(in-package "ACL2") (include-book "image") (encapsulate (((empty-scene * *) => *) ((place-image * * * *) => *)) (local (defun empty-scene (x y) (rectangle x y 'solid 'white))) (local (defun place-image (img x y canvas-img) (overlay/xy canvas-img x y img))) (defthm image?-empty-scene=true (implies (and (posp x) (posp y)) (image? (empty-scene x y)))) ;; CCE: this was an iff in the other direction, ;; but image.lisp does not support that conclusion. (defthm image?-place-image=true (implies (and (image? img) (integerp x) (integerp y) (image? scene)) (image? (place-image img x y scene)))) ) (defun key-eventp (v) (or (characterp v) (symbolp v))) (defun mouse-eventp (v) (consp (member v '(button-down button-up drag move enter leave)))) (defmacro big-bang (width height frequency world0) ;(declare (ignore width height frequency world0)) `(defconst *big-bang* (list 'big-bang ',width ',height ',frequency ',world0))) (defmacro on-redraw (x) `(defconst *on-redraw* (quote ,x))) (defmacro on-tick-event (x) `(defconst *on-tick-event* (quote ,x))) (defmacro on-key-event (x) `(defconst *on-key-event* (quote ,x))) (defmacro on-mouse-event (x) `(defconst *on-mouse-event* (quote ,x))) (defmacro stop-when (x) `(defconst *stop-when* (quote ,x))) (defmacro on-receive-event (x) `(defconst *on-receive-event* (quote ,x))) (defmacro universe (initial process) `(defconst *universe* (list (quote ,initial) (quote ,process)))) (defmacro register (host name) `(defconst *register* (list (quote ,host) (quote ,name)))) (defconst *localhost* "") (include-book "data-structures/structures" :dir :system) (defstructure packet world message)