#lang racket

(require srfi/1
         (prefix-in rx parser-tools/lex-sre)

  (liso-read read)
  (liso-read-syntax read-syntax)))

(define-tokens tk (ID OP PFX SFX OPEN CLOSE INDENT))

(define $boundary
  (apply set (string->list " \n\r\t()[]{}.:;,\"'`")))

  (digit (char-set "0123456789"))
  (opchar (char-set "+-*/~^<>=%#$@&|?!"))
  (symchar (rx~ (char-set " \n\r\t()[]{}.:;,\"'`"))))

(define liso-raw-lexer

   ;; comments
   ((rx: ";;" (rx+ (rx~ "\n"))) (liso-raw-lexer input-port))

   ;; brackets
   ((rxor "(" "[" "{") (token-OPEN (string->symbol lexeme)))
   ((rxor ")" "]" "}") (token-CLOSE (string->symbol lexeme)))

   ;; 'char'
   ("'\\''" (token-ID #\'))
   ((rx: "'" (rx* (rx~ "'")) "'")
    (let* ((len (string-length lexeme))
           (name (substring lexeme 1 (- len 1))))
      (token-ID (read (open-input-string (string-append "#\\" name))))))

   ;; #"symbol"
   ((rx: "#\"" (rx* (rxor (rx~ "\"") "\\\"")) "\"")
    (token-ID (string->symbol
               (read (open-input-string
                      (substring lexeme 1))))))

   ;; "string"
   ((rx: "\"" (rx* (rxor (rx~ "\"") "\\\"")) "\"")
    (token-ID (read (open-input-string lexeme))))

   ;; `operator`
   ((rx: "`" (rx* symchar) "`")
    (token-OP (read (open-input-string
                     (substring lexeme 1
                                (- (string-length lexeme) 1))))))

   ;; numbers
   ((rx: (rx+ digit) "." (rx+ digit))
    (token-ID (read (open-input-string lexeme))))
   ;; :
   ((rx: ":" (rx+ (rxor opchar "." ":")))
    (token-OP (string->symbol lexeme)))
   (":" (token-OP '|:|))

   ;; .
   ((rx: ".." (rx+ ".")) (token-ID (string->symbol lexeme)))
   ((rx: "." (rx* (rxor opchar "." ":")))
    (token-PFX (string->symbol lexeme)))

   ;; ,
   ((rx+ ",") (token-OP '|,|))

   ;; operator
   ((rx: opchar (rx? (rx: (rx* symchar) opchar)))
    (token-OP (string->symbol lexeme)))

   ;; identifier
   ((rx: "#:" (rx+ symchar)) (token-ID (read (open-input-string lexeme))))
   ((rx+ symchar) (token-ID (read (open-input-string lexeme))))

   ;; White space
   ((rx+ (char-set " \t")) (liso-raw-lexer input-port))
   ((rx: (rx+ (rx: "\n" (rx* " "))) "\\")
    (liso-raw-lexer input-port))

   ;; Indent
   ((rx+ (rx: "\n" (rx* " ")))
    (let ((parts (reverse (cons "" (string-split lexeme "\n" #:trim? #f)))))
      (token-INDENT (string-length (car parts)))))

   ;; EOF
   ((eof) 'EOF)))

(define (liso-raw port)
   (token-OPEN '|{|)
   (let loop ((port port))
     (let ((next (liso-raw-lexer port)))
       (if (eq? next 'EOF)
           (stream (token-CLOSE '|}|) 'EOF)
            (loop port)))))))

(define $linebreak '|,|)
(define $indent-open '|{|)
(define $indent-close '|}|)

(define (liso-indent tokens (cont (lambda (_) (error "Unbalanced brackets."))))
  (define curr #f)
  (define stack (make-queue))
  (define (process tokens)
    (if (stream-empty? tokens)
        (let ((token (stream-first tokens))
              (rest (stream-rest tokens)))
          (case (token-name token)
             (define inserts
               (let ((new-indent (token-value token)))
                  ((not curr)
                   (set! curr new-indent)
                   (list (token-OP $linebreak)))
                    ((> new-indent curr)
                     (enqueue-front! stack curr)
                     (set! curr new-indent)
                     (list (token-OPEN $indent-open)))
                    ((= new-indent curr)
                     (list (token-OP $linebreak)))
                     (define rval (list (token-OP $linebreak)))
                     (let loop ()
                       (when (and (< new-indent curr)
                                  (not (queue-empty? stack)))
                             (set! curr (dequeue! stack))
                             (set! rval (cons (token-CLOSE $indent-close) rval))
                     (when (and (< new-indent curr)
                                (queue-empty? stack))
                           (set! curr 'inconsistent))
             (stream-append inserts (process rest)))
             (if (eq? curr 'inconsistent)
                 (error "Inconsistent indent")
                 (stream-cons token
                              (liso-indent rest process))))
              (map (lambda (_) (token-CLOSE $indent-close))
                   (queue->list stack))
              (list token)
              (cont rest)))
             (if (eq? curr 'inconsistent)
                 (error "Inconsistent indent")
                 (stream-cons token
                              (process rest))))))))
  (process tokens))

