curr-name new-id tok alts)
[(res? old-result)
(let* ([old-answer (res-a old-result)]
[rest (res-rest old-result)]
[old-used (res-used old-result)]
[rsts (walker next-preds rest curr-pred curr curr-ref
(or new-id curr-id) (cons curr-name seen)
(+ old-used used) alts
(if (and src? (res-first-tok old-result))
(make-src-lst (position-token-start-pos (res-first-tok old-result))
(position-token-end-pos (res-first-tok old-result)))
(printf "next-call ~a ~a: ~a ~a ~a ~a\n"
seq-name (length seen) old-result (res? rsts)
(and (res? rsts) (res-a rsts))
(and (res? rsts) (choice-fail? (res-possible-error rsts))))
[(and (res? rsts) (res-a rsts))
(next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok rsts)]
[(res? rsts) (fail-res rest (res-msg rsts))]
[(and (lazy-opts? rsts) (null? (lazy-opts-thunks rsts)))
(map (lambda (rst) (next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok rst))
(lazy-opts-matches rsts))
(make-options-fail 0 #f #f 0 0 null) null)]
[(and (lazy-opts? rsts) (not (lazy-choice? rsts)))
(map (lambda (rst) (next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok rst))
(lazy-opts-matches rsts))
(lazy-opts-errors rsts)
(map (lambda (thunk)
(lambda ()
(let ([ans (next-opt rsts)])
(and ans (next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok ans)))))
(lazy-opts-thunks rsts)))]
[(lazy-choice? rsts)
(map (lambda (rst) (next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok rst))
(lazy-opts-matches rsts))
(lazy-opts-errors rsts)
(map (lambda (thunk)
(lambda ()
(let ([ans (next-opt rsts)])
(and ans (next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok ans)))))
(lazy-opts-thunks rsts))
(lazy-choice-name rsts))]
[(pair? rsts)
(map (lambda (rst) (next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok rst))
(flatten (correct-list rsts)))]
[(choice-res? rsts)
(printf "next call, tail-end is choice ~a\n" rsts)
(map (lambda (rst) (next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok
(update-possible-fail rst rsts)))
(flatten (correct-list (choice-res-matches rsts))))]
[(repeat-res? rsts)
(next-res old-answer new-id old-used tok rsts)]
[else (error 'parser-internal-error3 (format "~a" rsts))]))]
[else (error 'parser-internal-error11 (format "~a" old-result))]))])
[(null? subs) (error 'end-of-subs)]
[(null? next-preds)
(printf "seq-walker called: last case, ~a case of ~a \n"
seq-name (curr-pred return-name))
(build-error (curr-pred input last-src)
(lambda () (previous? input))
(previous? return-name) #f
look-back look-back-ref used curr-id seen alts last-src)]
(printf "seq-walker called: else case, ~a case of ~a ~ath case \n"
seq-name (curr-pred return-name) (length seen))
(let ([fst (curr-pred input last-src)])
[(res? fst)
(printf "res case ~a ~a\n" seq-name (length seen))
[(res-a fst) (next-call fst fst fst (res-msg fst)
(and id-spot? (res-id fst))
(res-first-tok fst) alts)]
(printf "error situation ~a ~a\n" seq-name (length seen))
(build-error fst (lambda () (previous? input))
(previous? return-name)
(car next-preds) look-back look-back-ref used curr-id
seen alts last-src)])]
[(repeat-res? fst)
(printf "repeat-res: ~a ~a\n" seq-name (length seen))
(printf "res? ~a\n" (res? (repeat-res-a fst)))
(next-call (repeat-res-a fst) fst fst
(res-msg (repeat-res-a fst)) #f
