#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "../evaluator.ss" (for-label "../../lang/dracula.ss")) @title{Rational and Complex Arithmetic} @defform[(* num ...)]{ Multiplies the given numbers together, taking any number of arguments. This is a macro that expands into calls of the function @scheme[binary-*] @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (*) (* 2) (* 1 2 3) ] } @defform[(+ num ...)]{ Adds the given numbers together, taking any number of arguments. This is a macro that expands into calls of the function @scheme[binary-+]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (+) (+ 2) (+ 1 2 3) ] } @defform[(- num num)]{ Subtracts the given numbers. If only one argument is given, returns the negation of the input. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (- 5) (- 5 3) ] } @defform[(/ num num)]{ Divides the first number by the second. If only one argument is given, returns the reciprocal of the input. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (/ 2) (/ 16 4) ] } @defform[(1+ num)]{ Adds 1 to the given number. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (1+ 1) ] } @defform[(1- num)]{ Subtracts 1 from the given number. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (1- 1) ] } @defproc[(binary-* [x (acl2-numberp x)] [y (acl2-numberp y)]) t]{ Takes exactly two numbers and multiplies them together. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (binary-* 9 8) ] } @defproc[(binary-+ [x (acl2-numberp x)] [y (acl2-numberp y)]) t]{ Takes exactly two numbers and adds them together. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (binary-+ 9 8) ] } @defproc[(/= [x (acl2-numberp x)] [y (acl2-numberp y)]) t]{ Determines if the given numbers are not equal. Logically equivalent to @scheme[(not (equal x y))] @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (/= 2 2) (/= 3 2) ] } @defproc[(< [x (rationalp x)] [y (rationalp y)]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is less than @scheme[y]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (< 1 2) (< 2 1) (< 2 2) ] } @defproc[(<= [x (rationalp x)] [y (rationalp y)]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is less than or equal to @scheme[y]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (<= 1 2) (<= 2 1) (<= 2 2) ] } @defproc[(= [x (acl2-numberp x)] [y (acl2-numberp y)]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is equal to @scheme[y]. This is like @scheme[equal], but has the guard that both of its arguments must be numbers. It usually executes more efficiently thatn @scheme[equal]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (= 1 2) (= 2 1) (= 2 2) ] } @defproc[(> [x (rationalp x)] [y (rationalp y)]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is greater than @scheme[y]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (> 1 2) (> 2 1) (> 2 2) ] } @defproc[(>= [x (rationalp x)] [y (rationalp y)]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is greater than or equal to @scheme[y]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (>= 1 2) (>= 2 1) (>= 2 2) ] } @defform[(acl2-numberp x)]{ Returns true if and only if @scheme[x] is a rational or complex rational number. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (acl2-numberp 1) (acl2-numberp 12/5) (acl2-numberp "no") ] } @defform[(complex-rationalp z)]{ Determines if @scheme[z] is a complex number consisting of rational parts. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (complex-rationalp 3) (complex-rationalp (complex 3 0)) (complex-rationalp t) (complex-rationalp (complex 3 1)) ] } @defproc[(complex/complex-rationalp [z t]) t]{ For most cases, this is simply a macro abbreviating @scheme[complex-rationalp]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (complex/complex-rationalp 3) (complex/complex-rationalp (complex 3 0)) (complex/complex-rationalp t) (complex/complex-rationalp (complex 3 1)) ] } @defproc[(minusp [x (real/rationalp x)]) t]{ Determines whether @scheme[x] is a negative number. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (minusp 1) (minusp -1) ] } @defproc[(natp [x t]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is a natural number. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (natp 1) (natp 0) (natp -1) ] } @defproc[(oddp [x (integerp x)]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is odd. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (oddp 3) (oddp 2) ] } @defproc[(plusp [x (real/rationalp x)]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is positive. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (plusp 1) (plusp -1) (plusp 1/2) ] } @defproc[(posp [x t]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is a positive integer. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (posp 1) (posp -1) (posp 1/2) (posp (complex 1 2)) (posp "asdf") ] } @defform[(rationalp x)]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is a rational number. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (rationalp 2/5) (rationalp 2) (rationalp (complex 1 2)) (rationalp "number") ] } @defform[(real/rationalp x)]{ In most cases, this is just a macro abbreviating @scheme[rationalp]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (real/rationalp 2/5) (real/rationalp "number") ] } @defproc[(abs [x (real/rationalp x)]) t]{ Computes the absolute value of @scheme[x]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (abs 1) (abs -1) ] } @defproc[(ceiling [i (real/rationalp i)] [j (and (real/rationalp j) (not (eql j 0)))]) t]{ Returns the smallest integer greater the value of @scheme[(/ i j)]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (ceiling 4 2) (ceiling 4 3) ] } @defproc[(complex [n (rationalp n)] [i (rationalp i)]) t]{ Creates a complex number with real part @scheme[n] and imaginary part @scheme[i]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (complex 2 1) (complex 2 0) (complex 0 2) (complex 1/2 3/2) ] } @defproc[(conjugate [x (acl2-numberp x)]) t]{ Computes the complex conjugate of @scheme[x] (the result of negating its imaginary part). @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (conjugate (complex 3 1)) ] } @defproc[(denominator [x (rationalp x)]) t]{ Returns the divisor of a rational number in lowest terms. