Defines many of the library procedures provided by ACL2:

Other library functions are implemented in (file "acl2-prims-scheme.scm").
(module acl2-prims (file "../dracula-core.scm")
  (require-for-syntax "../checking-proc.scm")
  (require (prefix srfi: (lib "" "srfi"))
           (all-except mzscheme
                       #%module-begin #%top #%app #%datum
                       not null
                       quote quasiquote
                       let let*
                       cond case if and or
                       cons car cdr list list*
                       caar cadr cdar cddr 
                       caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
                       caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
                       cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
                       append reverse member length
                       char-upcase char-downcase
                       assoc remove
                       string string-append string-upcase string-downcase
                       > >= = <= <
                       + * - /
                       numerator denominator
                       expt abs min max ceiling floor
                       round truncate
                       integer-length ;; added for MzScheme 369.5
                       require lambda void)
           (rename mzscheme mz:let let)
           (rename mzscheme mz:let* let*)
           (rename mzscheme mz:cons cons)
           (rename mzscheme mz:car  car) ;(rename mzscheme mz:first first)
           (rename mzscheme mz:cdr  cdr) ;(rename mzscheme mz:rest  rest)
           (rename mzscheme mz:list list)
           (rename mzscheme mz:list* list*)
           (rename mzscheme mz:append append)
           (rename mzscheme mz:member member)
           (rename mzscheme mz:length length)
           (rename mzscheme mz:reverse reverse)
           (rename mzscheme mz:reverse! reverse!)
           (rename mzscheme mz:char-upcase char-upcase)
           (rename mzscheme mz:char-downcase char-downcase)
           (rename mzscheme mz:string string)
           (rename mzscheme mz:string-append string-append)
           (rename mzscheme mz:string-upcase string-upcase)
           (rename mzscheme mz:string-downcase string-downcase)
           (rename mzscheme mz:not not)
           (rename mzscheme mz:and and)
           (rename mzscheme mz:or  or)
           (rename mzscheme mz:if  if)
           (rename mzscheme mz:cond cond)
           (rename mzscheme mz:>   >)
           (rename mzscheme mz:>=  >=)
           (rename mzscheme mz:=   = )
           (rename mzscheme mz:<=  <=)
           (rename mzscheme mz:<   < )
           (rename mzscheme mz:+ +)
           (rename mzscheme mz:- -)
           (rename mzscheme mz:* *)
           (rename mzscheme mz:/ /)
           (rename mzscheme mz:numerator numerator)
           (rename mzscheme mz:denominator denominator)
           (rename mzscheme mz:expt expt)
           (rename mzscheme mz:ceiling ceiling)
           (rename mzscheme mz:floor floor)
  (require (file "acl2-prims-scheme.scm"))
  (provide (all-from (file "acl2-prims-scheme.scm")))
  (define (false->nil x) (mz:if x x nil))
  (define (scheme->CL x) (mz:if x (mz:if (eq? x #t) T x) nil))
  (define (iterate n f x)
    (mz:if (zero? n)
           (iterate (sub1 n) f (f x))))
  (define-syntax (define/guard stx)
    (syntax-case stx (guard else)
      [(_ (name formals ...)
          (guard test else completion) body)
       ;; FIX ME:  Need to turn the guard into a contract.
           (provide [rename macro name])
           (define (name formals ...) body)
           (define-syntax macro (checking-proc name (formals ...))))]
      [(_ (name formals ...) (guard test) body)
       #'(define/guard (name formals ...) (guard test else nil) body)]
      [(_ (name formals ...) body)
           (provide [rename macro name])
           (define (name formals ...) body)
           (define-syntax macro (checking-proc name (formals ...))))]))
;;;; PREDICATES ;;;;
;; Booleans
(define/guard (booleanp x) (or (eq x T) (eq x nil)))
(define/guard (implies p q) (or (not p) q))
(define/guard (iff x y) (and (implies x y) (implies y x)))