(define void (when #f #f))

(define (liso-alternate tokens (last 'OP))
  (if (stream-empty? tokens)
      (let* ((token (stream-first tokens))
             (rest (stream-rest tokens))
             (_type (token-name token))
             (type (case _type ((OPEN) 'PFX) ((CLOSE) 'SFX) (else _type))))
        (define inserts
          `(((ID ID) | |)
            ((ID OP))
            ((ID PFX) | | ,void)
            ((ID SFX))
            ((ID EOF))

            ((OP ID))
            ((OP OP) ,void)
            ((OP PFX) ,void)
            ((OP SFX) ,void)
            ((OP EOF) ,void)

            ((PFX ID))
            ((PFX OP) ,void)
            ((PFX PFX) ,void)
            ((PFX SFX) ,void)
            ((PFX EOF) ,void)

            ((SFX ID) ,void | |)
            ((SFX OP) ,void)
            ((SFX PFX) ,void | | ,void)
            ((SFX SFX) ,void)
            ((SFX EOF) ,void)))
         (cdr (assoc (list last type) inserts))
         (if (eq? token 'EOF)
             (list (token-value token)))
         (liso-alternate rest type)))))

(define-syntax-rule (chk expr expr2)
  (with-handlers ((exn? (lambda (e) expr2)))

(define absent (gensym 'absent))

(define (oparse next order finalize)
  (define between (next))
  (call/cc (lambda (return)
    (define right-op (chk (next) (return (finalize between))))
    (define left-op absent)
    (define stack (make-queue))
    (define current absent)

    (let loop ()
      (define ord
         ((eq? left-op absent)
          (if (eq? right-op absent)
              (return between)
         ((eq? right-op absent) 'left)
         (#t (order left-op right-op))))
      (case ord
         (gvector-add! current between)
         (set! between (finalize current))
         (let ((front (dequeue! stack)))
           (set! left-op (car front))
           (set! current (cdr front))))
         (enqueue-front! stack (cons left-op current))
         (set! left-op right-op)
         (set! current (gvector (gvector right-op) between))
         (set! between (next))
         (set! right-op (chk (next) absent)))
         (gvector-add! (gvector-ref current 0) right-op)
         (gvector-add! current between)
         (set! left-op right-op)
         (set! between (next))
         (set! right-op (chk (next) absent)))
         (error "Operators cannot be mixed in the order given" left-op right-op)))

(define order-table
  ;; ((compat-left compat-right prio-left prio-right) operators ...)
  ;; When comparing op1 to op2,
  ;; if compat-left(op1) & compat-right(op2) == 0: error
  ;; if prio-left(op1) > prio-right(op2): op1 wins
  ;; if prio-left(op1) < prio-right(op2): op2 wins
  ;; if prio-left(op1) == prio-right(op2): op1 and op2 are aggregated

  `(;; brackets
    ((255 255 0 10000) |{| |(| |[|)
    ((255 255 10000 0) |}| |)| |]|)

    ;; organization and assignment
    ((255 255 1 1) |,|)
    ((255 255 5 6) =>)
    ((255 4   10 11) : ->)  ;; 4 prevents arith/custom operators in lhs
    ((255 255 10 11) = := !! $)

    ;; <...>
    ((255 255 20 20)
     ,(lambda (x)
        ;; x == <{...}>, e.g. <if>, <union>, etc.
        (let* ((s (symbol->string x))
               (l (string-length s)))
          (and (eq? (string-ref s 0) #\<)
               (eq? (string-ref s (- l 1)) #\>)))))

    ;; logical
    ((1 1 100 100) \|\|)
    ((1 1 101 101) &&)
    ((1 1 102 102) !)

    ;; comparison
    ((1 1 150 150) < > <= >= == /=)

    ;; arith
    ((1 1 201 200) + -)
    ((1 1 301 300) * / // %)
    ((1 1 400 401) **)

    ;; dot and juxtaposition
    ((255 255 1001 1000) | |)
    ((255 255 2000 10000)
     ,(lambda (x)
        ;; x == .{...}, e.g. ., .+, .&*&, etc.
        (let* ((s (symbol->string x)))
          (eq? (string-ref s 0) #\.))))