(res-first-tok (repeat-res-a fst)) alts)]
[(lazy-opts? fst)
(printf "lazy res: ~a ~a ~a\n" fst seq-name (length seen))
(let* ([opt-r (make-lazy-opts null
(make-options-fail 0 last-src seq-name 0 0 null)
[name (if (lazy-choice? fst) (lazy-choice-name fst) seq-name)]
[next-c (lambda (res)
[(res? res)
(printf "lazy-choice-res, res ~a ~a\n" seq-name (length seen))
(next-call res fst res name (and id-spot? (res-id res))
(res-first-tok res) alts)]
[(repeat-res? res)
(printf "lazy- choice-res, repeat-res ~a ~a ~a\n"
(res? (repeat-res-a res)) seq-name (length seen))
(next-call (repeat-res-a res) res (repeat-res-a res)
(res-msg (repeat-res-a res)) #f
(res-first-tok (repeat-res-a res))
[else (error 'parser-internal-errora (format "~a" res))]))]
[parsed-options (map (lambda (res) (lambda () (next-c res)))
(lazy-opts-matches fst))]
(lambda (thunked)
(lambda ()
(let ([res (next-opt fst)])
(if res
(next-c res)
(begin (set-lazy-opts-thunks! opt-r null) #f)))))
(lazy-opts-thunks fst))])
(set-lazy-opts-thunks! opt-r (append parsed-options unparsed-options))
(if (next-opt opt-r)
(fail-res input (lazy-opts-errors opt-r))))
[(or (choice-res? fst) (pair? fst))
(printf "choice-res: ~a ~a ~a\n" fst seq-name (length seen))
([(lst name curr)
[(choice-res? fst)
(values (choice-res-matches fst)
(lambda (_) (choice-res-name fst))
(lambda (_) fst))]
[else (values fst res-msg (lambda (x) x))])]
[(new-alts) (+ alts (length lst))]
(map (lambda (res)
[(res? res)
(printf "choice-res, res ~a ~a\n" seq-name (length seen))
(next-call res (curr res) res (name res)
(and id-spot? (res-id res))
(res-first-tok res) new-alts)]
[(repeat-res? res)
(printf "choice-res, repeat-res ~a ~a ~a\n"
(res? (repeat-res-a res)) seq-name (length seen))
(next-call (repeat-res-a res) res (repeat-res-a res)
(res-msg (repeat-res-a res)) #f
(res-first-tok (repeat-res-a res))
[else (error 'parser-internal-error4 (format "~a" res))]))
(flatten lst))]
[(correct-rsts) (flatten (correct-list rsts))])
(printf "case ~a ~a, choice case: intermediate results are ~a\n"
seq-name (length seen) lst)
[(and (null? correct-rsts) (or (not (lazy-choice? fst))
(null? (lazy-opts-thunks fst))))
(printf "correct-rsts null for ~a ~a \n" seq-name (length seen))
(let ([fails
(lambda (rst)
(build-error rst (lambda () (previous? input)) (previous? return-name)
(car next-preds) look-back look-back-ref used curr-id seen alts last-src)))
(fail-res input
(rank-choice (map fail-type-chance fails))
(if (equal? last-src (list 1 0 1 0))
(map fail-type-src fails)
(rank-choice (map fail-type-used fails))
(rank-choice (map fail-type-may-use fails)) fails)))]
[(and (null? correct-rsts) (lazy-choice? fst) (not (null? (lazy-opts-thunks fst))))
(let loop ([next-res (next-opt fst)])
(when next-res (loop (next-opt fst))))]
[else correct-rsts]))]
[else (error 'here3 (format "~a" fst))]))])))])
(define (get-fail-info fail)
[(terminal-fail? fail)
(values (terminal-fail-kind fail)
(fail-type-name fail)
(terminal-fail-found fail))]
[(sequence-fail? fail)
(values 'sub-seq (sequence-fail-expected fail) fail)]
[(choice-fail? fail) (values 'choice null fail)]
[(options-fail? fail) (values 'options null fail)]
[else (error 'parser-internal-error5 (format "~a" fail))]))
(define (update-src error-kind src prev-src tok)
(and src?