;;;; ORDINALS ;;;;
(define/guard (o-finp x) (atom x))
(define/guard (o-infp x) (not (o-finp x)))
(define/guard (o-first-coeff x)
  (guard (or (o-finp x) (consp (car x))))
  (if (o-finp x) x (cdar x)))
(define/guard (o-first-expt x)
  (guard (or (o-finp x) (consp (car x))))
  (if (o-finp x) 0 (caar x)))
(define/guard (o-rst x)
  (guard (consp x))
  (cdr x))
(define/guard (o-p x)
  (if (o-finp x)
      (natp x)
      (and (consp (car x))
           (o-p (o-first-expt x)) (not (eql 0 (o-first-expt x)))
           (posp (o-first-coeff x))
           (o-p (o-rst x))
           (o< (o-first-expt (o-rst x))
               (o-first-expt x)))))
(define (o<g x) (if (atom x)
                    (rationalp x)
                    (and (consp (car x))
                         (rationalp (o-first-coeff x))
                         (o<g (o-first-expt x))
                         (o<g (o-rst x)))))
(define/guard (o< x y)
  (guard (and (o<g x) (o<g y)))
  (cond [(o-finp x) (or (o-infp y) (< x y))]
        [(o-finp y) nil]
        [(not (equal (o-first-expt x)
                     (o-first-expt y)))
         (o< (o-first-expt x) (o-first-expt y))]
        [(not (= (o-first-coeff x) (o-first-coeff y)))
         (< (o-first-coeff x) (o-first-coeff y))]
        [T (o< (o-rst x) (o-rst y))]))
(define/guard (o<= x y) (not (o< y x)))
(define/guard (o> x y) (o< y x))
(define/guard (o>= x y) (not (o< x y)))

(define/guard (make-ord fe fco rst)
  (guard (and (posp fco) (o-p fe) (o-p rst))
         else (cons (cons fe fco) rst)) ;; ACL2 allows bogus ordinals to be built
  (cons (cons fe fco) rst))

;; Numbers

(define/guard (complex/complex-rationalp x) (complex-rationalp x))

(define/guard (int= x y) ;; TEST ME
  (guard (and (integerp x) (integerp y)))
  (= x y))
(define/guard (/= x y)
  (guard (and (acl2-numberp x) (acl2-numberp y)))
  (not (= x y)))

(define/guard (zerop x)
  (guard (acl2-numberp x))
  (if (acl2-numberp x)
      (eql x 0)
(define/guard (zip x)
  (guard (integerp x))
  (if (integerp x)
      (eql x 0)

(define/guard (zpf x)
  (guard (and (integerp x)
              (<= 0 x)
              (<= x (1- (expt 2 28)))))
  (zp x))

(define/guard (integer-listp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (integerp (car x))
           (integer-listp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

(define/guard (rational-listp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (rationalp (car x))
           (rational-listp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

;; Numbers, cont.
(define/guard (abs r)
  (guard (real/rationalp r))
  (if (minusp r) (- r) r))

(define/guard (signum x)
  (guard (real/rationalp x))
  (cond [(zerop x) 0]
        [(minusp x) -1]
        [T 1]))

(define/guard (nfix x) (if (natp x) x 0))
(define/guard (ifix x) (if (integerp x) x 0))
(define/guard (rfix x) (if (rationalp x) x 0))
(define/guard (realfix x) (if (real/rationalp x) x 0))

(define/guard (ash i bits)
  (guard (and (integerp i) (integerp bits)))
  (arithmetic-shift i bits))
(define/guard (integer-length i)
  (guard (integerp i))
  (cond [(zip i) 0]
        [(= i -1) 0]
        [T (1+ (integer-length (floor i 2)))]))

(define/guard (numerator x)
  (guard (rationalp x)
         else 0)
  (mz:numerator x))
(define/guard (denominator x)
  (guard (rationalp x)
         else 1)
  (mz:denominator x))

(define/guard (ceiling num den)
  (guard (and (real/rationalp num) (real/rationalp den)
              (not (equal den 0))))
  (mz:ceiling (/ num den)))

