#lang scheme/base

(require "../lang/dracula.ss" "../lang/check.ss")

(provide (all-defined-out))


 (in-package "ACL2")
 ;;(include-book "arithmetic/top" :dir :system)
 ;;(include-book "arithmetic-2/floor-mod/floor-mod" :dir :system)
 (set-compile-fns t)

 ;;====== Function: (break-at-nth n xs) =========================================
 ;;  Returns list with two elements
 ;;    (1) the first n elements of xs
 ;;    (2) xs without its first n elements
 ;;  Pre : (and (integerp n)
 ;;             (>= n 0)
 ;;             (true-listp xs))
 ;;  Post: (and (= (min n (length xs))
 ;;                (length (car (break-at-nth n xs))))
 ;;             (equal (append (car  (break-at-nth n xs))
 ;;                            (cadr (break-at-nth n xs)))
 ;;                    xs))
 (defun break-at-nth (n xs)
   (if (or (not (integerp n))
           (<= n 0)
           (not (consp xs)))
       (list '() xs)
       (let* ((first-thing (car xs))
              (break-of-rest (break-at-nth (- n 1) (cdr xs)))
              (prefix (car break-of-rest))
              (suffix (cadr break-of-rest)))
         (list (cons first-thing prefix) suffix))))

 ;;====== Function: (break-at-set delimiters xs) ================================
 ;;  Returns list with two elements
 ;;    (1) the portion of xs that precedes its first element that is a
 ;;        member of the list delimiters
 ;;    (2) the portion of xs beginning with its first element that is a
 ;;        member of the list delimiters
 ;;  Pre : (and (true-listp delimiters)
 ;;             (true-listp xs))
 ;;  Post: (and (equal (append (car (break-at-set ds xs))
 ;;                            (cadr (break-at-set ds xs)))
 ;;                    xs)
 ;;             (implies (consp (cadr (break-at-set ds xs)))
 ;;                      (member-equal (caadr (break-at-set ds xs)) ds)))
 ;;             (implies (member-equal d ds)
 ;;                      (not (member-equal d (car (break-at-set ds xs))))))
 (defun break-at-set (delimiters xs)
   (if (or (not (consp xs))
           (member-equal (car xs) delimiters))
       (list '() xs)
       (let* ((first-thing (car xs))
              (break-of-rest (break-at-set delimiters (cdr xs)))
              (prefix (car break-of-rest))
              (suffix (cadr break-of-rest)))
         (list (cons first-thing prefix) suffix))))

 ;;====== Function: (break-at x xs) =============================================
 ;;  Returns list with two elements
 ;;    (1) the portion of xs that precedes the first element equal to x
 ;;    (2) the portion of xs beginning with the first element equal to x
 ;;  Pre : (true-listp xs)
 ;;  Post: (and (equal (append (car (break-at x xs)) (cadr (break-at x xs)))
 ;;                    xs)
 ;;             (implies (consp (cadr (break-at d xs)))
 ;;                      (member-equal (caadr (break-at-set d xs)) ds)))
 ;;             (implies (member-equal d ds)
 ;;                      (not (member-equal d (car (break-at d xs))))))
 (defun break-at (delimiter xs)
   (break-at-set (list delimiter) xs))

 ;;====== Function: (take-to-set delimiters xs) =================================
 ;;  Returns the part of xs that precedes its first element that is a member
 ;;  of the list delimiters
 ;;  Pre : (and (true-listp delimiters)
 ;;             (true-listp xs))
 ;;  Post: (and (true-listp (take-to-set delimiters xs))
 ;;             (implies (member-equal d delimiters)
 ;;                      (not (member-equal d (take-to-set delimiters xs))))
 ;;             (implies (and (equal (append (take-to-set delimiters xs)
 ;;                                          ys)
 ;;                                  xs)
 ;;                           (consp ys))
 ;;                      (member-equal (car ys) delimiters)))
 (defun take-to-set (delimiters xs)
   (car (break-at-set delimiters xs)))

