#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scheme/runtime-path "../lang/acl2-module-v.ss" "../private/planet.ss") @(require (cce planet)) @(require (for-label (this-package-in lang/dracula))) @(define-runtime-path ChosenLanguage "images/chosen-language.png") @(define-runtime-path fact-defn "images/fact-defn.png") @(define-runtime-path fact-10 "images/fact-10.png") @(define-runtime-path start-acl2 "images/start-acl2.png") @(define-runtime-path acl2-started "images/acl2-started.png") @(define-runtime-path fact-admitted "images/fact-admitted.png") @(define-runtime-path fact-with-failed "images/fact-with-failed.png") @(define-runtime-path admitted-theorem "images/admitted-theorem.png") @title[#:tag "acl2"]{ACL2} We will illustrate how to use our software via this short walkthrough. It assumes that you have already installed the Dracula software. If you have not, please refer to the @secref["install"] section. If you have installed the software, start up DrScheme and read on! @subsubsub*section{Choose the ACL2 Language Level} The first step is to set your language level in DrScheme. Under the Language menu, select @schemefont{Choose Language...}. A dialog will pop up. Under the heading @bold{Dracula}, choose @schemefont{ACL2}. @image[ChosenLanguage] @subsubsub*section{Definitions Window} The editing area in the DrScheme window is split into two sections. The top is the Definitions Window, and that is where we edit programs. Type in the definition of the factorial function: @schemeblock[ (defun fact (n) (if (zp n) 1 (* n (fact (1- n))))) ] and then click @schemefont{Run}. @image[fact-defn] @subsubsub*section{Interactions Window} You may now test your function interactively by typing expressions at the prompt in the bottom half of the DrScheme Window. Try evaluating @scheme[(fact 10)] at the prompt by typing in the expression followed by a return. DrScheme will print out the answer @scheme[3628800]. Try making an error in the interactions window. For example, try to evaluate @scheme[(fact -4)]. This is an error because the predicate @scheme[zp] only works on natural numbers, and you'll notice that DrScheme prints an error message to that effect. It has also highlighted @scheme[zp] in the definitions window to indicate which call received the invalid arguments. @image[fact-10] @;{ @subsubsub*section{Help Desk} ACL2's documentation is searchable via DrScheme's Help Desk. Highlight the predicate @scheme[zp] in either the Definitions or Interactions window, and then press F1. Follow the links to read the documentation on @scheme[zp] or use the text field at the bottom of Help Desk to search for other documentation. ;} @subsubsub*section{Start ACL2} The right-hand side of the window shows the ACL2 console. The top half shows ACL2 proof trees, and the bottom half shows ACL2's output. The text here is read-only; ACL2 interaction will happen via the buttons in DrScheme. Begin by clicking the @schemefont{Start} button. If this is your first time starting Dracula, you will be prompted to locate an ACL2 executable. Once you have located it, ACL2 will start up and you will see its output in the console. @image[start-acl2] @;{@image[acl2-started]} @subsubsub*section{Admitting a Term} Click @schemefont{Admit}. This sends your definition of factorial to ACL2. ACL2 will attempt to prove that your function terminates on every input, and, if it can, your definition will be highlighted in green. If ACL2 rejects your definition, it will highlight it in red. If ACL2 rejects your code, edit it and try again. If the next unhighlighted expression is ill-formed, DrScheme will not send it to ACL2. @;{@image[fact-admitted]} @image[fact-with-failed] In order to keep ACL2 and DrScheme in sync, code that is highlighted green cannot be edited. If you wish to edit a green expression, then click @schemefont{Undo} until the expression is unhighlighted. You may also click @schemefont{Reset} to unhighlight all expressions in the definitions window. The @schemefont{All} button will send all expressions in the definitions window to ACL2. If one of them is rejected, DrScheme will highlight it red and not attempt to admit the remaining expressions. The @schemefont{To Cursor} button will either attempt admit terms up to the Definitions Window's cursor, or undo terms back to it, depending on where the cursor is. By placing your cursor in the middle of a term, you can alternate between admitting and undoing the term by clicking the @schemefont{To Cursor} button repeatedly. @subsubsub*section{Proving a Theorem} Now you can prove that factorial always produces a positive number. Enter the following code after your definition of factorial: @schemeblock[ (defthm fact-produces-positive (posp (fact n))) ] Click @schemefont{Admit Next} to send the theorem to ACL2. The theorem should become highlighted in green. Now, look back at the proof tree window. You'll see in the top it says @bold{Q.E.D.} just below the theorem's name. @image[admitted-theorem] When ACL2 is in the process of proving a conjecture, or if it fails to prove one, a proof tree will be displayed in the proof tree window. For more information on using proof trees and checkpoints to debug failed proof attempts, search for ``proof-tree'' in the ACL2 documentation. @;{ @subsubsub*section{Certifying a Book} You can provide your programs and proofs to other users as a book. Each book must start with the declaration @scheme[(in-package "ACL2")]. Add this line above your definition of @scheme[fact]. Now click the @schemefont{Save / Certify} button. ACL2 will report success: you have certified this file as a book. It is guaranteed to contain only valid programs and theorems. Now use the book. Save your code and close your existing ACL2 session by clicking @schemefont{Stop}. Open a new file and enter the following code: @schemeblock[ (include-book "fact") (equal (fact 3) 6) ] The first line looks for @schemefont{fact.lisp} in the current directory and makes all its definitions available for execution and theorem proving. Save this code in the same directory as fact.lisp and run it. The test case should produce @scheme[t]. If you start ACL2 for this file and click @schemefont{All}, ACL2 should accept this file. If you include an uncertified book, ACL2 will issue a warning but proceed anyway. Proofs based on uncertified books may contain errors, and programs may run without terminating. Always certify books before you use or distribute them. ;} @subsubsub*section{Stop ACL2} To stop ACL2, click the @schemefont{Stop} button. This will terminate the running ACL2 process for that window, and will clear the output and proof tree windows. If you wish to save ACL2's output before stopping, you may do so by clicking @schemefont{Save ACL2 Output As...} from the @schemefont{Dracula} menu. @subsubsub*section{Explore the Sample Code} Now that you have a handle on the basics of using ACL2 via DrScheme, see @other-manual[(make-dracula-spec "reference/reference.scrbl")] for a full description of the ACL2 language. Also, see the @link["http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/cce/acl2/examples.html"]{Sample Code} at the Dracula web page to explore more in-depth examples.