(case error-kind
[(choice options) prev-src]
[(sub-seq misscase misspell end) src]
[(missclass wrong)
(if tok
(update-src-start src (position-token-start-pos tok))
(define (build-options-fail name fails)
(make-options-fail (rank-choice (map fail-type-chance fails))
(rank-choice (map fail-type-used fails))
(rank-choice (map fail-type-may-use fails))
(define (add-to-choice-fails choice fail)
(let ([fails (choice-fail-messages choice)])
(rank-choice (cons (fail-type-chance fail) (map fail-type-chance fails)))
(fail-type-src choice)
(fail-type-name choice)
(rank-choice (cons (fail-type-used fail) (map fail-type-used fails)))
(rank-choice (cons (fail-type-may-use fail) (map fail-type-may-use fails)))
(choice-fail-options choice)
(choice-fail-names choice)
(choice-fail-ended? choice)
(cons fail fails))))
(define (update-possible-fail res back)
(printf "update-possible-fail ~a, ~a\n" res back)
[(and (res? res) (not (res-possible-error res)))
[(res? back)
(make-res (res-a res) (res-rest res) (res-msg res) (res-id res) (res-used res)
(res-possible-error back) (res-first-tok res))]
[(choice-res? back)
(make-res (res-a res) (res-rest res) (res-msg res) (res-id res) (res-used res)
(choice-res-errors back) (res-first-tok res))]
[else res])]
[(choice-res? res)
[(and (choice-res? back) (choice-res-errors back) (choice-res-errors res))
(make-choice-res (choice-res-name res)
(choice-res-matches res)
(add-to-choice-fails (choice-res-errors res)
(choice-res-errors back)))]
[else res])]
[else res]))
(define (sequence-error-gen name len)
(letrec ([repeat->res
(lambda (rpt back)
[(pair? rpt) (map (lambda (r) (repeat->res r back)) (flatten rpt))]
[(and (repeat-res? rpt) (res? (repeat-res-a rpt)))
(let ([inn (repeat-res-a rpt)]
[stop (repeat-res-stop rpt)])
(printf "in repeat->res for ~a\n" name)
(when (fail-type? stop)
(printf "stoped on ~a\n" (fail-type-name stop)))
(printf "stop ~a\n" stop)
(when (choice-res? back)
(printf "back on ~a\n" (choice-res-name back)))
(when (choice-res? back) (printf "choice-res-errors back ~a\n"
(choice-res-errors back)))
(when (and (fail-type? stop)
(choice-res? back)
(choice-res-errors back))
(printf "chances ~a > ~a -> ~a \n"
(fail-type-chance (choice-res-errors back))
(fail-type-chance stop)
(>= (fail-type-chance (choice-res-errors back))
(fail-type-chance stop))))
[(fail-type? stop)
(make-res (res-a inn) (res-rest inn) (res-msg inn) (res-id inn) (res-used inn)
(if (and (zero? (res-used inn))
(choice-res? back) (choice-res-errors back)
(>= (fail-type-chance (choice-res-errors back))
(fail-type-chance stop)))
(build-options-fail name
(list (choice-res-errors back)
(res-first-tok inn))]
[else inn]))]
[else rpt]))]
(lambda (old-res prev prev-name next-pred look-back look-back-ref used id seen alts last-src)
[(and (pair? old-res) (null? (cdr old-res)) (res? (car old-res)))
(update-possible-fail (car old-res) look-back)]
[(and (pair? old-res) (null? (cdr old-res)) (repeat-res? (car old-res)))
(repeat->res (car old-res) look-back)]
[(or (and (res? old-res) (res-a old-res)) (choice-res? old-res) (lazy-opts? old-res))
(update-possible-fail old-res look-back)]
[(repeat-res? old-res)
(printf "finished on repeat-res for ~a res \n" name old-res)
(repeat->res old-res look-back)]
[(pair? old-res)
(printf "finished on pairs of res for ~a\n" name old-res)
(map (lambda (r) (repeat->res r look-back)) (flatten old-res))]
(printf "There was an error for ~a\n" name)
(printf "length seen ~a length rest ~a\n" (length seen) (length (res-rest old-res)))
(fail-res (res-rest old-res)
(let*-values ([(fail) (res-msg old-res)]
[(and (repeat-res? look-back)
(fail-type? (repeat-res-stop look-back))
(>= (fail-type-chance (repeat-res-stop look-back))
(fail-type-chance fail)))
(repeat-res-stop look-back)]
[(and (choice-res? look-back)
(choice-res-errors look-back)
(>= (fail-type-chance (choice-res-errors look-back))
(fail-type-chance fail)))
(choice-res-errors look-back)]
[(and (res? look-back)
(fail-type? (res-possible-error look-back))
(>= (fail-type-chance (res-possible-error look-back))
(fail-type-chance fail)))
(res-possible-error look-back)]
[else #f])]
(and (= (fail-type-may-use fail) 1)
(not (null? (res-rest old-res)))
(next-pred (cdr (res-rest old-res))))]
(if (and next-ok? (res? next-ok?) (res-a next-ok?))
