#lang racket
(require (planet clements/sxml2)
(lib "time.ss" "srfi" "19")
(planet dherman/memoize))
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define book-ids #f)
(define count-data #f)
(define commodities #f)
(define accounts #f)
(define transactions #f)
(define (init-libs list-of-things)
(set! book-ids (tag-filter book-id-tag list-of-things))
(set! count-data (tag-filter count-data-tag list-of-things))
(set! commodities (tag-filter commodity-tag list-of-things))
(set! accounts (tag-filter account-tag list-of-things))
(set! transactions (tag-filter transaction-tag list-of-things)))
(define book-id-tag (string->symbol "http://www.gnucash.org/XML/book:id"))
(define count-data-tag (string->symbol "http://www.gnucash.org/XML/gnc:count-data"))
(define commodity-tag (string->symbol "http://www.gnucash.org/lxr/gnucash/source/src()/doc/xml/io-gncxml-version-2.dtd#gnc:commodity"))
(define pricedb-tag (string->symbol "http://www.gnucash.org/XML/gnc:pricedb"))
(define account-tag (string->symbol "http://www.gnucash.org/XML/gnc:account"))
(define transaction-tag (string->symbol "http://www.gnucash.org/XML/gnc:transaction"))
(define date-tag '|http://www.gnucash.org/XML/ts:date|)
(define date-posted-tag '|http://www.gnucash.org/XML/trn:date-posted|)
(define account-name-tag '|http://www.gnucash.org/XML/act:name|)
(define account-parent-tag '|http://www.gnucash.org/XML/act:parent|)
(define account-id-tag '|http://www.gnucash.org/XML/act:id|)
(define transaction-currency-tag 'http://www.gnucash.org/XML/trn:currency)
(define splits-tag '|http://www.gnucash.org/XML/trn:splits|)
(define split-account-tag '|http://www.gnucash.org/XML/split:account|)
(define split-value-tag 'http://www.gnucash.org/XML/split:value)
(define dollars
(http://www.gnucash.org/XML/cmdty:space "ISO4217")
(http://www.gnucash.org/XML/cmdty:id "USD")))
(define (tag-filter tag elts)
(filter (lambda (elt)
(eq? (car elt) tag))
(define oo
((x) (match x
[(list elt) elt]
[any (error 'oo "zap")
(error 'oo "expected list of length one, got: ~v" any)]))
((x fail) (match x
[(list elt) elt]
[any (error 'oo (fail))]))))
(define (oof x)
(match x
[(list elt) elt]
[(list) #f]
[any (error 'oo "expected list of length one or zero, got: ~v" any)]))
(define (transaction-date transaction)
(string->date (oo (sxml:content (oo ((sxpath (list date-posted-tag date-tag)) transaction)))) "~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M:~S ~z"))
(define (account-name account)
(match (sxml:content (oo ((sxpath (list account-name-tag)) account)))
[(list) #f]
[(list name) name]
[any (error 'account-parent "expected one or zero names, got: ~v" any)]))
(define (account-parent account)
(match ((sxpath (list account-parent-tag)) account)
[(list parent) (oo (sxml:content parent))]
[(list) #f]
[any (error 'account-parent "expected one or zero parents, got: ~v" any)]))
(define (account-id account)
(oo (sxml:content (oo ((sxpath (list account-id-tag)) account)
(lambda () (format "account-id-tag not found in: ~v" account))))
(lambda () (format "content of account-id-tag not found in: ~v" account))))
(define (transaction-splits t)
(sxml:content (oo ((sxpath (list splits-tag)) t)
(lambda () (format "transaction has no splits: ~v" t)))))
(define (transaction-currency t)
(oo ((sxpath (list transaction-currency-tag)) t)))
(define (split-account s)
(oo (sxml:content (oo ((sxpath (list split-account-tag)) s)))))
(define (split-value s)
(string->number (oo (sxml:content (oo ((sxpath (list split-value-tag)) s))))))
(define (id->account id)
(oo (filter (lambda (account) (string=? id (account-id account))) accounts)))
(define/memo (account-name-path account)
(reverse (let loop ([account account])
(let ([maybe-parent (account-parent account)])
(cons (account-name account)
(if maybe-parent
(loop (id->account maybe-parent))
(define (find-account name-path)
(oo (filter (lambda (acct) (equal? (account-name-path acct) name-path))
(lambda () (format "no account named ~v" name-path))))
(define (find-account/prefix name-path)
(filter (lambda (acct) (prefix? name-path (account-name-path acct)))
(define (prefix? a b)
(match (list a b)
[(list (list) any) #t]
[(list (list-rest a arest) (list-rest b brest)) (and (equal? a b) (prefix? arest brest))]
[else #f]))
(begin (>>> (prefix? `() `()))
(>>> (prefix? `(a) `(a)))
(>>> (not (prefix? `(a b) `(a c))))
(>>> (prefix? `(a b c) `(a b c d))))
(define (all-splits transaction)
(let* ([splits (sxml:content (transaction-splits transaction))]
