#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval "../planet.ss" "eval.ss") @(require (for-label scheme (this-package-in scheme))) @title[#:style 'quiet #:tag "values"]{Multiple Values} @defmodule/this-package[values] This module provides tools for manipulating functions and expressions that produce multiple values. @defform[(values->list expr)]{ Produces a list of the values returned by @scheme[expr]. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (values->list (values 1 2 3)) ] } @defproc[(map2 [f (-> A ... (values B C))] [lst (listof A)] ...) (values (listof B) (listof C))]{ Produces a pair of lists of the respective values of @scheme[f] applied to the elements in @scheme[lst ...] sequentially. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (map2 (lambda (x) (values (+ x 1) (- x 1))) (list 1 2 3)) ] } @defproc[(map/values [n natural-number/c] [f (-> A ... (values B_1 ... B_n))] [lst (listof A)] ...) (values (listof B_1) ... (listof B_n))]{ Produces lists of the respective values of @scheme[f] applied to the elements in @scheme[lst ...] sequentially. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (map/values 3 (lambda (x) (values (+ x 1) x (- x 1))) (list 1 2 3)) ] } @deftogether[( @defproc[(foldr/values [f (-> A ... B ... (values B ...))] [vs (list/c B ...)] [lst (listof A)] ...) (values B ...)] @defproc[(foldl/values [f (-> A ... B ... (values B ...))] [vs (list/c B ...)] [lst (listof A)] ...) (values B ...)] )]{ These functions combine the values in the lists @scheme[lst ...] using the multiple-valued function @scheme[f]; @scheme[foldr/values] traverses the lists right to left and @scheme[foldl/values] traverses left to right. @defexamples[ #:eval (evaluator) (define (add/cons a b c d) (values (+ a c) (cons b d))) (foldr/values add/cons (list 0 null) (list 1 2 3 4) (list 5 6 7 8)) (foldl/values add/cons (list 0 null) (list 1 2 3 4) (list 5 6 7 8)) ] }