(define/guard (round i j)
  (guard (and (real/rationalp i)
              (real/rationalp j)
              (not (eql j 0))))
  ;; took from :pe round
  (let ((Q (* i (/ j))))
    (cond [(integerp Q) Q]
          [(>= Q 0)
           (let* ([FL (floor Q 1)]
                  [REMAINDER (- Q FL)])
             (cond [(> REMAINDER 1/2) (+ FL 1)]
                   [(< REMAINDER 1/2) FL]
                   [T (cond [(integerp (* FL (/ 2))) FL]
                            [T (+ FL 1)])]))]
          [T (let* ([CL (ceiling Q 1)]
                    [REMAINDER (- Q CL)])
               (cond [(< (- 1/2) REMAINDER) CL]
                     [(> (- 1/2) REMAINDER) (+ CL -1)]
                     (T (cond [(integerp (* CL (/ 2))) CL]
                              [T (+ CL -1)]))))])))
(define/guard (truncate i j)
  (guard (and (real/rationalp i) (real/rationalp j)
              (not (eql j 0))))
  (let* ((Q (* i (/ j)))
         (N (numerator Q))
         (D (denominator Q)))
    (cond ((= D 1) N)
          ((>= N 0)
           (nonnegative-integer-quotient N D))
          (T (- (nonnegative-integer-quotient (- N)

(define/guard (rem x y)
  (guard (and (real/rationalp x) (real/rationalp y)
              (not (eql y 0))))
  (- x (* (truncate x y) y)))
(define/guard (1+ x) (+ 1 x))
(define/guard (1- x) (- x 1))

(define/guard (unary-- x)
  (guard (acl2-numberp x)
         else 0)
  (mz:- x))

(define/guard (binary-+ x y) 
  (guard (and (acl2-numberp x) (acl2-numberp y))
         else (cond [(acl2-numberp x) x]
                    [(acl2-numberp y) y]
                    [T 0]))
  (mz:+ x y))
(define/guard (binary-* x y) 
  (guard (and (acl2-numberp x) (acl2-numberp y))
         else 0)
  (mz:* x y))
(define/guard (complex real imag)
  (+ real (* imag 0+1i)))

(define/guard (imagpart x)
  (guard (acl2-numberp x))
  (imag-part x))
(define/guard (realpart x)
  (guard (acl2-numberp x))
  (real-part x))

(define/guard (conjugate c)
  (guard (number? c))
  (if (complex? c)
      (let ([real (real-part c)]
            [imag (imag-part c)])
        (complex real (- imag)))

;; LOGICAL / BITWISE operations

(define/guard (logandc1 x y)
  (guard (and (integerp x) (integerp y))
         else (logandc1 (ifix x) (ifix y)))
  (logand (lognot x) y))
(define/guard (logandc2 x y)
  (guard (and (integerp x) (integerp y))
         else (logandc2 (ifix x) (ifix y)))
  (logand x (lognot y)))

(define/guard (logbitp bit i) ;; verify this.
  (guard (and (integerp i) (natp bit))
         else (logbitp (nfix bit) (ifix i)))
  (= (logand (ash i (- bit)) 1) 1))

(define/guard (logcount x)
  (guard (integerp x) else 0)
  (cond [(zip x) 0]
        [(< x 0) (logcount (lognot x))]
        [(evenp x) (logcount (nonnegative-integer-quotient x 2))]
        [T (1+ (logcount (nonnegative-integer-quotient x 2)))]))

(define/guard (lognand x y)
  (guard (and (integerp x) (integerp y))
         else (lognand (ifix x) (ifix y)))
  (lognot (logand x y)))

(define/guard (lognor i j)
  (guard (and (integerp i) (integerp j))
         else (lognor (ifix i) (ifix j)))
  (lognot (logior i j)))

(define/guard (logtest x y)
  (guard (and (integerp x) (integerp y))
         else (logtest (ifix x) (ifix y)))
  (not (zerop (logand x y))))

;; Symbols

(define/guard (keywordp x)
  (and (symbolp x)
       (eql (string-ref (symbol->string x) 0) #\:)))
(define/guard (symbol-name s)
  (guard (symbolp s)
         else "")
  (mz:if (eqv? s '()) 
         (symbol-name 'nil)
         (string-upcase (symbol->string s))))
(define/guard (symbol-package-name s) ;; FIX
  (guard (symbolp s)
         else "")
  ;(printf " >> WARNING: calling (symbol-package-name ~a)~n" s)
  (if (keywordp s)

(define/guard (symbol-< x y) ;; FIX ME -- packages?
  (guard (and (symbolp x) (symbolp y)))
  ;(printf " >> WARNING << -- fix symbol-< in acl2-prims.scm~n")
  (and (string< (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y)) T))