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (denominator 5) (denominator 5/3) (denominator 10/6) ] } @defproc[(evenp [x (integerp x)]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is even. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (evenp 1) (evenp 2) ] } @defproc[(explode-nonnegative-integer [n (and (integerp n) (>= n 0))] [r (print-base-p r)]) l]{ Returns a list of characters representing @scheme[n] in base-@scheme[r], and appends @scheme[l] to the end. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (explode-nonnegative-integer 925 10 nil) (explode-nonnegative-integer 325 16 nil) (explode-nonnegative-integer 325 16 (list 'a 'b 'c)) (explode-nonnegative-integer 325 16 'a) ] } @defproc[(expt [i (acl2-numberp i)] [j (and (integerp j) (not (and (eql i 0) (< j 0))))]) t]{ Raises @scheme[i] to the @scheme[j]th power. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (expt 10 2) (expt 10 -2) ] } @defproc[(fix [x t]) t]{ Coerces @scheme[x] to a number. If @scheme[x] is a number, @scheme[(fix x)] returns the argument unchanged. Otherwise, it returns 0. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (fix 20) (fix 2/3) (fix "hello") (fix nil) ] } @defproc[(floor [i (real/rationalp i)] [j (and (real/rationalp j) (not (eql j 0)))]) t]{ Returns the greatest integer not exceeding the value of @scheme[(/ i j)]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (floor 4 2) (floor 4 3) ] } @defform[(ifix [x t]) t]{ Coerces @scheme[x] to an integer. If @scheme[x] is an integer, @scheme[(ifix x)] returns the argument unchanged. Otherwise, it returns 0. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (ifix 16) (ifix 22/3) (ifix "hello") ] } @defproc[(imagpart [i (acl2-numberp i)]) t]{ Returns the imaginary part of a complex number. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (imagpart (complex 3 2)) (imagpart 5) ] } @defform[(int= i j)]{ Checks to see if the two integers @scheme[i] and @scheme[j] are equal. This is like @scheme[equal] and @scheme[=], but with the added guard that the inputs are integers. This generally executes more efficiently on integers than @scheme[equal] or @scheme[=]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (int= 1 2) (int= 2 1) (int= 2 2) ] } @defproc[(integer-length [x (integerp x)]) t]{ Returns the number of bits in the two's complement binary representation of @scheme[x]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (integer-length 12) (integer-length 1234) ] } @defform[(integerp x)]{ Determines whether @scheme[x] is an integer. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (integerp 12) (integerp '12) (integerp nil) ] } @defproc[(max [i (real/rationalp i)] [j (real/rationalp j)]) t]{ Returns the greater of the two given numbers. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (max 1 2) (max 4 3) ] } @defproc[(min [i (real/rationalp i)] [j (real/rationalp j)]) t]{ Returns the lesser of the two given numbers. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (min 1 2) (min 4 3) ] } @defproc[(mod [i (real/rationalp i)] [j (and (real/rationalp j) (not (eql j 0)))]) t]{ Computes the remainder of dividing @scheme[i] by @scheme[j]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (mod 4 2) (mod 8 3) ] } @defproc[(nfix [x t]) t]{ Coerces @scheme[x] to a natural number. If @scheme[x] is a natural number, @scheme[(nfix x)] returns the argument unchanged. Otherwise, it returns 0. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (nfix 1) (nfix -1) (nfix 1/2) (nfix "5") ] } @defproc[(nonnegative-integer-quotient [x (and (integerp x) (not (< x 0)))] [y (and (integerp j) (< 0 j))]) t]{ Returns the integer quotient of @scheme[x] and @scheme[y]. That is, @scheme[(nonnegative-integer-quotient x y)] is the largest integer @scheme[k] such that @scheme[(* j k)] is less than or equal to @scheme[x]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (nonnegative-integer-quotient 14 3) (nonnegative-integer-quotient 15 3) ] } @defproc[(numerator [x (rationalp x)]) t]{ Returns the dividend of a rational number in lowest terms. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (numerator 4) (numerator 6/7) (numerator 4/8) ] } @defproc[(realfix [x t]) t]{ Coerces @scheme[x] to a real number. If @scheme[x] satisfies @scheme[(real/rationalp x)], then it returns the argument unchanged. Otherwise, returns 0. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (realfix 2/5) (realfix (complex 3 2)) (realfix "5") ] } @defproc[(realpart [x (acl2-numberp x)]) t]{ Returns the real part of a complex number. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (realpart (complex 3 2)) (realpart 1/2) ] } @defproc[(rem [i (real/rationalp i)] [j (and (real/rationalp j) (not (eql j 0)))]) t]{ Calculates the remainder of @scheme[(/ i j)] using @scheme[truncate]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (rem 4 2) (rem 8 3) ] } @defproc[(rfix [x t]) t]{ Coerces @scheme[x] into a rational number. If @scheme[x] is a rational number, then it returns @scheme[x] unchanged. Otherwise, it returns 0. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (rfix 2/5) (rfix (complex 3 2)) (rfix "5") ] } @defproc[(round [i (real/rationalp i)] [j (real/rationalp j)]) t]{ Rounds @scheme[(/ i j)] to the nearest integer. When the quotient is exactly halfway between to integers, it rounds to the even one. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (round 4 2) (round 3 2) (round 5 2) (round 4 3) ] } @defproc[(signum [x (real/rationalp x)]) t]{ Returns 0 if @scheme[x] is 0, -1 if it is negative, and 1 if it is positive. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (signum 5) (signum 0) (signum -5) ] } @defproc[(truncate [i (real/rationalp i)] [j (and (real/rationalp j) (not (eql j 0)))]) t]{ Computes @scheme[(/ i j)] and rounds down to the nearest integer. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (truncate 5 2) (truncate 4 2) (truncate 19 10) (truncate 1 10) ] } @defproc[(unary-- [x (acl2-numberp x)]) t]{ Computes the negative of the input. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (unary-- 5) (unary-- -5) (unary-- (complex 1 -2)) ] } @defproc[(unary-/ [x (and (acl2-numberp x) (not (eql x 0)))]) t]{ Computes the reciprocal of the input. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (unary-/ 5) (unary-/ 1/5) (unary-/ (complex 1 2)) ] }