#lang scheme
(require "define.ss" "contract.ss")
(define-if-unbound dict-has-key?
(let ()
([dict-has-key? (-> dict? any/c boolean?)])
(define (dict-has-key? dict key)
(let/ec return
(dict-ref dict key (lambda () (return #f)))
(define-if-unbound dict-ref!
(let ()
([dict-ref! (-> (and/c dict? dict-mutable?)
(or/c (-> any/c) any/c)
(define (dict-ref! dict key failure)
dict key
(lambda ()
(let* ([value (if (procedure? failure) (failure) failure)])
(dict-set! dict key value)
(define-if-unbound (dict-empty? dict)
(= (dict-count dict) 0))
(define (empty-dict #:weak? [weak? #f]
#:mutable? [mutable? weak?]
#:compare [compare 'equal])
(match* [mutable? weak? compare]
([#f #f 'equal] (make-immutable-hash null))
([#f #f 'eqv] (make-immutable-hasheqv null))
([#f #f 'eq] (make-immutable-hasheq null))
([#t #f 'equal] (make-hash))
([#t #f 'eqv] (make-hasheqv))
([#t #f 'eq] (make-hasheq))
([#t #t 'equal] (make-weak-hash))
([#t #t 'eqv] (make-weak-hash))
([#t #t 'eq] (make-weak-hash))
([#f #t _] (error 'empty-set "cannot create an immutable weak hash"))))
(define (make-dict dict
#:weak? [weak? #f]
#:mutable? [mutable? weak?]
#:compare [compare 'equal])
(let* ([MT (empty-dict #:mutable? mutable? #:weak? weak? #:compare compare)])
(if mutable?
(begin (dict-union! MT dict) MT)
(dict-union MT dict))))
(define (custom-dict equiv?
[hash1 (lambda (x) 0)]
[hash2 (lambda (x) 0)]
#:weak? [weak? #f]
#:mutable? [mutable? weak?])
(match* [mutable? weak?]
([#f #f] (make-immutable-custom-hash equiv? hash1 hash2))
([#t #f] (make-custom-hash equiv? hash1 hash2))
([#t #t] (make-weak-custom-hash equiv? hash1 hash2))
([#f #t] (error 'custom-set "cannot create an immutable weak hash"))))
(define (dict-ref/check dict key)
(dict-ref dict key))
(define (dict-ref/identity dict key)
(dict-ref dict key (lambda () key)))
(define (dict-ref/default dict key default)
(dict-ref dict key (lambda () default)))
(define (dict-ref/failure dict key failure)
(dict-ref dict key (lambda () (failure))))
(define (dict-domain dict)
(for/list ([i (in-dict-keys dict)]) i))
(define (dict-range dict)
(for/list ([i (in-dict-values dict)]) i))
(define ((dict-duplicate-error name) key value1 value2)
(error name "duplicate values for key ~e: ~e and ~e" key value1 value2))
(define (dict-union
#:combine [combine #f]
#:combine/key [combine/key
(if combine
(lambda (k x y) (combine x y))
(dict-duplicate-error 'dict-union))]
one . rest)
(for*/fold ([one one]) ([two (in-list rest)] [(k v) (in-dict two)])
(dict-set one k (if (dict-has-key? one k)
(combine/key k (dict-ref one k) v)
(define (dict-union!
