#lang scheme/gui
(require drscheme/tool
(provide dracula-proof-panel^
(define-runtime-path save-img "../images/save.png")
(define-runtime-path acl2-icon-img "../images/acl2-icon.png")
(define-runtime-path admit-one-img "../images/admit-one.png")
(define-runtime-path admit-all-img "../images/admit-all.png")
(define-runtime-path to-cursor-img "../images/to-cursor.png")
(define-runtime-path undo-one-img "../images/undo-one.png")
(define-runtime-path undo-all-img "../images/undo-all.png")
(define-runtime-path interrupt-img "../images/interrupt.png")
(define-runtime-path stop-img "../images/stop.png")
(define-runtime-path start-img "../images/start.png")
(define-runtime-path undock-img "../images/undock.png")
(define-runtime-path dock-img "../images/dock.png")
(define-signature dracula-proof-panel^
(define-unit dracula-proof-panel@
(import drscheme:tool^ dracula-interfaces^)
(export dracula-proof-panel^)
(define drscheme-eventspace (current-eventspace))
`(add-include-book-dir :teachpacks ,teachpack-path))
(define dracula-proof-panel%
(class* panel:vertical-dragable% (dracula-proof-panel<%>)
(define/private (dracula-fail e [result (void)])
(when (dracula-state-acl2-open? state)
(set-state (dracula-state-error state)))
(message-box "Dracula: Internal Error" (exn-message e))
(define/public (shut-down-acl2-controller)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(when (dracula-state-acl2-open? state)
(set-state (dracula-state-stop-acl2 state)))
(define/private (destroy-acl2)
(when acl2
(kill-acl2 acl2)
(set! acl2 #f)))
(define/public (save-output)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(if (dracula-state-acl2-open? state)
(let* ([path (put-file #f #f #f "ACL2-Output" "txt")])
(when path
(let* ([file (open-output-file path
#:mode 'text
#:exists 'replace)])
(display (dracula-state-total-output state) file)
(close-output-port file))))
(message-box "Dracula: Cannot Save"
"ACL2 is not currently open."))))
(define/public (notify-proof-change position)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(when (and (dracula-state-acl2-open? state)
(< position (dracula-state-last-attempted-position state)))
(set-state (dracula-state-edit state)))))
(define/public (start-acl2)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "updating proof"))
(when (rebuild)
(set-state (dracula-state-choose state 'Dracula))
(define/private (run-acl2)
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "starting ACL2"))
(set! acl2 (open-acl2 #:dir (or (send program-controller get-directory)
#:exec (get-executable-path)))
(set-state (dracula-state-start-acl2 state acl2))
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "waiting for ACL2 prompt"))
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "initializing ACL2"))
(for ([sexp (get-preamble)])
(acl2-send acl2 sexp)
(wait-for-acl2-prompt #:show #f))
(set-state (dracula-state-done state)))
(define/public (stop-acl2)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(if (dracula-state-active? state)
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "closing ACL2"))
(close-acl2 acl2)
(define/public (update-name name)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(set-state (dracula-state-choose state name))
(define/public (admit-one)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "updating proof"))
(when (rebuild)
(dracula-state-pending state "admitting next unadmitted term"))
(unless (or (dracula-state-admitted? state)
(dracula-state-start-of-proof? state))
(set-state (dracula-state-rewind state)))
(admit-to (+ (dracula-state-term-index state) 1)))
(set-state (dracula-state-done state))))
(define/public (undo-one)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "updating proof"))
(when (rebuild)
(dracula-state-pending state "undoing last admitted term"))
(unless (or (dracula-state-admitted? state)
(dracula-state-start-of-proof? state))
(set-state (dracula-state-rewind state)))
(undo-to (dracula-state-term-index state)))
(set-state (dracula-state-done state))))
(define/public (undo-all)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "updating proof"))
(when (rebuild)