 ;;====== Function: (take-to x xs) ==============================================
 ;;  Returns the part of xs that precedes the first element equal to x
 ;;  Pre : (true-listp xs)
 ;;  Post: (and (true-listp (take-to x xs))
 ;;             (not (member-equal x (take-to x xs)))
 ;;             (implies (member-equal x xs)
 ;;                      (equal (append (take-to x xs)
 ;;                                     (list x)
 ;;                                     (drop-past x xs))))
 ;;             (implies (not (member-equal x xs))
 ;;                      (equal (take-to x xs) xs)))
 (defun take-to (x xs)
   (take-to-set (list x) xs))

 ;;===== Function: (drop-set delimiters xs) =====================================
 ;;  Returns the part of xs that follows the maximal contiguous block of
 ;;  delimiters beginning at the first element of xs
 ;;  Pre:  (true-listp xs)
 ;;  Post: (and (true-listp (drop-set delimiters xs))
 ;;             (implies (consp (drop-set delimiters xs))
 ;;                      (not (member (car (drop-set delimiters xs))
 ;;                                   delimiters)))
 ;;             (implies (and (equal (append ds (drop-set delimiters xs))
 ;;                                  xs)
 ;;                           (member d ds))
 ;;                      (member d delimiters)))
 (defun drop-set (delimiters xs)
   (if (and (consp xs)
            (member-equal (car xs) delimiters))
       (drop-set delimiters (cdr xs))

 ;;===== Function: (drop-past delimiter xs) =====================================
 ;;  Returns the part of xs that follows the first element equal to x
 ;;  Pre:  (true-listp xs)
 ;;  Post: (and (true-listp (drop-past delimiter xs))
 ;;             (implies (member-equal x xs)
 ;;                      (equal (append (take-to delimiter xs)
 ;;                                     (list x)
 ;;                                     (drop-past delimiter xs))))
 ;;             (implies (not (member-equal delimiter xs))
 ;;                      (equal (drop-past delimiter xs) nil)))
 (defun drop-past (delimiter xs)
   (cdr (member-equal delimiter xs)))
 (defun drop-thru (delimiter xs) ; Butch's synonym
   (drop-past delimiter xs))

 ;;====== Function: (drop-past-n-delimiters n delimiter xs) =====================
 ;;  Returns the part of xs that follows the first n occurances of x
 ;;  Pre : (and (integerp n) (>= n 0) (true-listp xs))
 ;;  Post: (true-listp (drop-past-n-delimiters n d xs)) ; and some other stuff
 (defun drop-past-n-delimiters (n delimiter xs)
   (if (or (not (integerp n))
           (<= n 0)
           (not (consp xs)))
       (drop-past-n-delimiters (- n 1) delimiter (drop-past delimiter xs))))
 (defun drop-thru-n-delimiters (n delimiter xs) ; Butch's synonym
   (drop-past-n-delimiters n delimiter xs))

 ;;====== Function: (packets-set delimiters xs) ==================================
 ;;  Parcels a list into a list of lists
 ;;  Contiguous sequences from a specified set of delimiters
 ;;  marks separations between packets
 ;;  Pre : (and (true-listp delimiters) (true-listp xs))
 ;;  Post: (true-list-listp (packets-set ds xs))
 ;;        and a bunch of other stuff

 ;;(defthm break-at-set-cadr-begins-with-delimiter
 ;;  (implies (consp (cadr (break-at-set delimiters xs)))
 ;;           (member-equal (caadr (break-at-set delimiters xs)) delimiters)))

 ;;(defthm car-cdr-cons-identity
 ;;   (implies (consp xs)
 ;;            (equal (cons (car xs) (cdr xs))
 ;;                   xs)))

 ;;(defthm cdr-chops-non-empty-lists
 ;;  (implies (and (true-listp xs) (consp xs))
 ;;           (< (length (cdr xs)) (length xs))))

 ;;(defthm drop-set-chops-if-list-starts-with-delimiter
 ;;  (implies (and (true-listp xs)
 ;;                (true-listp delimiters)
 ;;                (consp xs)
 ;;                (member-equal (car xs) delimiters))
 ;;           (< (length (drop-set delimiters xs))
 ;;              (length xs))))

 (defun packets-set (delimiters xs)
   (if (not (consp xs))
       (let* ((split (break-at-set delimiters xs))
              (first-packet (car split))
              (beyond-first-packet (cadr split))
              (other-packets (if (not (consp beyond-first-packet))
                                 (packets-set delimiters
                                              (cdr beyond-first-packet)))))
         (cons first-packet other-packets))))