(res-used next-ok?)
[(kind expected found) (get-fail-info fail)]
[(new-src) (update-src kind
(fail-type-src fail)
(res-first-tok old-res))]
[(seen-len) (length seen)]
[(updated-len) (+ (- used seen-len) len)])
(printf "sequence ~a failed.\n seen ~a\n" name (reverse seen))
(when (repeat-res? look-back)
(printf "look-back repeat-res ~a : ~a vs ~a : ~a > ~a\n"
(fail-type? (repeat-res-stop look-back))
(and (fail-type? (repeat-res-stop look-back)) (fail-type-name (repeat-res-stop look-back)))
(fail-type-name (res-msg old-res))
(and (fail-type? (repeat-res-stop look-back)) (fail-type-chance (repeat-res-stop look-back)))
(fail-type-chance (res-msg old-res))))
(when (choice-res? look-back)
(printf "look-back choice: ~a vs ~a : ~a > ~a\n"
(choice-res-name look-back)
(fail-type-name (res-msg old-res))
(and (choice-res-errors look-back)
(fail-type-chance (choice-res-errors look-back)))
(fail-type-chance (res-msg old-res)))
(printf "look-back choice and useds: ~a vs ~a -- ~a \n"
used (and (res? look-back-ref) (res-used look-back-ref))
(and (choice-res-errors look-back)
(fail-type-used (choice-res-errors look-back)))))
(when (pair? look-back)
(printf "look-back is a pair\n"))
(when (res? look-back)
(printf "look-back res ~a : ~a vs ~a : ~a > ~a\n"
(fail-type? (res-possible-error look-back))
(and (fail-type? (res-possible-error look-back)) (fail-type-name (res-possible-error look-back)))
(fail-type-name (res-msg old-res))
(and (fail-type? (res-possible-error look-back)) (fail-type-chance (res-possible-error look-back)))
(fail-type-chance (res-msg old-res)))
(printf "lookback ~a\n" (res-possible-error look-back)))
(let* ([seq-fail-maker
(lambda (fail used)
(let-values ([(kind expected found) (get-fail-info fail)])
(compute-chance len seen-len used alts
(fail-type-may-use fail)
(fail-type-chance fail))
(fail-type-src fail)
name used
(+ used (fail-type-may-use fail) next-used)
id kind (reverse seen) expected found
[seq-fail (seq-fail-maker fail used)]
(and possible-fail
(seq-fail-maker possible-fail
(if (and (choice-res? look-back)
(res? look-back-ref))
(- used (res-used look-back-ref)) used)))]
[opt-fails (list seq-fail pos-fail)])
(printf "pos-fail? ~a\n" (and pos-fail #t))
(printf "seq-fail ~a\n" seq-fail)
(when pos-fail
(printf "used ~a look-back-ref used ~a \n"
used (when (res? look-back-ref) (res-used look-back-ref)))
(printf "opt-fails ~a\n" opt-fails))
(if pos-fail
(make-options-fail (rank-choice (map fail-type-chance opt-fails))
(map fail-type-src opt-fails)
(rank-choice (map fail-type-used opt-fails))
(rank-choice (map fail-type-may-use opt-fails))
(define (compute-chance expected-length seen-length used-toks num-alts may-use sub-chance)
(let* ([revised-expectation (+ (- used-toks seen-length) expected-length)]
[possible-expectation (+ revised-expectation (max 0 (sub1 may-use)))]
[probability-with-sub (* (/ (+ may-use used-toks) possible-expectation) (/ 1 num-alts))]
[probability-with-sub (* (/ (add1 used-toks) revised-expectation) (/ 1 num-alts))]
[probability-without-sub (* (/ used-toks revised-expectation) (/ 1 num-alts))]
[expected-sub probability-with-sub]
[expected-no-sub probability-without-sub]
[probability (/ (* expected-sub sub-chance) (+ (* expected-sub sub-chance)