(dracula-state-pending state "undoing all admitted terms"))
(unless (or (dracula-state-admitted? state)
(dracula-state-start-of-proof? state))
(set-state (dracula-state-rewind state)))
(undo-to 1))
(set-state (dracula-state-done state))))
(define/public (admit-all)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "updating proof"))
(when (rebuild)
(dracula-state-pending state "admitting all unadmitted terms"))
(unless (or (dracula-state-admitted? state)
(dracula-state-start-of-proof? state))
(set-state (dracula-state-rewind state)))
(admit-to (sub1 (dracula-state-proof-size state))))
(set-state (dracula-state-done state))))
(define/public (to-cursor)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "updating proof"))
(when (rebuild)
(dracula-state-pending state "computing term index"))
(unless (dracula-state-admitted? state)
(set-state (dracula-state-rewind state)))
(let ([cursor (send program-controller get-cursor-location)]
(dracula-state-last-admitted-position state)])
(if (> cursor last-admitted-position)
(let ([pos (dracula-state-index-before-pos state cursor)])
(dracula-state-pending state "admitting terms"))
(admit-to pos))
(let ([pos (dracula-state-index-after-pos state cursor)])
(dracula-state-pending state "undoing terms"))
(undo-to pos)))))
(set-state (dracula-state-done state))))
(define/public (get-rebuilt-state)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e #f))])
(set-state (dracula-state-pending state "updating proof"))
(let* ([success? (rebuild)])
(set-state (dracula-state-done state))
(and success? state))))
(define/private (admit-to n)
(unless (or (not (dracula-state-admitted? state))
(>= (dracula-state-term-index state) n)
(dracula-state-end-of-proof? state))
(acl2-send acl2 (dracula-state-save-before-next-sexp state))
[(wait-for-acl2-prompt #:show #f #:expr #t) =>
(lambda (saved)
(acl2-send acl2 (dracula-state-next-sexp state))
(set-state (dracula-state-advance state acl2 saved))
(admit-to n))]
[else (dracula-state-advance state acl2 #f)])))
(define/private (undo-to n)
(unless (or (< (dracula-state-term-index state) n)
(dracula-state-start-of-proof? state))
(acl2-send acl2 (dracula-state-restore-saved-sexp state))
(wait-for-acl2-prompt #:show #f)
(set-state (dracula-state-rewind state))
(undo-to n)))
(define/public (interrupt)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(when (and acl2 (not (acl2-done? acl2)))
(unless (interrupt-acl2 acl2)
"Interrupt ACL2: Error"
(apply string-append
(list "Could not interrupt the running ACL2 process."
"This usually occurs on Windows systems with"
"ACL2 installations that lack SENDCTRLC.EXE."
"Consider using the prebuilt binary installer.")
(define/private (make-interrupt-callback)
(lambda ()
(set-state (dracula-state-done state))))
(define/private (get-preamble)
(list ':start-proof-tree
(define/public (set-dracula-mode new-mode)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (e) (dracula-fail e))])
(unless (equal? new-mode mode)
(set! mode new-mode))
(define/private (rebuild)
[(yield (send program-controller get-proof-event)) =>
(lambda (proof)
(set-state (dracula-state-populate state proof))
[else #f]))
(define/private (wait-for-acl2-prompt #:show [show? #t] #:expr [expr? #f])
(define acl2-time-delta 1)
(let loop ()
(yield (acl2-listen acl2))
(when show?
(set-state (dracula-state-update-acl2 state acl2)))
[(not (acl2-done? acl2)) (sleep/yield acl2-time-delta) (loop)]
[(not (acl2-admitted? acl2)) #f]
[expr? (acl2-value acl2)]
[else #t])))
(define/private (wait-for-acl2-termination)
(define now (current-milliseconds))
(define later (+ now 5000))
(define (wait)
(handle-evt (acl2-wait acl2) finish)
(handle-evt (alarm-evt later) give-up)
(handle-evt (acl2-listen acl2) listen))))
(define (finish evt)
(set! acl2 #f)
(set-state (dracula-state-stop-acl2 (dracula-state-done state))))
(define (give-up evt)
(define (listen acl2)
(set-state (dracula-state-update-acl2 state acl2))
(define/private (set-state new-state)
(set! state new-state)
(define/private (redraw)
(send program-controller update-proof-state state)
(send proof-controls redraw state mode)