(define/guard (symbol-listp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (symbolp (car x))
           (symbol-listp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))
(define/guard (symbol-alistp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (consp (car x))
           (symbolp (car (car x)))
           (symbol-alistp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

(define/guard (keyword-value-listp x)
  (if (consp x) 
      (and (consp (cdr x)) (keywordp (car x))
           (keyword-value-listp (cddr x)))
      (null x)))

;;; Characters

(define/guard (character-listp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (characterp (car x))
           (character-listp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))
(define/guard (digit-to-char d)
  (guard (and (<= 0 d) (<= d 15))
         else #\0)
  (char-upcase (string-ref (number->string d 16) 0)))

(define/guard (upper-case-p c)
  (guard (standard-char-p c))
  (and (alpha-char-p c) (eql (char-upcase c) c)))
(define/guard (lower-case-p c)
  (guard (standard-char-p c))
  (and (alpha-char-p c) (eql (char-downcase c) c)))

(define/guard (char-upcase c)
  (guard (standard-char-p c)
         else (code-char 0))
  (mz:char-upcase c))
(define/guard (char-downcase c)
  (guard (standard-char-p c)
         else (code-char 0))
  (mz:char-downcase c))

;; Strings
(define/guard (string x)
  (guard (or (stringp x) (symbolp x) (characterp x)))
  (cond [(stringp x) x]
        [(symbolp x) (symbol-name x)]
        [(characterp x) (mz:string x)]))
(define/guard (char s n)
  (guard (and (stringp s) (natp n)))
  (if (< n (length s)) ;; for some reason this isn't in ACL2's guard
      (string-ref s n)

(define/guard (string-listp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (stringp (car x)) (string-listp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

(define (standard-stringp x)
  (and (stringp x)
       (standard-char-listp (coerce x 'list))))
(define/guard (standard-string-alistp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (consp (car x)) (standard-stringp (caar x))
           (standard-string-alistp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

(define/guard (string-append s1 s2)
  (guard (and (stringp s1) (stringp s2)))
  (concatenate 'string s1 s2))

(define/guard (string-upcase s)
  (guard (and (stringp s) 
              (standard-char-listp (coerce s 'list))))
  (mz:string-upcase s))
(define/guard (string-downcase s)
  (guard (and (stringp s) 
              (standard-char-listp (coerce s 'list))))
  (mz:string-downcase s))

(define/guard (length x)
  (guard (or (stringp x) (true-listp x))
         else 0)
  (cond [(stringp x) (string-length x)]
        [T (mz:length x)]))

(define/guard (subseq seq start end)
  (guard (and (or (stringp seq) (true-listp seq))
              (natp start) (or (natp end) (null end))
              (<= start (min (nfix end) (length seq)))))
  (cond [(stringp seq) (substring seq start end)]
        [(listp seq) (srfi:take (srfi:drop seq start) (- end start))]))

(define (position/equiv equivp item seq)
  (mz:let loop ([seq (if (stringp seq) (coerce seq 'list) seq)]
                [posn 0])
          (cond [(null seq) nil]
                [(equivp item (car seq)) posn]
                [T (loop (cdr seq) (1+ posn))])))
(define/guard (position item seq)
  (guard (or (stringp seq)
             (and (true-listp seq)
                  (or (eqlablep item)
                      (eqlable-listp seq)))))
  (position/equiv (lambda (x y) (eql x y)) item seq))
(define/guard (position-eq item seq)
  (guard (and (true-listp seq)
              (or (symbolp item)
                  (symbol-listp seq))))
  (position/equiv (lambda (x y) (eq x y)) item seq))
(define/guard (position-equal item seq)
  (guard (or (stringp seq) (true-listp seq)))
  (position/equiv (lambda (x y) (equal x y)) item seq))

;; Lists

(define/guard (listp x) (or (null x) (consp x)))
(define/guard (proper-consp x)
  (and (true-listp x) (not (null x))))
(define/guard (improper-consp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (improper-consp/check-rest (cdr x))
(define (improper-consp/check-rest x)
  (if (consp x)
      (improper-consp/check-rest (cdr x))
      (not (null x))))

(define/guard (eqlable-listp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (eqlablep (car x))
           (eqlable-listp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

