#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval racket/require (path-up "self/require.rkt") "../evaluator.rkt" (for-label (dracula-in main))) @title{Characters} @defproc[(alpha-char-p [x (characterp x)]) t]{ Determines whether @scheme[x] is an alphabetic character. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (alpha-char-p #\a) (alpha-char-p #\3) ] } @defproc[(char [str (stringp str)] [n (and (integerp n) (>= n 0) (< n (length str)))]) t]{ Extracts the character at the @scheme[n]th (0-based) position in the string @scheme[str]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char "hello" 0) (char "hello" 4) ] } @defproc[(char< [x (characterp x)] [y (characterp y)]) t]{ Determines whether the character code of @scheme[x] is less than that of @scheme[y]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char< #\a #\b) (char< #\b #\a) (char< #\b #\b) (char< #\A #\a) ] } @defproc[(char<= [x (characterp x)] [y (characterp y)]) t]{ Determines whether the character code of @scheme[x] is less than or equal to that of @scheme[y]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char<= #\a #\b) (char<= #\b #\a) (char<= #\b #\b) (char<= #\A #\a) ] } @defproc[(char> [x (characterp x)] [y (characterp y)]) t]{ Determines whether the character code of @scheme[x] is greater than that of @scheme[y]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char> #\a #\b) (char> #\b #\a) (char> #\b #\b) (char> #\A #\a) ] } @defproc[(char>= [x (characterp x)] [y (characterp y)]) t]{ Determines whether the character code of @scheme[x] is greater than or equal to that of @scheme[y]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char>= #\a #\b) (char>= #\b #\a) (char>= #\b #\b) (char>= #\A #\a) ] } @defproc[(char-code [char (characterp char)]) t]{ Returns the numeric code for the given character. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char-code #\a) (char-code #\Z) ] } @defproc[(char-downcase [char (and (characterp char) (standard-char-p str))]) t]{ Converts the given character to lowercase @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char-downcase #\A) (char-downcase #\a) ] } @defproc[(char-equal [x (and (characterp x) (standard-char-p x))] [y (and (characterp y) (standard-char-p y))]) t]{ Checks if the given characters are equal, ignoring to case. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char-equal #\a #\a) (char-equal #\A #\a) ] } @defproc[(char-upcase [char (and (characterp char) (standard-char-p str))]) t]{ Converts the given character to uppercase @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (char-upcase #\A) (char-upcase #\a) ] } @defproc[(characterp [x t]) t]{ @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (characterp #\a) (characterp "a") ] } @defproc[(code-char [x (and (integerp x) (>= x 0) (< x 256))]) t]{ Converts the given number into its character equivalent. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (code-char 0) (code-char 97) (code-char 255) (code-char 1000) ] } @defproc[(digit-char-p [x (characterp x)]) t]{ Determines whether the given character represents a numerical digit. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (digit-char-p #\3) (digit-char-p #\a) ] } @defproc[(digit-to-char [n (and (integerp n) (<= 0 n) (>= 15 n))]) t]{ Converts the given number into its equivalent character in hex notation. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (digit-to-char 7) (digit-to-char 10) (digit-to-char 15) ] } @defproc[(lower-case-p [x (and (characterp x) (standard-char-p x))]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is a lowercase alphabetic character. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (lower-case-p #\a) (lower-case-p #\A) ] } @defproc[(standard-char-p [x (characterp x)]) t]{ Checks if the given character is a member of the @scheme[*standard-chars*]. This includes the standard punctuation and alphanumeric characters, along with @scheme[#\newline] and @scheme[#\space]. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (standard-char-p #\a) (standard-char-p #\5) (standard-char-p #\Tab) ] } @defproc[(upper-case-p [x (and (characterp x) (standard-char-p x))]) t]{ Determines if @scheme[x] is an upper-case alphabetic character. @examples[ #:eval the-evaluator (upper-case-p #\A) (upper-case-p #\a) ] }