(send proof-display redraw state))
(init-field program-controller)
(define state initial-dracula-state)
(define acl2 #f)
(define mode #f)
(define proof-controls
(new dracula-proof-controls%
[parent this]
[proof-controller this]))
(define proof-display
(new dracula-proof-display%
[parent this]
[proof-controller this]))
(define/private (idle)
(lambda (event)
(work event)))
(define/private (work event)
(lambda (callback)
(parameterize ([current-eventspace drscheme-eventspace])
(queue-callback callback #f))
(define work-channel (make-channel))
(thread (lambda () (idle)))))
(define dracula-proof-controls%
(class vertical-panel%
(inherit change-children)
(define/public (redraw state mode)
(send proof-tree redraw state)
(send proof-choice redraw state mode)
(send button-panel redraw state mode)
(send status-message redraw state)
(lambda (children)
(case mode
(list proof-tree
(list proof-tree
(init-field proof-controller)
(define proof-tree
(new dracula-proof-tree%
[parent this]
[proof-controller proof-controller]))
(define proof-choice
(new dracula-proof-choice%
[parent this]
[proof-controller proof-controller]))
(define button-panel
(new dracula-proof-buttons%
[parent this]
[proof-controller proof-controller]))
(define status-message
(new dracula-status-message%
[parent this]
[proof-controller proof-controller]))
(define (locked-text-field-mixin c%)
(class c%
(inherit get-editor)
(define/override (set-value str)
(send (get-editor) lock #f)
(super set-value str)
(send (get-editor) lock #t))
(init [undo-history 0])
(send (get-editor) lock #t)
(send (get-editor) set-max-undo-history undo-history)))
(define locked-text-field%
(locked-text-field-mixin text-field%))
(define locked-combo-field%
(locked-text-field-mixin combo-field%))
(define dracula-proof-tree%
(class locked-text-field%
(inherit set-value enable)
(define/public (redraw state)
(if (dracula-state-acl2-open? state)
(begin (set-value (dracula-state-proof-tree state)) (enable #t))
(begin (set-value "") (enable #f))))
(super-new [label #f] [style '(multiple)])
(init-field proof-controller)))
(define dracula-proof-choice%
(class locked-combo-field%
(inherit get-menu set-value enable)
(define/public (redraw state mode)
(if (dracula-state-proof-chosen? state)
(set-value (symbol->string (dracula-state-current-name state)))
(set-value "<Choose A Module>"))
(enable (not (dracula-state-acl2-open? state))))
(define/override (on-popup e)
[(send proof-controller get-rebuilt-state) =>
(lambda (state)
(repopulate (get-menu) state)
(super on-popup e))]
[else (void)]))
(define/private (repopulate menu state)
(for ([item (send menu get-items)])
(send item delete))
(for ([name (dracula-state-names state)])
(new menu-item%
[label (symbol->string name)]
[parent menu]
[callback (lambda (i e) (update name))])))
(define/private (update name)
(send proof-controller update-name name))
(super-new [label #f] [choices null] [stretchable-width #t])
(init-field proof-controller)))
(define dracula-proof-buttons%
(class vertical-panel%
(define/public (redraw state mode)
(let* ([chosen? (dracula-state-proof-chosen? state)]
[open? (dracula-state-acl2-open? state)]
[active? (dracula-state-active? state)]
[modular? (eq? mode 'modular-acl2)])
(send go/interrupt/stop-panel
[open? stop-button]
[else go-button]))
(send go-button enable
(and (not modular?) (not open?) ))
(send interrupt-button enable
#f )
(send stop-button enable
(and open? ))
(send undo-all-button enable
(and open? (not active?) ))
(send undo-one-button enable
(and open? (not active?) ))
(send admit-all-button enable
(and open? (not active?) ))
(send admit-one-button enable
(and open? (not active?) ))
(send to-cursor-button enable
(and open? (not active?) ))))
(define/private (path->bitmap path)
(make-object bitmap% (path->string path) 'png/mask))
(super-new [stretchable-height #f] [stretchable-width #f])
(define top-panel
(new horizontal-panel% [parent this] [stretchable-width #f]))
(define go/interrupt/stop-panel
(new union-panel%
[parent top-panel]
[stretchable-width #f]
[alignment '(right center)]))
(define go-button
(new dracula-button%
