#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual "../lang/acl2-module-v.ss") @title{Dracula: A Guide to ACL2 Theorem Proving in DrRacket} This manual provides an introduction to Dracula, the programming environment for the ACL2 theorem prover in DrRacket. See section 1 for instructions on installing, upgrading, and uninstalling Dracula. See section 2 for a tutorial on running and verifying programs using Dracula and ACL2. Section 3 introduces DoubleCheck, the teachpack for using automated testing to check your conjectures. Section 4 introduces Modular ACL2, an extension of ACL2 that supports systematic, piece-by-piece development and verification of ACL2 proofs. See @other-manual[(make-dracula-spec "reference/reference.scrbl")] for a full description of Dracula's languages and libraries in detail, or @link["http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~moore/acl2/"]{the ACL2 home page} for more information on the ACL2 theorem prover. @local-table-of-contents[#:style 'immediate-only] @include-section["dracula.scrbl"] @include-section["tutorial.scrbl"] @include-section["doublecheck.scrbl"] @include-section["modular.scrbl"]