(define/guard (true-list-listp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (true-listp (car x))
           (true-list-listp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

(define/guard (first x) (car x))

(define/guard (rest x) (cdr x))

(define/guard (fifth x) (car (iterate 4 (lambda (x) (cdr x)) x)))
(define/guard (sixth x) (car (iterate 5 (lambda (x) (cdr x)) x)))
(define/guard (seventh x) (car (iterate 6 (lambda (x) (cdr x)) x)))
(define/guard (eighth x) (car (iterate 7 (lambda (x) (cdr x)) x)))
(define/guard (ninth x) (car (iterate 8 (lambda (x) (cdr x)) x)))
(define/guard (tenth x) (car (iterate 9 (lambda (x) (cdr x)) x)))

(define/guard (nthcdr n l)
  (guard (and (natp n) (true-listp l)))
  (if (zp n) l (nthcdr (1- n) (cdr l))))
(define/guard (update-nth key val l)
  (guard (and (natp key) (true-listp l)))
  (if (zp key) 
      (cons val (cdr l))
      (cons (car l) (update-nth (1- key) val (cdr l)))))

(define/guard (take n l)
  (guard (and (natp n) (true-listp l)))
  (if (zp n)
      (cons (car l) (take (1- n) (cdr l)))))

(define/guard (binary-append x y)
  (guard (true-listp x))
  (mz:append x y))

(define (member/equiv equiv elt lst)
  (cond [(null lst) nil]
        [(equiv elt (car lst)) lst]
        [T (member/equiv equiv elt (cdr lst))]))
(define/guard (member elt lst)
  (guard (if (eqlablep elt) (true-listp lst) (eqlable-listp lst)))
  (member/equiv (lambda (x y) (eql x y))
                elt lst))
(define/guard (member-eq elt lst)
  (guard (if (symbolp elt) (true-listp lst) (symbol-listp lst)))
  (member/equiv (lambda (x y) (eq x y)) elt lst))
(define/guard (member-equal elt lst)
  (guard (true-listp lst))
  (member/equiv (lambda (x y) (equal x y)) elt lst))

(define/guard (remove x lst)
  (guard (if (eqlablep x) (true-listp lst) (eqlable-listp lst)))
  (cond [(null lst) nil]
        [(eql x (car lst)) (remove x (cdr lst))]
        [T (cons (car lst) (remove x (cdr lst)))]))
(define (remove-duplicates/equiv equiv lst)
  (cond [(endp lst) nil]
        [(member/equiv equiv (car lst) (cdr lst))
         (remove-duplicates/equiv equiv (cdr lst))]
        [T (cons (car lst) (remove-duplicates/equiv equiv (cdr lst)))]))
(define/guard (remove-duplicates lst)
  (guard (or (stringp lst) (eqlable-listp lst)))
  (if (stringp lst)
      (coerce (remove-duplicates-eql (coerce lst 'list)) 'string)
      (remove-duplicates-eql lst)))

(define/guard (remove-duplicates-eql lst)
  (guard (eqlable-listp lst))
  (remove-duplicates/equiv (lambda (x y) (eql x y)) lst))
(define/guard (remove-duplicates-equal lst)
  (guard (true-listp lst))
  (remove-duplicates/equiv (lambda (x y) (equal x y)) lst))

(define/guard (no-duplicatesp lst)
  (guard (eqlable-listp lst))
  (cond [(endp lst) T]
        [(member (car lst) (cdr lst)) nil]
        [T (no-duplicatesp (cdr lst))]))
(define/guard (no-duplicatesp-equal lst)
  (guard (true-listp lst))
  (cond [(endp lst) T]
        [(member-equal (car lst) (cdr lst)) nil]
        [T (no-duplicatesp-equal (cdr lst))]))

(define/guard (pairlis$ xs ys)
  (guard (and (true-listp xs) (true-listp ys)))
  (if (null xs)
      (cons (cons (car xs) (car ys)) (pairlis$ (cdr xs) (cdr ys)))))

(define/guard (fix-true-list x)
  (if (consp x)
      (cons (car x) (fix-true-list (cdr x)))

(define/guard (butlast l n)
  (guard (and (true-listp l) (natp n)))
  (if (<= (len l) n)
      (srfi:drop-right l n)))