(* expected-no-sub (- 1 sub-chance))))])
(when (zero? used-toks)
(printf "compute-chance 0 case: ~a, ~a, ~a, ~a -> ~a\n"
sub-chance expected-length num-alts may-use
(* (/ 1 num-alts) sub-chance)))
[(zero? used-toks) (* (/ 1 num-alts) sub-chance)]
[(zero? used-toks) sub-chance probability-with-sub]
(printf "compute-chance: args ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a\n"
expected-length seen-length used-toks num-alts may-use sub-chance)
(printf "compute-chance: intermediate values: ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a ~a\n"
revised-expectation possible-expectation probability-with-sub probability-without-sub expected-sub expected-no-sub)
(printf "compute-chance answer ~a\n" probability)
(define (repeat-greedy sub)
(letrec ([repeat-name (lambda () (string-append "any number of " (sub return-name)))]
[memo-table (make-weak-map)]
[inner-memo-table (make-weak-map)]
(lambda (curr-ans rest-ans)
[(repeat-res? rest-ans)
(printf "building up the repeat answer for ~a\n" repeat-name)
[(res? curr-ans)
(let* ([a (res-a curr-ans)]
[rest (repeat-res-a rest-ans)]
(lambda (r)
[(res? r)
(printf "rest is a res for ~a, res-a is ~a \n" a repeat-name)
(make-res (append a (res-a r)) (res-rest r) (repeat-name) #f
(+ (res-used curr-ans) (res-used r))
#f (res-first-tok r))
(repeat-res-stop rest-ans))]
(error 'parser-internal-error9 (format "~a" r))]))])
[(and (pair? rest) (null? (cdr rest)))
(printf "rest is a one-element list for ~a\n" repeat-name)
(repeat-build (car rest))]
[(pair? rest)
(printf "rest is a pair for ~a ~a\n" repeat-name (length rest))
(map repeat-build (flatten rest))]
[else (repeat-build rest)]))]
[else (error 'parser-internal-error12 (format "~a" curr-ans))])]
[(pair? rest-ans)
(map (lambda (r) (process-rest curr-ans r)) (flatten rest-ans))]
[else (error 'parser-internal-error10 (format "~a" rest-ans))]))]
(lambda (input prev-src)
[(null? input) prev-src]
[src? (src-list (position-token-start-pos (car input))
(position-token-end-pos (car input)))]
[else prev-src]))])
(opt-lambda (input [start-src (list 1 0 1 0)] [alts 1])
[(eq? input return-name) (repeat-name)]
[(eq? input terminal-occurs) (sub terminal-occurs)]
[(weak-map-get memo-table input #f)(weak-map-get memo-table input)]
(let ([ans
(let loop ([curr-input input] [curr-src start-src])
(printf "length of curr-input for ~a ~a\n" repeat-name (length curr-input))
(printf "curr-input ~a\n" (map position-token-token curr-input))
[(weak-map-get inner-memo-table curr-input #f)(weak-map-get inner-memo-table curr-input)]
[(null? curr-input)
(printf "out of input for ~a\n" (repeat-name))
(make-repeat-res (make-res null null (repeat-name) "" 0 #f #f) 'out-of-input)]
(let ([this-res (sub curr-input curr-src)])
(printf "Repeat of ~a called it's repeated entity \n" (repeat-name))
[(and (res? this-res) (res-a this-res))
(printf "loop again case for ~a\n" (repeat-name))
(process-rest this-res
(loop (res-rest this-res)
(update-src (res-rest this-res) curr-src)))]
[(res? this-res)
(printf "fail for error case of ~a: ~a ~a\n"
[(choice-fail? (res-msg this-res)) 'choice]
[(sequence-fail? (res-msg this-res)) 'seq]
[(options-fail? (res-msg this-res)) 'options]
[else 'terminal])
(fail-type-chance (res-msg this-res)))
