#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "../planet.ss" "eval.ss") @(require (for-label scheme (this-package-in scheme))) @title[#:style 'quiet #:tag "function"]{Functions} @defmodule/this-package[function] This module provides tools for higher-order programming and creating functions. @section{Simple Functions} @defproc[(identity [x any/c]) (one-of/c x)]{ Returns @scheme[x]. } @defform[(thunk body ...)]{ Creates a function that ignores its inputs and evaluates the given body. Useful for creating event handlers with no (or irrelevant) arguments. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define f (thunk (define x 1) (printf "~a\n" x))) (f) (f 'x) (f #:y 'z) ] } @defproc[(constant [x any/c]) (unconstrained-domain-> (one-of/c x))]{ @emph{Deprecated:} This function from previous versions of this package has been subsumed by @scheme[const] from @schememodname[scheme/function]; see below. } @defproc[(const [x any/c]) (unconstrained-domain-> (one-of/c x))]{ Produces a function that returns @scheme[x] regardless of input. This function is reprovided from @schememodname[scheme/function]. In versions of PLT Scheme before @scheme[const] was implemented, this module provides its own definition. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define f (const 5)) (f) (f 'x) (f #:y 'z) ] } @section{Higher Order Predicates} @defproc[((negate [f (-> A ... boolean?)]) [x A] ...) boolean?]{ Negates the results of @scheme[f]; equivalent to @scheme[(not (f x ...))]. This function is reprovided from @schememodname[scheme/function]. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define f (negate exact-integer?)) (f 1) (f 'one) ] } @defproc[((conjoin [f (-> A ... boolean?)] ...) [x A] ...) boolean?]{ Combines calls to each function with @scheme[and]. Equivalent to @scheme[(and (f x ...) ...)] @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define f (conjoin exact? integer?)) (f 1) (f 1.0) (f 1/2) (f 0.5) ] } @defproc[((disjoin [f (-> A ... boolean?)] ...) [x A] ...) boolean?]{ Combines calls to each function with @scheme[or]. Equivalent to @scheme[(or (f x ...) ...)] @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define f (disjoin exact? integer?)) (f 1) (f 1.0) (f 1/2) (f 0.5) ] } @section{Currying and (Partial) Application} @defproc[(call [f (-> A ... B)] [x A] ...) B]{ Passes @scheme[x ...] to @scheme[f]. Keyword arguments are allowed. Equivalent to @scheme[(f x ...)]. Useful for application in higher-order contexts. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (map call (list + - * /) (list 1 2 3 4) (list 5 6 7 8)) (define count 0) (define (inc) (set! count (+ count 1))) (define (reset) (set! count 0)) (define (show) (printf "~a\n" count)) (for-each call (list inc inc show reset show)) ] } @deftogether[( @defproc[(papply [f (A ... B ... -> C)] [x A] ...) (B ... -> C)] @defproc[(papplyr [f (A ... B ... -> C)] [x B] ...) (A ... -> C)] )]{ The @scheme[papply] and @scheme[papplyr] functions partially apply @scheme[f] to @scheme[x ...], which may include keyword arguments. They obey the following equations: @schemeblock[ ((papply f x ...) y ...) = (f x ... y ...) ((papplyr f x ...) y ...) = (f y ... x ...) ] @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define reciprocal (papply / 1)) (reciprocal 3) (reciprocal 4) (define halve (papplyr / 2)) (halve 3) (halve 4) ] } @deftogether[( @defproc[(curryn [n exact-nonnegative-integer?] [f (A0 ... A1 ... ooo An ... -> B)] [x A0] ...) (A1 ... -> ooo -> An ... -> B)] @defproc[(currynr [n exact-nonnegative-integer?] [f (A1 ... ooo An ... An+1 ... -> B)] [x An+1] ...) (An ... -> ooo -> A1 ... -> B)] )]{ @emph{Note:} The @scheme[ooo] above denotes a loosely associating ellipsis. The @scheme[curryn] and @scheme[currynr] functions construct a curried version of @scheme[f], specialized at @scheme[x ...], that produces a result after @scheme[n] further applications. Arguments at any stage of application may include keyword arguments, so long as no keyword is duplicated. These curried functions obey the following equations: @schemeblock[ (curryn 0 f x ...) = (f x ...) ((curryn (+ n 1) f x ...) y ...) = (curryn n f x ... y ...) (currynr 0 f x ...) = (f x ...) ((currynr (+ n 1) f x ...) y ...) = (currynr n f y ... x ...) ] The @scheme[call], @scheme[papply], and @scheme[papplyr] utilities are related to @scheme[curryn] and @scheme[currynr] in the following manner: @schemeblock[ (call f x ...) = (curryn 0 f x ...) = (currynr 0 f x ...) (papply f x ...) = (curryn 1 f x ...) (papplyr f x ...) = (currynr 1 f x ...) ] @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define reciprocal (curryn 1 / 1)) (reciprocal 3) (reciprocal 4) (define subtract-from (curryn 2 -)) (define from-10 (subtract-from 10)) (from-10 5) (from-10 10) (define from-0 (subtract-from 0)) (from-0 5) (from-0 10) (define halve (currynr 1 / 2)) (halve 3) (halve 4) (define subtract (currynr 2 -)) (define minus-10 (subtract 10)) (minus-10 5) (minus-10 10) (define minus-0 (subtract 0)) (minus-0 5) (minus-0 10) ] } @section{Eta Expansion} @defform[(eta f)]{ Produces a function equivalent to @scheme[f], except that @scheme[f] is evaluated every time it is called. This is useful for function expressions that may be run, but not called, before @scheme[f] is defined. The @scheme[eta] expression will produce a function without evaluating @scheme[f]. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define f (eta g)) f (define g (lambda (x) (+ x 1))) (f 1) ] } @defform[(eta* f x ...)]{ Produces a function equivalent to @scheme[f], with argument list @scheme[x ...]. In simple cases, this is equivalent to @scheme[(lambda (x ...) (f x ...))]. Optional (positional or keyword) arguments are not allowed. This macro behaves similarly to @scheme[eta], but produces a function with statically known arity which may improve efficiency and error reporting. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define f (eta* g x)) f (procedure-arity f) (define g (lambda (x) (+ x 1))) (f 1) ] } @section{Parameter Arguments} @defform/subs[ (lambda/parameter (param-arg ...) body ...) ([param-arg param-arg-spec (code:line keyword param-spec)] [param-arg-spec id [id default-expr] [id #:param param-expr]]) ]{ Constructs a function much like @scheme[lambda], except that some optional arguments correspond to the value of a parameter. For each clause of the form @scheme[[id #:param param-expr]], @scheme[param-expr] must evaluate to a value @scheme[param] satisfying @scheme[parameter?]. The default value of the argument @scheme[id] is @scheme[(param)]; @scheme[param] is bound to @scheme[id] via @scheme[parameterize] during the function call. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define p (open-output-string)) (define hello-world (lambda/parameter ([port #:param current-output-port]) (display "Hello, World!") (newline port))) (hello-world p) (get-output-string p) ] }