#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "../planet.ss" "eval.ss") @(require (for-label scheme xml (this-package-in web))) @title[#:style 'quiet #:tag "web"]{Web Page Tools} @defmodule/this-package[web] This module provides tools for programmatic creation of static web pages. It is based on the XML collection; see documentation for @scheme[xexpr?]. @deftogether[( @defthing[css/c flat-contract?] @defproc[(css? [v any/c]) boolean?] )]{ This contract and predicate pair recognizes CSS-expressions, which are described by the following grammar: @schemegrammar*[ #:literals (cons list) [css (list style ...)] [style-def (cons selector (list property ...))] [property (list name value)] [selector text] [name text] [value text] ] Here, @scheme[text] is any of the @secref{text} described above. } @defthing[xexpr/c flat-contract?]{ This flat contract corresponds to @scheme[xexpr?]. } @deftogether[( @defproc[(write-css [css css/c] [out output-port? (current-output-port)]) void?] @defproc[(write-xexpr [css css/c] [out output-port? (current-output-port)]) void?] )]{ These functions write CSS-expressions and X-expressions, respectively, to output ports, by their canonical text representations. } @deftogether[( @defproc[(create-stylesheet [file path-string?] [css css/c]) void?] @defproc[(create-webpage [file path-string?] [xexpr xexpr/c]) void?] )]{ These functions write style sheets (represented as CSS-expressions) or webpages (represented as X-expressions) to files. }