#lang racket 

(require "../rsound.rkt"
         (for-syntax syntax/parse))

(test-suite "utils tests"
(let ()
(define r (make-tone 882 0.2 (default-sample-rate)))

(check-equal? (rs-ith/left/s16 r 0) 0)
(check-equal? (rs-ith/right/s16 r 50) 0)
(check-= (rs-ith/left/s16 r 27) 
         (round (* s16max (* 0.2 (sin (* twopi 882 27/44100))))) 0.0)
  ;; non-default sample-rate:
  (let ([r (parameterize ([default-sample-rate 3420])
             (make-tone 882 0.2 1000))])
    (check-equal? (rsound-sample-rate r) 3420)
    ;; serious inexactness results from rounding in wavetables:
    (check-= (rs-ith/left/s16 r 27) 
             (round (* s16max (* 0.2 (sin (* twopi 882 27/3420))))) 4.0))

;; table-based-sine-wave

(check-= ((raw-sine-wave 4 44100) 13) (sin (* 2 pi 13/44100 4)) 1e-4)

(check-= ((raw-square-wave 2 500) 0) 1.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((raw-square-wave 2 500) 10) 1.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((raw-square-wave 2 500) 124) 1.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((raw-square-wave 2 500) 125) -1.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((raw-square-wave 2 500) 249) -1.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((raw-square-wave 2 500) 250)  1.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((raw-square-wave 3 500) 166) -1.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((raw-square-wave 3 500) 167)  1.0 1e-4)
  (define pulse-12.5 (make-pulse-tone 0.125))
  (define short-pulse  (pulse-12.5 441 0.2 50))
  (check-= (rs-ith/left short-pulse 0) 0.1 1e-4)
  (check-= (rs-ith/left short-pulse 11) 0.1 1e-4)
  (check-= (rs-ith/left short-pulse 13) -0.1 1e-4)

;; overlay*
  (define shorty (mono 20 t (* 0.01 t)))
  (check-= (rs-ith/left shorty 2) 0.02 1e-4)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right shorty 9) 0.09 1e-4)
  (define shorty2 (overlay shorty shorty))
  (check-= (rs-ith/right shorty2 13) 0.26 1e-4)
  (define shorty3 (overlay* (list shorty shorty shorty)))
  (check-= (rs-ith/left shorty3 6) 0.18 1e-4)
  (let ([s (scale 0.75 shorty)])
    (check-= (rs-ith/left s 8) 0.06 1e-4))

;; vectors->rsound

(let ([r (vectors->rsound (vector 3 4 5) (vector 2 -15 0))]
      [s (/ s16max 15)])
  (check-equal? (rs-ith/left/s16 r 0)  (round (* s 3)))
  (check-equal? (rs-ith/right/s16 r 1)  (round (* s -15))))

(check-not-exn (lambda () (make-harm3tone 430 0.1 400)))

;; is fader too slow?
;; answer: not yet a problem.
 (for ([i (in-range 100)])
   (mono-signal->rsound 44100 (fader 44100))))

 (for ([i (in-range 100)])
   (mono-signal->rsound 44100 (sine-wave 440 44100))))

 (for ([i (in-range 100)])
   (mono-signal->rsound 44100 (sawtooth-wave 440 44100))))

(let ([tr (sawtooth-wave 100 1000)])
  (check-= (tr 0) 0.0 1e-5)
  (check-= (tr 1) 0.2 1e-5)
  (check-= (tr 5) -1.0 1e-5))

;; memoizing

(let ([s1 (mono-signal->rsound 200 (signal-*s (list (dc-signal 0.5) (sine-wave 100 44100))))]
      [s2 (time (make-tone 100 0.5 441000))]
      [s3 (time (make-tone 100 0.5 441000))])
  (check-= (rs-ith/right/s16 s1 73)
           (rs-ith/right/s16 s2 73)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right/s16 s2 73)
           (rs-ith/right/s16 s3 73)

;; bug in memoization:
 (lambda ()
   (make-tone 100 0.5 200)
   (make-tone 100 0.5 400)))

;; FFT

(let* ([tone (make-tone 147 1.0 4800)]
       [fft (rsound-fft/left tone)])
  (check-= (magnitude (vector-ref fft 15)) 0.0 1e-2)
  (check-= (magnitude (vector-ref fft 16)) 2400.0 1e-2)
  (check-= (magnitude (vector-ref fft 17)) 0.0 1e-2))