[parent go/interrupt/stop-panel]
[label "Start"]
[bitmap (path->bitmap start-img)]
[callback (lambda _ (send proof-controller start-acl2))]))
(define interrupt-button
(new dracula-button%
[parent go/interrupt/stop-panel]
[label "Break"]
[bitmap (path->bitmap interrupt-img)]
[callback (lambda _ (send proof-controller interrupt))]))
(define stop-button
(new dracula-button%
[parent go/interrupt/stop-panel]
[label "Stop"]
[bitmap (path->bitmap stop-img)]
[callback (lambda _ (send proof-controller stop-acl2))]))
(define to-cursor-button
(new dracula-button%
[parent top-panel]
[label "To Cursor"]
[bitmap (path->bitmap to-cursor-img)]
[callback (lambda _ (send proof-controller to-cursor))]))
(define bottom-panel
(new horizontal-panel% [parent this] [stretchable-width #f]))
(define undo-all-button
(new dracula-button%
[parent bottom-panel]
[label "Reset"]
[bitmap (path->bitmap undo-all-img)]
[callback (lambda _ (send proof-controller undo-all))]))
(define undo-one-button
(new dracula-button%
[parent bottom-panel]
[label "Undo"]
[bitmap (path->bitmap undo-one-img)]
[callback (lambda _ (send proof-controller undo-one))]))
(define admit-one-button
(new dracula-button%
[parent bottom-panel]
[label "Admit"]
[bitmap (path->bitmap admit-one-img)]
[callback (lambda _ (send proof-controller admit-one))]))
(define admit-all-button
(new dracula-button%
[parent bottom-panel]
[label "All"]
[bitmap (path->bitmap admit-all-img)]
[callback (lambda _ (send proof-controller admit-all))]))
(init-field proof-controller)))
(define union-panel%
(class panel%
(inherit get-children get-alignment)
(define/public (choose child)
(for ([child* (get-children)])
(send child* show (eq? child* child))))
(define/override (container-size info)
(match info
[(list (list w h _ _) ...)
(values (apply max 0 w)
(apply max 0 h))]))
(define/override (place-children info w0 h0)
(let*-values ([(ha va) (get-alignment)]
[(hp) (horiz->place ha)]
[(vp) (vert->place va)])
(map (lambda (child) (place-child hp vp w0 h0 child)) info)))
(define/private (place-child hp vp w0 h0 child)
(match child
[(list cw ch sw sh)
(let*-values ([(x w) (place-dim hp w0 cw sw)]
[(y h) (place-dim vp h0 ch sh)])
(list x y w h))]))
(define/private (place-dim p maximum minimum stretch?)
(match (list p stretch?)
[(list _ #t) (values 0 maximum)]
[(list 'min #f) (values 0 minimum)]
[(list 'mid #f) (values (floor (/ (- maximum minimum) 2)) minimum)]
[(list 'max #f) (values (- maximum minimum) minimum)]))
(define/private horiz->place
(match-lambda ['left 'min] ['center 'mid] ['right 'max]))
(define/private vert->place
(match-lambda ['top 'min] ['center 'mid] ['bottom 'max]))))
(define dracula-button%
(class switchable-button%
(inherit on-event)
(define/override (on-superwindow-show shown?)
(on-event (new mouse-event% [event-type 'leave]))
(super on-superwindow-show shown?))))
(define dracula-status-message%
(class message%
(inherit set-label enable)
(define/public (redraw state)
[(dracula-state-active? state)
(format "~a: ~a."
[(dracula-state-interrupt? state) "Interrupting"]
[(dracula-state-error? state) "ERROR"]
[else "Busy"])
(dracula-state-activity state))]
[else ""])))
(super-new [label ""] [stretchable-width #t])
(init-field proof-controller)))
(define dracula-proof-display%
(class locked-text-field%
(inherit get-value get-editor enable)
(define/public (redraw state)
(if (dracula-state-acl2-open? state)
(begin (set-value
(string-append (dracula-state-initial-prompt state)
(dracula-state-acl2-input state)
(dracula-state-acl2-output state)
(dracula-state-final-prompt state)))
(enable #t))
(begin (set-value "")
(enable #f))))
(define/override (set-value v)
(if (string-prefix? value v)
(let* ([suffix (substring v (string-length value))]
[ed (get-editor)])
(send ed lock #f)
(send ed insert suffix (send ed get-end-position))
(send ed lock #t))
(super set-value v))
(set! value v))
(define/private (string-prefix? a b)
(and (<= (string-length a) (string-length b))
(for/and ([cha (in-string a)]
[chb (in-string b)])
(char=? cha chb))))
(super-new [label #f] [style '(multiple)])
(define value (get-value))
(init-field proof-controller)))