(let ([fail (make-repeat-res (make-res null curr-input (repeat-name) "" 0 #f #f)
(res-msg this-res))])
(weak-map-put! inner-memo-table curr-input fail)
[(repeat-res? this-res)
(printf "repeat-res case of ~a\n" repeat-name)
(process-rest (repeat-res-a this-res)
(res-rest (repeat-res-a this-res)))]
[(lazy-opts? this-res)
(let ([process (lambda (res)
(cond [(res? res)
(process-rest res (loop (res-rest res) (update-src (res-rest res) curr-src)))]
[(repeat-res? res)
(process-rest (repeat-res-a res) (res-rest (repeat-res-a res)))]
[else (error 'repeat-greedy-loop (format "Internal error, given ~a" res))]))])
(update-lazy-opts this-res
(map process (lazy-opts-matches this-res))
(map (lambda (t)
(lambda ()
(let ([next-res (next-opt this-res)])
(and next-res (process next-res)))))
(lazy-opts-thunks this-res))))]
[(or (choice-res? this-res) (pair? this-res))
(let ([list-of-answer
(if (choice-res? this-res) (choice-res-matches this-res) (flatten this-res))])
(printf "repeat call of ~a, choice-res ~a\n"
(and (choice-res? this-res)
(length list-of-answer)))
[(null? (cdr list-of-answer))
(process-rest (car list-of-answer)
(loop (res-rest (car list-of-answer))
(update-src (res-rest (car list-of-answer))
(map (lambda (match)
(printf "calling repeat loop again ~a, res-rest match ~a\n"
(repeat-name) (length (res-rest match)))
(process-rest match
(loop (res-rest match)
(update-src (res-rest match) curr-src))))
[else (error 'internal-parser-error8 (format "~a" this-res))]))]))])
(weak-map-put! memo-table input ans)
(printf "repeat of ~a ended with ans \n" repeat-name ans)
(define (choice opt-list name)
(let ([memo-table (make-weak-map)]
[terminal-counts #f]
[num-choices (length opt-list)]
[choice-names (lambda () (map (lambda (o) (o return-name)) opt-list))])
(opt-lambda (input [last-src (list 0 0 0 0)] [alts 1])
(unless (eq? input return-name) (printf "choice ~a\n" name))
(printf "possible options are ~a\n" (choice-names))
(let ([sub-opts (sub1 (+ alts num-choices))])
[(eq? input return-name) name]
[(eq? input terminal-occurs)
(or terminal-counts
(set! terminal-counts 'counting)
(set! terminal-counts
(consolidate-count (map (lambda (symbol) (symbol terminal-occurs)) opt-list)))
[(weak-map-get memo-table input #f) (weak-map-get memo-table input)]
(printf "choice ~a\n" name)
(printf "possible options are ~a\n" (choice-names))
([(options) (map (lambda (term) (term input last-src sub-opts)) opt-list)]
[a (printf "choice-options ~a \n ~a \n\n\n" choice-names options)]
[(fails) (map (lambda (x)
[(res? x) (res-msg x)]
[(repeat-res? x) (res-msg (repeat-res-a x))]
[(choice-res? x) (choice-res-errors x)]
[else (error 'here-non-res x)]))
(flatten options))]
[(corrects errors) (split-list options)]
(lambda (fails)
(if (null? fails)
(make-choice-fail (rank-choice (map fail-type-chance fails))
(if (or (null? input)
(not (position-token? (car input))))
(position-token-end-pos (car input))))
(rank-choice (map fail-type-used fails))
(rank-choice (map fail-type-may-use fails))
num-choices (choice-names)
(null? input)
[(null? corrects) (fail-res input (fail-builder fails))]
[else (make-choice-res name corrects (fail-builder errors))])])
(printf "choice ~a is returning options were ~a \n" name (choice-names))
(printf "corrects were ~a\n" corrects)
