#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "planet.ss" "eval.ss") @(require (for-label scheme "../class.ss")) @title[#:style 'quiet #:tag "class"]{Classes and Objects} @defmodule/this-package[class] This module provides tools for classes, objects, and mixins. @section{Predicates and Contracts} @defthing[class-or-interface/c flat-contract?]{ Recognizes classes and interfaces. } @defproc[(object/c [spec class-or-interface/c] ...) flat-contract?]{ Recognizes objects which are instances of all the given classes and interfaces. } @defproc[(class/c [spec class-or-interface/c] ...) flat-contract?]{ Recognizes classes which are subclasses (not strictly) and implementations, respectively, of all the given classes and interfaces. } @defform[(mixin/c [super-expr ...] [arg-expr ...] [sub-expr ...])]{ Function contract for a mixin whose first argument is the parent class @var[c%] matching @scheme[(class/c super-expr ...)], whose remaining arguments match @scheme[arg-expr ...], and whose result matches @scheme[(class/c #,(var c%) sub-expr ...)]. } @section{Mixins} @defproc[(ensure-interface [i<%> interface?] [mx (mixin/c [] [] [i<%>])] [c% class?]) (class/c c% i<%>)]{ Returns @scheme[c%] if it implements @scheme[i<%>]; otherwise, returns @scheme[(mx c%)]. } @section{Methods} @defform[(send+ obj [message arg ...] ...)]{ Sends each message (with arguments) to @scheme[obj], then returns @scheme[obj]. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define c% (class object% (super-new) (define/public (say msg) (printf "~a!\n" msg)))) (send+ (new c%) [say 'Hello] [say 'Good-bye]) ] } @defform[(send-each objs message arg ...)]{ Sends the message to each object in the list @scheme[objs], returning @scheme[(void)]. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define c% (class object% (super-new) (init-field msg) (define/public (say to) (printf "~a, ~a!\n" msg to)))) (send-each (list (new c% [msg 'Hello]) (new c% [msg 'Good-bye])) say 'World) ] }