#:combine [combine #f]
#:combine/key [combine/key
(if combine
(lambda (k x y) (combine x y))
(dict-duplicate-error 'dict-union))]
one . rest)
(for* ([two (in-list rest)] [(k v) (in-dict two)])
(dict-set! one k (if (dict-has-key? one k)
(combine/key k (dict-ref one k) v)
(define (wrapped-dict-property
#:unwrap unwrap
#:wrap [wrap #f]
#:predicate [pred (lambda (x) #t)]
#:mutable? [mutable? #t]
#:functional? [functional? (if wrap #t #f)]
#:remove? [remove? #t])
(let* ([unwrap (protect-unwrap pred unwrap)]
[wrap (and wrap (protect-wrap pred wrap))])
(vector (wrapped-ref unwrap)
(and mutable? (wrapped-set! unwrap))
(and functional? wrap (wrapped-set unwrap wrap))
(and mutable? remove? (wrapped-remove! unwrap))
(and functional? remove? wrap (wrapped-remove unwrap wrap))
(wrapped-count unwrap)
(wrapped-iterate-first unwrap)
(wrapped-iterate-next unwrap)
(wrapped-iterate-key unwrap)
(wrapped-iterate-value unwrap))))
(define ((protect-unwrap pred unwrap) op x)
(unless (pred x)
(format "~a: expected a <~a>, but got: ~e"
op (object-name pred) x)
(unwrap x))
(define ((protect-wrap pred wrap) op x)
(let* ([y (wrap x)])
(unless (pred y)
(format "~a: tried to construct a <~a>, but got: ~e"
op (object-name pred) x)
(define (wrapped-ref unwrap)
[(dict key) (dict-ref (unwrap 'dict-ref dict) key)]
[(dict key fail) (dict-ref (unwrap 'dict-ref dict) key fail)]))
(define ((wrapped-set! unwrap) dict key value)
(dict-set! (unwrap 'dict-set! dict) key value))
(define ((wrapped-set unwrap wrap) dict key value)
(wrap 'dict-set (dict-set (unwrap 'dict-set dict) key value)))
(define ((wrapped-remove! unwrap) dict key)
(dict-remove! (unwrap 'dict-remove! dict) key))
(define ((wrapped-remove unwrap wrap) dict key)
(wrap 'dict-remove (dict-remove (unwrap 'dict-remove dict) key)))
(define ((wrapped-count unwrap) dict)
(dict-count (unwrap 'dict-count dict)))
(define ((wrapped-iterate-first unwrap) dict)
(dict-iterate-first (unwrap 'dict-iterate-first dict)))
(define ((wrapped-iterate-next unwrap) dict pos)
(dict-iterate-next (unwrap 'dict-iterate-next dict) pos))
(define ((wrapped-iterate-key unwrap) dict pos)
(dict-iterate-key (unwrap 'dict-iterate-key dict) pos))
(define ((wrapped-iterate-value unwrap) dict pos)
(dict-iterate-value (unwrap 'dict-iterate-value dict) pos))
(provide dict/c dict-has-key? dict-ref!)
[dict-empty? (-> dict? boolean?)]
(->* []
[#:mutable? boolean? #:weak? boolean? #:compare (or/c 'eq 'eqv 'equal)]
(->* [dict?]
[#:mutable? boolean? #:weak? boolean? #:compare (or/c 'eq 'eqv 'equal)]
(->* [(-> any/c any/c any/c)]
[(-> any/c exact-integer?) (-> any/c exact-integer?)
#:mutable? boolean? #:weak? boolean?]
(->* [#:unwrap (-> dict? dict?)]
[#:wrap (-> dict? dict?)
#:predicate (-> any/c boolean?)
#:mutable? boolean?
#:remove? boolean?
#:functional? boolean?]
[dict-ref/identity (-> dict? any/c any/c)]
[dict-ref/default (-> dict? any/c any/c any/c)]
[dict-ref/failure (-> dict? any/c (-> any/c) any/c)]
(->d ([table dict?] [key any/c]) ()
#:pre-cond (dict-has-key? table key)
[_ any/c])]
[dict-domain (-> dict? list?)]
[dict-range (-> dict? list?)]
[dict-union (->* [(and/c dict? dict-can-functional-set?)]
(-> any/c any/c any/c)
(-> any/c any/c any/c any/c)]
#:rest (listof dict?)
(and/c dict? dict-can-functional-set?))]
[dict-union! (->* [(and/c dict? dict-mutable?)]
(-> any/c any/c any/c)
(-> any/c any/c any/c any/c)]
#:rest (listof dict?)