#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval racket/require (path-up "self/require.rkt") "../evaluator.rkt" (for-label (dracula-in main))) @title[#:tag "books"]{ACL2 Books} @section[(scheme "data-structures/list-theory")] @deftogether[( @defform/none[(include-book "data-structures/list-theory" :dir :system)] @defform[#:literals [ ] (deflist (l) )] )]{ Dracula supports the @scheme[deflist] form for defining new list types from the "data-structures/list-theory" book. It defines the predicate @scheme[], recognizing lists whose elements satisfy @scheme[]. The @scheme[(l)] identifies the list as the predicate's only parameter; ACL2 supports other parameter lists but Dracula currently does not. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (deflist even-listp (l) evenp) (even-listp (list 2 4 6)) (even-listp (list 1 3 5)) (even-listp 'not-a-list) ] } @section[(scheme "data-structures/structures")] @deftogether[( @defform/none[(include-book "data-structures/structures" :dir :system)] @defform/subs[#:literals [name] (defstructure field ...) ([field ( (:assert ))])] )]{ Dracula supports the @scheme[defstructure] form for defining new structure types from the "data-structures/structures" book. It defines a constructor @scheme[], a predicate @scheme[-p] a weak predicate @scheme[weak--p], and a selector @scheme[-] for each field, with optional guards for the structure and each field which are incorporated into the predicate (but not the weak predicate). @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (defstructure circle radius) (circle 10) (circle-radius (circle 10)) (circle-p (circle 10)) (circle-p 'not-a-circle) (defstructure rect (width (:assert (natp width))) (height (:assert (natp height)))) (rect 10 20) (rect-width (rect 10 20)) (rect-height (rect 10 20)) (rect-p (rect 10 20)) (rect-p (rect -10 -20)) (rect-p 'not-a-rect) ] }