#lang racket

(require "helpers.rkt"

(define twopi (* 2 pi))

(define-runtime-path libs "../lib")

(define pa-abort 2)
(define pa-continue 0)

(test-suite "portaudio"
(let ()
  (define callback-lib
    (ffi-lib (build-path libs (system-library-subpath) "callbacks")))
  (define-cstruct _stream-rec
  (;; the number of frames in the circular buffer
   [buffer-frames _int]
   ;; the circular buffer
   [buffer _pointer]
   ;; the last frame read by the callback
   [last-frame-read _uint]
   ;; the offset of the last byte read by the callback.
   [last-offset-read _uint]
   ;; the last frame written by Racket
   [last-frame-written _uint]
   ;; the offset of the last byte written by Racket.
   [last-offset-written _uint]
   ;; number of faults:
   [fault-count _int]
   ;; a pointer to a 4-byte cell; when it's nonzero,
   ;; the supplying procedure should shut down, and
   ;; free this cell. If it doesn't get freed, well,
   ;; that's four bytes wasted forever.
   [all-done _pointer]))
  (define streaming-callback
    (get-ffi-obj "streamingCallback"
                  (_pointer = #f)
                  (_pointer = #f)
                  (_ulong = 0)
                  -> _int)))
  ;; changing these will mess up the "around-the-corner"-ness
  ;; of the tests.
  (define buffer-frames 2048)
  (define output-buffer-frames 224)
      (list stream-info all-done-ptr)
    (make-streaming-info buffer-frames))
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-buffer-frames stream-info)
  (ptr-set! (stream-rec-buffer stream-info) _sint16 39 -47)
  (check-equal? (ptr-ref (stream-rec-buffer stream-info) _sint16 39) -47)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-frame-read stream-info) 0)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-offset-read stream-info) 0)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-frame-written stream-info) 0)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-offset-written stream-info) 0)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-fault-count stream-info) 0)
  (check-equal? (all-done? all-done-ptr) #f)
  ;; randomize the buffers
  (for ([j (in-range (* channels buffer-frames))])
    (ptr-set! (stream-rec-buffer stream-info) _sint16 j (- (random 1000) 500)))
  (define tgt (make-s16vector (* channels output-buffer-frames) 1))
  (define buffer-bytes (* 2 channels buffer-frames))
  ;; buffer-not ready yet:
  (set-stream-rec-last-frame-read! stream-info 7000)
  (set-stream-rec-last-offset-read! stream-info (modulo (* 4 7000) buffer-bytes))
  (check-equal? (streaming-callback
                 (s16vector->cpointer tgt)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-frame-read stream-info) 7224)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-offset-read stream-info) 
                (modulo (* 4 7224) buffer-bytes))
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-fault-count stream-info) 1)
  (for ([i (in-range (* channels output-buffer-frames))])
    (check-equal? (s16vector-ref tgt i) 0))
  ;; buffer ready:
  (set-stream-rec-last-frame-written! stream-info 8000)
  (set-stream-rec-last-offset-written! stream-info (modulo (* 4 8000) buffer-bytes))
  (check-equal? (streaming-callback
                 (s16vector->cpointer tgt)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-frame-read stream-info) 7448)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-offset-read stream-info) 
                (modulo (* 4 7448) buffer-bytes))
  (for ([i (in-range (* 2 output-buffer-frames))]
        [j (in-range (modulo (* 2 7224)
                             (* 2 2048))
                     (+ (modulo (* 2 7224)
                                (* 2 2048))
                        (* 2 output-buffer-frames)))])
    (check-equal? (s16vector-ref tgt i)
                  (ptr-ref (stream-rec-buffer stream-info) _sint16 j)))
  ;; try an "around-the-corner" with a data failure too
  (set-stream-rec-last-frame-written! stream-info 8200)
  (set-stream-rec-last-offset-written! stream-info (modulo (* 4 8200) buffer-bytes))
