#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual racket/require (path-up "self/scribble.rkt")) @title[#:tag "install"]{Getting Started} This section provides instructions for installing, uninstalling, and upgrading Dracula. @subsubsub*section{Prerequisites} For the latest release of Dracula, you need DrRacket version 5.0 or above, or DrScheme version 4.0.1 or above. Download and install from @link["http://www.racket-lang.org/"]{the Racket web site}. Dracula also requires ACL2 version 3.1+. Download and install from @link["http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/"]{the ACL2 site at UT, Austin}. @subsubsub*section{Installing Dracula} Dracula is available as a @link["http://pkg.racket-lang.org/#[dracula]"]{Racket package}. It can be installed using the @schemefont{raco} command line utility. On Windows, this utility is in the directory where Racket is installed; on Mac or Unix, it is in the @schemefont{bin} subdirectory. To install Dracula using this utility, execute: @exec{raco pkg install dracula} @subsubsub*section{Uninstalling Dracula} To uninstall Dracula, run the following at the command line: @exec{raco pkg remove dracula} @subsubsub*section{Upgrading Dracula} To upgrade Dracula, run the following at the command line: @exec{raco pkg update dracula} @subsubsub*section{Running Dracula programs as scripts} To run a Dracula program, e.g. "@filepath{program.lisp}" from the command line, add the following line to the top of the main file: @racketmod/dracula[main] Then run: @exec{racket program.lisp}