#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual "../planet.ss" (for-label scheme/gui (this-package-in gui))) @title[#:style 'quiet #:tag "gui"]{GUI Widgets} @defmodule/this-package[gui] The bindings in this module are not included in @schememodname/this-package[scheme]. @section{Locked Text Fields} These classes and mixins provide text and combo field controls that cannot be directly edited by the user, but may be updated by other controls. @defmixin[locked-text-field-mixin (text-field%) ()]{ This mixin updates text field classes to prevent user edits, but allow programmatic update of the text value. It also sets the undo history length to a default of 0, as user undo commands are disabled and the history takes up space. @defconstructor[([undo-history exact-nonnegative-integer? 0])]{ The mixin adds the @scheme[undo-history] initialization argument to control the length of the undo history. It defaults to 0 to save space, but may be set higher. The mixin inherits all the initialization arguments of its parent class; it does not override any of them. } @defmethod[#:mode override (set-value [str string?]) void?]{ Unlocks the text field's nested editor, calls the parent class's @method[text-field% set-value], and then re-locks the editor. } } @defclass[locked-text-field% text-field% ()]{ Equal to @scheme[(locked-text-field-mixin text-field%)]. } @defclass[locked-combo-field% combo-field% ()]{ Equal to @scheme[(locked-text-field-mixin combo-field%)]. } @section{Union GUIs} @defmixin[union-container-mixin (area-container<%>) ()]{ This mixin modifies a container class to display only one of its child areas at a time, but to leave room to switch to any of them. @defmethod[(choose [child (is-a?/c subwindow<%>)]) void?]{ This method changes which of the container's children is displayed. The chosen child is shown and the previous choice is hidden. } } @defclass[union-pane% pane% ()]{ Equal to @scheme[(union-container-mixin pane%)]. } @defclass[union-panel% panel% ()]{ Equal to @scheme[(union-container-mixin panel%)]. }