  (set-stream-rec-last-frame-read! stream-info 8000)
  (set-stream-rec-last-offset-read! stream-info (modulo (* 4 8000) buffer-bytes))
  (check-equal? (streaming-callback
                 (s16vector->cpointer tgt)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-frame-read stream-info) 8224)
  (check-equal? (stream-rec-last-offset-read stream-info) (modulo (* 4 8224)
  ;; end of buffer:
  (for ([i (in-range (* 2 192))]
        [j (in-range (modulo (* 2 8000)
                             (* 2 buffer-frames))
                     (+ (* 2 192)
                        (modulo (* 2 8000)
                                (* 2 buffer-frames))))])
     (s16vector-ref tgt i)
     (ptr-ref (stream-rec-buffer stream-info) _sint16 j)))
  ;; around the corner:
  (for ([i (in-range (* 2 192) (* 2 200))]
        [j (in-range (* 2 8))])
     (s16vector-ref tgt i)
     (ptr-ref (stream-rec-buffer stream-info) _sint16 j)))
  (for ([i (in-range (* 2 200) (* 2 224))])
    (check-equal? (s16vector-ref tgt i) 0))
  ;; tests for call-buffer-filler
  (let () (define ptr-log empty)
    (define ftw-log empty)
    (define (bogus-buffer-filler cpointer frames-to-write)
      (set! ptr-log (cons cpointer ptr-log))
      (set! ftw-log (cons frames-to-write ftw-log)))
    (set-stream-rec-last-frame-read! stream-info 1000)
    (set-stream-rec-last-offset-read! stream-info (modulo (* 4 1000) buffer-bytes))
    (set-stream-rec-last-frame-written! stream-info 1500)
    (set-stream-rec-last-offset-written! stream-info 
                                         (modulo (* 4 1500) buffer-bytes))
    (call-buffer-filler stream-info bogus-buffer-filler)
    (check-equal? ptr-log (list (stream-rec-buffer stream-info)
                                (ptr-add (stream-rec-buffer stream-info)
                                         (* 4 1500))))
    (check-equal? ftw-log (list 1000
                                (- 2048 1500))))
  ;; check on 2nd iteration:
  (let () (define ptr-log empty)
    (define ftw-log empty)
    (define (bogus-buffer-filler cpointer frames-to-write)
      (set! ptr-log (cons cpointer ptr-log))
      (set! ftw-log (cons frames-to-write ftw-log)))
    (set-stream-rec-last-frame-read! stream-info 3048)
    (set-stream-rec-last-offset-read! stream-info (modulo (* 4 3048) buffer-bytes))
    (set-stream-rec-last-frame-written! stream-info 3548)
    (set-stream-rec-last-offset-written! stream-info 
                                         (modulo (* 4 3548) buffer-bytes))
    (call-buffer-filler stream-info bogus-buffer-filler)
    (check-equal? ptr-log (list (stream-rec-buffer stream-info)
                                (ptr-add (stream-rec-buffer stream-info)
                                         (* 4 1500))))
    (check-equal? ftw-log (list 1000
                                (- 2048 1500))))
  ;; check for reader got ahead of writer:
  (let () (define ptr-log empty)
    (define ftw-log empty)
    (define (bogus-buffer-filler cpointer frames-to-write)
      (set! ptr-log (cons cpointer ptr-log))
      (set! ftw-log (cons frames-to-write ftw-log)))
    ;; 1K frames after the beginning of the tenth go-round:
    (define read-frame (+ 1000 (* 10 buffer-frames)))
    (set-stream-rec-last-frame-read! stream-info read-frame)
    (set-stream-rec-last-offset-read! stream-info
                                      (modulo (* 4 read-frame) buffer-bytes))
    ;; writer fell way way behind:
    (set-stream-rec-last-frame-written! stream-info 14)
    (set-stream-rec-last-offset-written! stream-info 
                                         (modulo (* 4 14) buffer-bytes))
    (call-buffer-filler stream-info bogus-buffer-filler)
    (check-equal? ptr-log (list (stream-rec-buffer stream-info)
                                (ptr-add (stream-rec-buffer stream-info)
                                         (* 4 1000))))
    (check-equal? ftw-log (list 1000
                                (- buffer-frames 1000))))