#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "../planet.ss" "eval.ss") @(require (for-label scheme (this-package-in scheme))) @title[#:style 'quiet #:tag "regexp"]{Regular Expressions} @defmodule/this-package[regexp] This module provides tools for building strings which can be compiled to regular expressions. In particular, the constructors wrap their arguments in appropriate delimeters to prevent misparsing after concatenation. @defproc[(regexp-sequence [#:start start string? ""] [#:between between string? ""] [#:end end string? ""] [re string?] ...) string?]{ Produces a regular expression string that matches @scheme[start], followed by each @scheme[re] interleaved with @scheme[between], followed by @scheme[end]. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define re (pregexp (regexp-sequence "[0-9]+" "[0-9]+" "[0-9]+" #:start (regexp-quote "(") #:between (regexp-quote ",") #:end (regexp-quote ")")))) (regexp-match-exact? re "(1,10,100)") (regexp-match-exact? re "(1,10)") (regexp-match-exact? re " ( 1 , 10 , 100 ) ") ] } @defproc[(regexp-or [re string?] ...+) string?]{ Produces a regular expression string that matches any of the given @scheme[re]s. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define re (pregexp (regexp-or "[0-9]+" "[a-z]"))) (regexp-match-exact? re "123") (regexp-match-exact? re "c") (regexp-match-exact? re "12c") ] } @defproc[(regexp-maybe [re string?] ...+) string?]{ Produces a regular expression string that matches either the empty string, or the concatenation of all the given @scheme[re]s. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define re (pregexp (regexp-maybe "[0-9]+" "[.]" "[0-9]+"))) (regexp-match-exact? re "123.456") (regexp-match-exact? re "") (regexp-match-exact? re "123") ] } @defproc[(regexp-star [re string?] ...+) string?]{ Produces a regular expression string that matches zero or more consecutive occurrences of the concatenation of the given @scheme[re]s. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define re (pregexp (regexp-star "a" "b" "c"))) (regexp-match-exact? re "") (regexp-match-exact? re "abc") (regexp-match-exact? re "abcabcabc") (regexp-match-exact? re "a") ] } @defproc[(regexp-plus [re string?] ...+) string?]{ Produces a regular expression string that matches one or more consecutive occurrences of the concatenation of the given @scheme[re]s. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define re (pregexp (regexp-plus "a" "b" "c"))) (regexp-match-exact? re "") (regexp-match-exact? re "abc") (regexp-match-exact? re "abcabcabc") (regexp-match-exact? re "a") ] } @defproc[(regexp-save [re string?] ...+) string?]{ Produces a regular expression string that matches the concatenation of the given @scheme[re]s and saves the result. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define re (pregexp (regexp-sequence (regexp-save "[0-9]+") "\\1"))) (regexp-match-exact? re "11") (regexp-match-exact? re "123123") (regexp-match-exact? re "123456") ] } @defproc[(regexp-multi [re string?] ...+) string?]{ Produces a regular expression string that matches the concatenation of the given @scheme[re]s in multiple-line mode. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define re (pregexp (regexp-multi "^abc$"))) (regexp-match? re "abc") (regexp-match? re "xyz\nabc\ndef") ] }