#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scheme/runtime-path racket/require (path-up "self/module-path.rkt")) @(define-runtime-path doublecheck-fail "images/doublecheck-fail.png") @(define-runtime-path doublecheck-ok "images/doublecheck-ok.png") @(define quickcheck-url "http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/QuickCheck/") @(define fasttest-url "http://planet.plt-scheme.org/display.ss?package=fasttest.plt&owner=cce") @title[#:tag "doublecheck"]{Doublecheck} DoubleCheck is a Dracula teachpack for randomized testing. It is inspired by the @link[quickcheck-url]{QuickCheck} library for Haskell, and implemented with the @link[fasttest-url]{FastTest} library for PLT Scheme. DoubleCheck may be used before theorem proving to establish confidence in a program property, or after a failed proof attempt to search for counterexamples. @section{Examples} Here is an example of a DoubleCheck property with an error, and the resulting output from both DoubleCheck and ACL2. The property attempts to prove that @scheme[nth] produces a member of its input, without establishing that its input is in range. Note that DoubleCheck detects 19 errors out of the visible 21 trials, the first of which is shown in the SchemeUnit window (on the right). We can see here that in this trial, @scheme[lst] was @scheme[("yyhhp")] and @scheme[idx] was @scheme[386]. Doublecheck also automatically provides a @scheme[check-expect] expression, to incorporate this trial into a test suite. The ACL2 output (middle) shows checkpoints from the faulty theorem corresponding to the DoubleCheck property. @image[doublecheck-fail] Here is a corrected version of the same DoubleCheck property. Now the index to @scheme[nth] is constrained based on the length of the list, and its random distribution is stated explicitly. Both the DoubleCheck and ACL2 output show success. @image[doublecheck-ok] For more detailed information, see @secref["doublecheck" #:doc (dracula-module-path "reference/reference.scrbl")] in @other-manual[(dracula-module-path "reference/reference.scrbl")].