#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "../evaluator.ss" (for-label "../../lang/dracula.ss")) @title[#:tag "booleans"]{Booleans} @defthing[t booleanp]{ The boolean truth value. } @defthing[nil booleanp]{ The boolean falsehood value. } @defform[(and bool ...)]{ Returns @scheme[nil] if and only if one or more of its arguments is @scheme[nil]. Otherwise, returns the last argument given. If given no arguments, returns @scheme[t]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (and) (and t t t) (and t nil t) (and 1 2 3 4 5) ] } @defproc[(booleanp [x t]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is either @scheme[t] or @scheme[nil]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (booleanp t) (booleanp nil) (booleanp 'yes) ] } @defproc[(iff [p t] [q t]) t]{ Returns @scheme[t] if and only if @scheme[p] and @scheme[q] are either both @scheme[nil] or both non-@scheme[nil]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (iff t t) (iff nil nil) (iff t nil) (iff nil t) (iff 5 6) (iff 5 nil) ] } @defproc[(implies [p t] [q t]) t]{ Returns @scheme[nil] if and only if @scheme[q] is @scheme[nil] and @scheme[p] is non-nil. Otherwise, returns @scheme[t]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (implies t t) (implies t nil) (implies nil t) (implies nil nil) ] } @defproc[(not [x t]) t]{ If @scheme[x] is @scheme[nil], then returns @scheme[t]. Otherwise, returns @scheme[nil]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (not t) (not nil) (not 5) (not 0) ] } @defform[(or x ...)]{ Returns @scheme[t] if and only if one or more of its arguments is @scheme[t]. Otherwise, returns the last argument given. If given no arguments, returns @scheme[nil]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (or) (or nil nil t) (or nil nil 5 6) ] }