(define/guard (last x)
  (guard (listp x))
  (if (null x) 
      (srfi:last-pair x)))

;; Lists / Alists
(define/guard (acons key value alst)
  (guard (alistp alst))
  (cons (cons key value) alst))

(define (assoc/equiv equivp key alist)
  (cond [(null alist) nil]
        [(equivp key (caar alist)) (car alist)]
        [T (assoc/equiv equivp key (cdr alist))]))
(define/guard (assoc key alist)
  (guard (and (alistp alist)
              (or (eqlablep key)
                  (eqlable-alistp alist))))
  (assoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (eql x y)) key alist))
(define/guard (assoc-eq key alist)
  (guard (and (alistp alist)
              (or (symbolp key)
                  (symbol-alistp alist))))
  (assoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (eq x y)) key alist))
(define/guard (assoc-equal key alist)
  (guard (alistp alist))
  (assoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (equal x y)) key alist))

(define/guard (assoc-keyword kw kvlist)
  (guard (keyword-value-listp kvlist))
  (cond [(null kvlist) nil]
        [(eq kw (car kvlist)) kvlist]
        [T (assoc-keyword kw (cddr kvlist))]))

(define/guard (assoc-string-equal key alist)
  (guard (and (stringp key) (alistp alist)))
  (assoc/equiv (lambda (s t) (string-equal s t))
               key alist))

(define (put-assoc/equiv equivp key value alist)
  (cond [(null alist) (list (cons key value))]
        [(equivp key (caar alist)) (cons (cons key value) (cdr alist))]
        [T (cons (car alist) (put-assoc/equiv equivp key value (cdr alist)))]))

(define/guard (put-assoc-eq key value alist)
  (guard (if (symbolp key) (alistp alist) (symbol-alistp alist)))
  (put-assoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (eq x y)) key value alist))
(define/guard (put-assoc-eql key value alist)
  (guard (if (eqlablep key) (alistp alist) (eqlable-alistp alist)))
  (put-assoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (eql x y)) key value alist))
(define/guard (put-assoc-equal key value alist)
  (guard (alistp alist))
  (put-assoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (equal x y)) key value alist))

(define (rassoc/equiv equiv key alist)
  (cond [(null alist) nil]
        [(equiv key (cdar alist)) (car alist)]
        [T (rassoc/equiv equiv key (cdr alist))]))
(define (r-eqlable-alistp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (consp (car x)) (eqlablep (cdar x))
           (r-eqlable-alistp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))
(define (r-symbol-alistp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (consp (car x)) (symbolp (cdar x))
           (r-symbol-alistp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

(define/guard (rassoc key alist)
  (guard (if (eqlablep key) (alistp alist) (r-eqlable-alistp alist)))
  (rassoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (eql x y)) key alist))
(define/guard (rassoc-eq key alist)
  (guard (if (symbolp key) (alistp alist) (r-symbol-alistp alist)))
  (rassoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (eq x y)) key alist))
(define/guard (rassoc-equal key alist)
  (guard (alistp alist))
  (rassoc/equiv (lambda (x y) (equal x y)) key alist))

(define/guard (strip-cars lst)
  (guard (alistp lst))
  (map (lambda (x) (car x)) lst))
(define/guard (strip-cdrs lst)
  (guard (alistp lst))
  (map (lambda (x) (cdr x)) lst))

;; hack for a modicum compatibility with "data-structures/alist-theory"
(define/guard (domain lst)
  (guard (alistp lst))
  (strip-cars lst))
(define/guard (range lst)
  (guard (alistp lst))
  (strip-cdrs lst))

(define/guard (eqlable-alistp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (consp (car x))
           (eqlablep (car (car x)))
           (eqlable-alistp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

;; Lists / Sets
(define/guard (add-to-set-eq elt set)
  (guard (if (symbolp elt)
             (true-listp set)
             (symbol-listp set)))
  (cond [(member-eq elt set) set]
        [T (cons elt set)]))
(define/guard (add-to-set-eql elt set)
  (guard (if (eqlablep elt) (true-listp set) (eqlable-listp set)))
  (cond [(member elt set) set]
        [T (cons elt set)]))
(define/guard (add-to-set-equal elt set)
  (guard (true-listp set)
         else (cons elt set))
  (cond [(member-equal elt set) set]
        [T (cons elt set)]))

