#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "../evaluator.ss") @(require "../../private/planet.ss") @(require (cce planet)) @(require (for-label (this-package-in lang/dracula))) @title{Symbols} Booleans are also symbols; see @secref["booleans"] for more operators. @defproc[(keywordp [x t]) t]{ Returns @scheme[t] if and only if @scheme[x] is a symbol in the "KEYWORD" package. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (keywordp :hints) (keywordp 'hints) (keywordp 5) ] } @defproc[(symbol-< [x (symbolp x)] [y (symbolp y)]) t]{ Returns non-nil when the @scheme[symbol-name] of @scheme[x] lexicographically precedes that of @scheme[y]. The returned number is the (0-based) position at which the names differ. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (symbol-< 'aaa 'aab) (symbol-< 'ab 'ab) (symbol-< 'bb 'aa) ] } @defproc[(symbol-name [x (symbolp x)]) t]{ Returns a string containing the name of the given symbol @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (symbol-name 'hello) (symbol-name 'qwerty) ] } @defproc[(symbol-package-name [x (symbolp x)]) t]{ Returns the name of the package for the given symbol. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (symbol-package-name 'hello) (symbol-package-name :hello) ] } @defform[(symbolp x)]{ Determines whether @scheme[x] is a symbol. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (symbolp 'hello) (symbolp "world") ] }