[date (transaction-date transaction)])
(map (lambda (split) (list (date->time-utc date) split)) splits)))
(define (make-date-filter start end)
(lambda (transaction)
(let ([ttime (date->time-utc (transaction-date transaction))]
[stime (date->time-utc start)]
[etime (date->time-utc end)])
(and (time<=? stime ttime)
(time<? ttime etime)))))
(define (make-year-filter year)
(make-date-filter (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 year 0)
(srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 (+ year 1) 0)))
(define (year->transactions year) (filter (make-year-filter year) transactions))
(define (crossers transactions account-ids)
(filter (lambda (transaction)
(let ([split-account-ids (map split-account (sxml:content (transaction-splits transaction)))])
(and (ormap (lambda (id) (member id account-ids))
(ormap (lambda (id) (not (member id account-ids)))
(define (net transaction acct-ids currency)
(unless (equal? (transaction-currency transaction) currency)
(error 'net "transaction has wrong currency; expected ~v, got ~v" currency (transaction-currency transaction)))
(let ([splits (sxml:content (transaction-splits transaction))])
(foldl + 0 (map split-value (filter (lambda (s) (not (member (split-account s) acct-ids))) splits)))))
(define (external-splits transaction account-ids)
(let* ([splits (sxml:content (transaction-splits transaction))]
[date (transaction-date transaction)]
[externals (filter (lambda (s) (not (member (split-account s) account-ids))) splits)])
(map (lambda (split) (list (date->time-utc date) split)) externals)))
(define (print-transaction t)
(printf "~a\n" (date->string (transaction-date t)))
(unless (equal? (transaction-currency t) dollars)
(for-each print-split (transaction-splits t)))
(define (print-split s)
(printf "~v : ~v\n" (account-name-path (id->account (split-account s))) (split-value s)))
(define (jan-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 1 year 0))
(define (feb-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 2 year 0))
(define (mar-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 3 year 0))
(define (apr-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 4 year 0))
(define (may-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 5 year 0))
(define (jun-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 6 year 0))
(define (jul-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 7 year 0))
(define (aug-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 8 year 0))
(define (sep-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 9 year 0))
(define (oct-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 10 year 0))
(define (nov-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 11 year 0))
(define (dec-one year) (srfi:make-date 0 0 0 0 1 12 year 0))
(define (group-by-account date-and-splits)
(let* ([ht (make-hash)])
(for-each (lambda (date-and-split)
(let ([id (split-account (cadr date-and-split))])
(hash-set! ht id (cons date-and-split (hash-ref ht id (lambda () `()))))))
(hash-map ht list)))
(define (generate-budget-report grouped)
(map (match-lambda [(list id splits) (list (account-name-path (id->account id)) (apply + (map split-value (map cadr splits))))]) grouped))
(define (budget-report s e accounts)
(generate-budget-report (splits-by-account s e (map account-id accounts))))
(define (splits-by-account s e acct-ids)
(let* ([crossers (crossers (filter (make-date-filter s e) transactions) acct-ids)]
[external-motion (apply append (map (lambda (transaction)
(external-splits transaction acct-ids))
(group-by-account external-motion)))
(define (transactions-in-range s e)
(filter (make-date-filter s e) transactions))
(define (pair-up a b)
(let ([ht (make-hash)])
(for-each (match-lambda [(list k v) (hash-set! ht k (list v))]) a)
(for-each (match-lambda [(list k v) (hash-set! ht k (cons v (hash-ref ht k (lambda () (list 0)))))]) b)
(hash-map ht (lambda (k v) (match v
[(list a b) (list k b a)]
[(list a) (list k a 0)])))))
(define (expenses-only br)
(filter (match-lambda [(list name a b)
(cond [(and (>= a 0) (>= b 0))
[(or (> a 0) (> b 0))
(error 'expenses-only "account ~v has mixed-sign numbers: ~v and ~v" name a b)]
[else #f])])
(define (print-it a)
(for-each (match-lambda [(list name a b) (printf "~a\t~v\t~v\n" (colonsep name) (digfmt a) (digfmt b))]) a))
(define (colonsep strlist)
(apply string-append (cons (car strlist) (map (lambda (x) (string-append ":" x)) (cdr strlist)))))
(define (digfmt n)
(/ (* n 100) 100.0))