    ;; custom
    ((2 2 20 20) ,(lambda (x) #t))

(define ord-hash (make-hasheq))
(define ord-fns '())

 (lambda (entry)
   (let ((policy (car entry)))
      (lambda (operator)
        (if (symbol? operator)
            (hash-set! ord-hash operator policy)
            (set! ord-fns (cons (cons operator policy) ord-fns))))
      (cdr entry))))
(set! ord-fns (reverse ord-fns))

(define (get-priority op sel1 sel2)
  (let* ((hash-policy (hash-ref ord-hash op #f))
         (policy (if hash-policy
                     (let loop ((fns ord-fns))
                       (let ((fn (car fns)))
                         (if ((car fn) op)
                             (cdr fn)
                             (loop (cdr fns))))))))
    (list (sel1 policy) (sel2 policy))))

(define (order o1 o2)
  (match-let (((list c1 p1) (get-priority o1 car caddr))
              ((list c2 p2) (get-priority o2 cadr cadddr)))
     ((zero? (bitwise-and c1 c2)) 'none)
     ((> p1 p2) 'left)
     ((< p1 p2) 'right)
     (else 'aggr))))

(define (make-finalizer fn)
  (lambda (f)
    (let ((exprs (gvector->list f))) 
      (apply fn
             (gvector->list (car exprs))
             (cdr exprs)))))

(define (collapse-start li)
  (if (<= (length li) 1)
      (if (eq? (car li) (cadr li))
          (collapse-start (cdr li))

(define (split-lead expr)
  (match expr
    ((list 'apply f arg)
     (let* ((results (split-lead f))
            (lead (car results))
            (args (cdr results)))
       (cons lead
             (if (eq? args absent)
                 `(apply ,args ,arg)))))
    ((list f fargs ...)
     (let* ((results (split-lead f))
            (lead (car results))
            (args (cdr results)))
       (cons lead
             (if (eq? args absent)
                 `(list ,@fargs)
                 `(,args ,@fargs)))))
    (_ (cons expr absent))))

(define finalize
   (lambda (ops . args)
     (match ops

            ('(|{| |}|)
             (let ((arg (cadr args)))
               (match arg
                      ((list '#%seq args ...)
                       `(begin ,@args))
                      ((== void eq?)
                      (_ arg))))

            ('(|(| |)|)
             (let ((arg (cadr args)))
               (match arg
                      ((list '#%seq args ...)
                       `(list ,@args))
                      ((== void eq?)
                      (_ `(list ,arg)))))

            ('(|[| |]|)
             (let ((arg (cadr args)))
               (match arg
                      ((list '#%seq args ...)
                       `(sqbr ,@args))
                      ((== void eq?)
                      (_ `(sqbr ,arg)))))

            ('(| |)
             (let ((f (car args))
                   (arg (cadr args)))
               (match arg
                      ((list 'list args ...)
                       `(,f ,@args))
                       `(apply ,f ,arg)))))


             (list 'quasiquote (cadr args)))

             (list 'quote (cadr args)))

             (let* ((arg (cadr args)))
               (match arg
                 ((list begin rest ...)
                  (list 'quasiquote rest))
                 ((list begin rest ...)
                  (list 'quasiquote arg)))))

             (let* ((lhs (car args))
                    (body (cadr args))
                    (results (split-lead lhs))
                    (lead (car results))
                    (arg (cdr results)))
               (define rest
                 (match body
                   ((list 'begin stmts ...)
                    (list body))))
               (if (eq? lead void)
                   (if (eq? arg absent)
                       (cons arg rest))
                   (if (eq? arg absent)
                       (cons lead rest)
                       (cons lead (cons arg rest))))))

            ((list '|,| ...)
             (let ((args (filter (lambda (arg) (not (eq? arg void))) args)))
               (if (= (length args) 1)
                   (car args)
                   `(#%seq ,@args))))

            ((list single)
             (if (eq? (car args) void)
                 (if (eq? (cadr args) void)
                     (cons single (cdr args)))
                 (cons single args)))

             (let* ((ops (reverse (collapse-start (reverse ops))))
                    (s (string->symbol
                        (string-join (map symbol->string ops) "_"))))
               (cons s args)))))))

(define (make-next stream)
  (define current stream)
  (lambda ()
    (let ((rval (stream-first current)))
      (set! current (stream-rest current))

(define (parse in)
  (let ((tokens (liso-alternate (liso-indent (liso-raw in)))))
    ;; (pretty-print (stream->list tokens))
    (oparse (make-next tokens)

(define (liso-read in)
  (syntax->datum (read-syntax #f in)))

;; This line seems to prevent racket from being required twice (once
;; here and once by the module returned by read-syntax). I am not
;; entirely sure what is going on, but hey, it works, I guess.
(module liso-mod "liso-mod.rkt")

(define (liso-read-syntax src in)
  (define ptree (parse in))
  ;; (pretty-print ptree)
  ;; (display "======\n")
  (define rval
        ((code ptree)
         (path 'liso/lang/liso-mod))
       #'(module _ path code))))