(printf "errors were ~a\n" errors)
(weak-map-put! memo-table input ans) ans)])))))
(define (choice2 opt-list name)
(let ([memo-table (make-weak-map)]
[num-choices (length opt-list)]
[choice-names (lambda () (map (lambda (o) (o return-name)) opt-list))])
(opt-lambda (input [last-src (list 0 0 0 0)] [alts 1])
(unless (eq? input return-name) (printf "choice ~a\n" name))
(printf "possible options are ~a\n" choice-names)
(let ([sub-opts (sub1 (+ alts num-choices))])
[(weak-map-get memo-table input #f) (weak-map-get memo-table input)]
[(eq? input return-name) name]
(let* ([options (map (lambda (term) (lambda () (term input last-src sub-opts))) opt-list)]
[initial-fail (make-choice-fail 0
(if (or (null? input) (not (position-token? (car input))))
(update-src-end last-src
(position-token-end-pos (car input))))
(null? input)
[initial-ans (make-lazy-choice null initial-fail options name)]
(if (next-opt initial-ans)
(fail-res input (lazy-opts-errors initial-ans)))])
(printf "choice ~a is returning options were ~a, answer is ~a \n" name (choice-names) ans)
(weak-map-put! memo-table input ans) ans)])))))
(define (flatten lst)
[(pair? lst)
[(pair? (car lst))
(append (flatten (car lst))
(flatten (cdr lst)))]
[else (cons (car lst) (flatten (cdr lst)))])]
[else null]))
(define (correct-list subs)
[(pair? subs)
[(and (res? (car subs)) (res-a (car subs)))
(cons (car subs) (correct-list (cdr subs)))]
[(choice-res? (car subs))
(append (choice-res-matches (car subs)) (correct-list (cdr subs)))]
[(repeat-res? (car subs))
(cons (repeat-res-a (car subs)) (correct-list (cdr subs)))]
[(pair? (car subs))
(append (car subs) (correct-list (cdr subs)))]
[else (correct-list (cdr subs))])]
[(null? subs) null]
[else (error 'parser-internal-error6 (format "~a" subs))]))
(define (split-list subs)
(let loop ([in subs] [correct null] [incorrect null])
[(pair? in)
[(and (res? (car in)) (res-a (car in)))
(loop (cdr in) (cons (car in) correct) incorrect)]
[(choice-res? (car in))
(loop (cdr in)
(append (choice-res-matches (car in)) correct)
(if (choice-res-errors (car in))
(cons (choice-res-errors (car in)) incorrect)
[(repeat-res? (car in))
(loop (cdr in)
(cons (repeat-res-a (car in)) correct)
[(pair? (car in))
(loop (cdr in) (append (car in) correct) incorrect)]
[(res? (car in))
(loop (cdr in) correct (cons (res-msg (car in)) incorrect))]
[else (error 'split-list (car in))])]
[(null? in)
(values (flatten correct) (flatten incorrect))])))
(define (src-list src-s src-e)
(list (position-line src-s)
(position-col src-s)
(position-offset src-s)
(- (position-offset src-s)
(position-offset src-e))))
(define (update-src-start src new-start)
(list (position-line new-start)
(position-col new-start)
(position-offset new-start)
(+ (- (third src)
(position-offset new-start))
(fourth src))))
(define (update-src-end src new-end)
(when (null? src) (error 'update-src-end))
(list (max (first src) 1)
(second src)
(max (third src) 1)
(- (position-offset new-end) (third src))))
(define (repeat op)
(letrec ([name (lambda () (string-append "any number of " (op return-name)))]
[r* (opt-lambda (x [s (list 0 1 0 1)] [o 1])
((choice (list op
(seq (list op r*) (lambda (list-args) list-args) (name))
(seq null (lambda (x) null) "epsilon"))
(name)) x s o))])