 ;;====== Function: (packets delimiter xs) ======================================
 ;;  Parcels a list into a list of lists
 ;;  A specified delimiter marks separations between packets in the given list
 ;;  Pre : (true-listp xs)
 ;;  Post: (and (true-list-listp (packets d xs))
 ;;             (implies (and (integerp n) (>= n 0))
 ;;                      (equal (nth n (packets d xs))
 ;;                             (take-to d (drop-past-n-delimiters n d xs)))))
 (defun packets (delimiter xs)
   (packets-set (list delimiter) xs))

 ;;====== Function: (tokens delimiters xs) ======================================
 ;;  Parcels a list into a list of tokens
 ;;  Tokens are the sublists residing between maximally contiguous
 ;;  sequences of delimiters
 ;;  Pre : (and (true-listp delimiters) (true-listp xs))
 ;;  Post: (true-list-listp (tokens ds xs))
 ;;        and a bunch of other stuff
 (defun tokens (delimiters xs)
   (remove nil (packets-set delimiters xs)))

 ;;===== Function: (rep-append n x xs) ==========================================
 ;;  Appends xs to a list consisting of n copies of x
 ;;  Pre : (and (integerp n)
 ;;             (>= n 0)
 ;;             (true-listp xs))
 ;;  Post: (and (implies (member-equal y (take n (rep-append n x)))
 ;;                      (equal y x))
 ;;             (equal (length (rep-append n x xs))
 ;;                    (+ (length xs) n))
 ;;             (equal (nthcdr n (rep-append n x xs))
 ;;                    xs))
 (defun rep-append (n x xs)
   (if (or (not (integerp n))
           (<= n 0))
       (rep-append (- n 1) x (cons x xs))))

 ;;===== Function: (replicate n x) =================================================
 ;;  Delivers a list consisting of n copies of x
 ;;  Pre : (and (integerp n)
 ;;             (>= n 0))
 ;;  Post: (and (implies (member-equal y (replicate n x))
 ;;                      (equal y x))
 ;;             (equal (length (replicate n x)) n))
 (defun replicate (n x)
   (rep-append n x nil))

 ;;===== Function: (pad-left w p xs) ============================================
 ;;  Pads appends xs to copies of p to make the resulting list have w elements
 ;;  Note: Delivers xs, as is, if xs has w or more elements
 ;;  Pre : (and (integerp w)
 ;;             (>= w 0)
 ;;             (listp xs))
 ;;  Post: (and (equal (length (pad-left w p xs))
 ;;                    (max w (length xs)))
 ;;             (implies (member-equal x (take (max 0 (- w (length xs))) xs))
 ;;                      (equal x p)))
 (defun pad-left (w p xs)
   (append (replicate (max 0 (- w (length xs))) p)

 ;;====== Function: (chrs->str chrs) ============================================
 ;;  Converts list of characters to string
 ;;  Pre : (character-listp chrs)
 ;;  Post: (stringp (chrs->str chrs))             
 (defun chrs->str (chrs)
   (coerce chrs 'string))

 ;;====== Function: (str->chrs str) =============================================
 ;;  Converts string to list of characters
 ;;  Pre : (stringp str)
 ;;  Post: (character-listp (str->chrs str))
 (defun str->chrs (str)
   (coerce str 'list))

 ;;====== Function: (words str) =================================================
 ;;  Parcels a string into a list of words
 ;;  Words are the sublists residing between maximally contiguous
 ;;  spans of whitespace
 ;;  Pre : (stringp str)
 ;;  Post: (string-listp (words str))
 ;;        and a bunch of other stuff
 (defun chrs->str-all (list-of-lists-of-chrs)
   (if (consp list-of-lists-of-chrs)
       (cons (chrs->str (car list-of-lists-of-chrs))
             (chrs->str-all (cdr list-of-lists-of-chrs)))
 (defun words (str)
   (let* ((whitespace (list (code-char 32) (code-char 10) (code-char 9)
                            (code-char 11) (code-char 12) (code-char 13)
                            (code-char 27))))
     (chrs->str-all (remove nil (tokens whitespace (str->chrs str))))))