(define/guard (set-difference-eq x y)
  (guard (and (true-listp x) (true-listp y)
              (or (symbol-listp x) (symbol-listp y))))
  (cond [(null x) nil]
        [(member-eq (car x) y) (set-difference-eq (cdr x) y)]
        [T (cons (car x) (set-difference-eq (cdr x) y))]))

(define/guard (set-difference-equal x y)
  (guard (and (true-listp x) (true-listp y)))
  (cond [(null x) nil]
        [(member-equal (car x) y) (set-difference-equal (cdr x) y)]
        [T (cons (car x) (set-difference-equal (cdr x) y))]))

(define/guard (subsetp x y)
  (guard (cond [(eqlable-listp y) (true-listp x)]
               [(eqlable-listp x) (true-listp y)]))
  (or (endp x)
      (and (member (car x) y) (subsetp (cdr x) y))))
(define/guard (subsetp-equal x y)
  (guard (and (true-listp x) (true-listp y)))
  (or (endp x) (and (member-equal (car x) y) (subsetp-equal (cdr x) y))))

(define/guard (union-eq x y)
  (guard (and (symbol-listp x) (true-listp y)))
  (cond [(endp x) y]
        [(member-eq (car x) y) (union-eq (cdr x) y)]
        [T (cons (car x) (union-eq (cdr x) y))]))

(define/guard (union-equal x y)
  (guard (and (true-listp x) (true-listp y)))
  (cond [(endp x) y]
        [(member-equal (car x) y) (union-equal (cdr x) y)]
        [T (cons (car x) (union-equal (cdr x) y))]))

;; Atoms and miscellany
(define/guard (atom x) (not (consp x)))
(define/guard (atom-listp x)
  (if (consp x)
      (and (atom (car x))
           (atom-listp (cdr x)))
      (null x)))

(define/guard (identity x) x)

(define/guard (subst new old tree)
  (guard (eqlablep old))
  (cond [(eql old tree) new]
        [(atom tree) tree]
        [T (cons (subst new old (car tree))
                 (subst new old (cdr tree)))]))

(define/guard (substitute new old seq)
  (guard (or (and (stringp seq) (characterp new))
             (and (true-listp seq)
                  (or (eqlablep old)
                      (eqlable-listp seq)))))
  (if (stringp seq)
      (coerce (substitute-ac new old (coerce seq 'list) nil) 'string)
      (substitute-ac new old seq nil)))
(define (substitute-ac new old seq acc)
  (cond [(endp seq) (reverse acc)]
        [(eql old (car seq))
         (substitute-ac new old (cdr seq) (cons new acc))]
        [T (substitute-ac new old (cdr seq)
                          (cons (car seq) acc))]))

(define/guard (sublis alist tree)
  (guard (eqlable-alistp alist))
  (cond [(atom tree) (let ([pair (assoc tree alist)])
                       (if pair (cdr pair) tree))]
        [T (cons (sublis alist (car tree))
                 (sublis alist (cdr tree)))]))

(define (both ? x y) (and (? x) (? y))) ;; ? is an ACL2 predicate
(define (complex/lex<= c1 c2)
  (let ([x1 (fix c1)]
        [y1 (fix c2)])
    (or (< (realpart x1) (realpart y1))
        (and (= (realpart x1) (realpart y1))
             (< (imagpart x1) (imagpart y1))))))

(define/guard (lexorder x y)
  (cond [(atom x) (if (atom y) (alphorder x y) T)]
        [(atom y) nil]
        [(equal (car x) (car y)) (lexorder (cdr x) (cdr y))]
        [T (lexorder (car x) (car y))]))

(define/guard (acl2-count x)
  (cond [(consp x) (+ 1 (acl2-count (car x)) (acl2-count (cdr x)))]
        [(rationalp x) (if (integerp x) 
                           (ifix (abs x))
                           (+ (ifix (abs (numerator x)))
                              (denominator x)))]
        [(complex/complex-rationalp x) (+ 1 
                                          (acl2-count (realpart x))
                                          (acl2-count (imagpart x)))]
        [(stringp x) (length x)]
        [T 0]))
