#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "../evaluator.ss") @(require "../../private/planet.ss") @(require (cce planet)) @(require (for-label (this-package-in lang/dracula))) @title{Strings} Some string functions can be found in the section on @secref["sequences"] as well. @defproc[(make-character-list [x t]) character-listp]{ This function will @scheme[coerce] a value to a list of characters. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (make-character-list "hello") ] } @defproc[(string [x (or (stringp x) (symbolp x) (characterp x))]) t]{ Uses @scheme[coerce] to convert the input into a string. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string "abc") (string 'abc) (string #\a) ] } @defproc[(string-append [x (stringp x)] [y (stringp y)]) t]{ Concatenates two strings together. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string-append "ab" "cd") ] } @defproc[(string-downcase [str (and (stringp str) (standard-char-listp (coerce str 'list)))]) t]{ Converts the characters in @scheme[str] to lowercase. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string-downcase "ABCdef") ] } @defproc[(string-equal [x (and (stringp x) (standard-char-listp (coerce x 'list)))] [y (and (stringp y) (standard-char-listp (coerce y 'list)))]) t]{ Compares two strings to see if they are equal. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string-equal "ab" "cd") (string-equal "ab" "ab") ] } @defproc[(string-upcase [str (and (stringp str) (standard-char-listp (coerce str 'list)))]) t]{ Converts the characters in @scheme[str] to uppercase. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string-upcase "ABCdef") ] } @defproc[(string< [x (stringp x)] [y (stringp y)]) t]{ Compares the two strings for lexicographical ordering. Returns non-@scheme[nil] if and only if @scheme[x] precedes @scheme[y] lexicographically. When non-@scheme[nil], the number returned is the first position at which the strings differ. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string< "ab" "cd") (string< "ab" "abc") ] } @defproc[(string<= [x (stringp x)] [y (stringp y)]) t]{ Compares the two strings for lexicographical ordering. Returns non-@scheme[nil] if and only if @scheme[x] precedes @scheme[y] lexicographically. If they differ, the number returned is the first position at which the strings differ. Otherwise, the number returned is their common length. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string<= "ab" "cd") (string<= "ab" "ab") ] } @defproc[(string> [x (stringp x)] [y (stringp y)]) t]{ Compares the two strings for lexicographical ordering. Returns non-@scheme[nil] if and only if @scheme[y] precedes @scheme[x] lexicographically. When non-@scheme[nil], the number returned is the first position at which the strings differ. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string> "ab" "cd") (string> "ab" "ab") (string> "ba" "ab") ] } @defproc[(string>= [x (stringp x)] [y (stringp y)]) t]{ Compares the two strings for lexicographical ordering. Returns non-@scheme[nil] if and only if @scheme[y] precedes @scheme[x] lexicographically. If they differ, the number returned is the first position at which the strings differ. Otherwise, the number returned is their common length. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (string>= "ab" "cd") (string>= "ab" "ab") (string>= "ba" "ab") ] } @defproc[(stringp [x t]) t]{ Determines whether @scheme[x] is a string. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (stringp "abcd") (stringp nil) ] }