(check-= ((frisellinator 100) 0) 0.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((frisellinator 100) 100) 1.0 1e-4)
(check-= ((frisellinator 100) 50) 0.5 1e-4)

(check-equal? (binary-logn 4096) 12)
(check-equal? (binary-logn 4095) #f)

(check-equal? ((signal (lambda (t b c) (+ t b c)) 3 4) 1) 8)

(check-equal? (signal? (lambda (t) 14)) #t)
(check-equal? (signal? (lambda (x y) 14)) #f)
(check-equal? (signal? (lambda args 14)) #t)


(check-= (midi-note-num->pitch 69) 440.0 1e-4)
(check-= (midi-note-num->pitch 57) 220.0 1e-4)
(check-= (midi-note-num->pitch 56) (/ 220 (expt 2 1/12)) 1e-4)
(check-exn (lambda (exn)
             (regexp-match #px"^midi-note-num->pitch: " (exn-message exn)))
           (lambda ()
             (midi-note-num->pitch (list 34 24))))

(check-= ((rsound->signal/left 
           (mono-signal->rsound 100 (lambda (x) (/ x 1000)))) 23)

;; off the edge:
(check-= ((rsound->signal/left 
           (mono-signal->rsound 100 (lambda (x) (/ x 1000)))) 150)

(check-exn exn:fail? (lambda () (rsound->signal/left 14)))

(check-= ((rsound->signal/right
           (mono-signal->rsound 100 (lambda (x) (/ x 1000)))) 23)

(check-exn exn:fail? (lambda () (rsound->signal/right 14)))


(define (mush x) (/ (round (* x s16max)) s16max))

(let* ([my-filter (fir-filter '((13 0.2) (5 0.1)))]
       [test-sound (mono-signal->rsound 100 (my-filter (lambda (x) (/ x 500))))])
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 0) 0 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 1) (mush 1/500) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 4) (mush 4/500) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 5) (mush (+ 5/500 0/5000)) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 6) (mush (+ 6/500 1/5000)) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 12) (mush (+ 12/500 7/5000)) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/left test-sound 78) (mush (+ 78/500 73/5000 65/2500)) 1e-7))


(let* ([my-filter (iir-filter '((13 0.2) (5 0.1)))]
       [test-sound (mono-signal->rsound 100 (my-filter (lambda (x) (/ x 500))))])
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 0) 0 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 1) (mush 1/500) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 4) (mush 4/500) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 5) (mush (+ 5/500 0/5000)) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 6) (mush (+ 6/500 1/5000)) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 10) (mush (+ 10/500 5/5000)) 1e-7)
  ;; now the IIR starts to behave differently:
    (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 11) (mush (+ 11/500 (* 1/10 (+ 6/500 1/5000)))) 1e-7)
  (check-= (rs-ith/right test-sound 12) (mush (+ 12/500 (* 1/10 (+ 7/500 2/5000)))) 1e-7))


;; reduce-volume

(check-= (thresh 1.0 7.0) 1.0 1e-4)
(check-= (thresh 2.0 -1.2) -1.2 1e-4)
(check-= (thresh 2.0 -6.0) -2.0 1e-4)
(check-= (thresh -2.5 3.4) 2.5 1e-4)

(let* ([f (lambda (t) (* 2 (sin (* t twopi 1 1/12))))]
       [vf (clip&volume 0.5 f)]
       [sf (signal-scale 4.0 f)])
  (check-= (f 0) 0 1e-4)
  (check-= (f 6) 0 1e-4)
  (check-= (f 3) 2.0 1e-4)
  (check-= (vf 0) 0 1e-4)
  (check-= (vf 3) 0.5 1e-4)
  (check-= (sf 3) 8.0 1e-4))
(let ()
  (define s (noise 100))
  (define t (rearrange 100 (lambda (x) (- 99 x)) s))
  (for/and ([i (in-range 100)])
    (and (equal? (rs-ith/left/s16 s i) (rs-ith/left/s16 t (- 99 i)))
         (equal? (rs-ith/right/s16 s i) (rs-ith/right/s16 t (- 99 i))))))

;; how much slower is signal?
;; answer: negligible; only about 2% slower
#|(define (n-times-throwaway n x) 
   (for ([i (in-range n)])

 (lambda ()
   (mono-signal->rsound (default-sample-rate) (lambda (t) (sin (* twopi t 340 1/44100))))))

(define (testfun t f)
  (sin (* twopi t f 1/44100)))

 (lambda ()
   (mono-signal->rsound (default-sample-rate) (lambda (t) (testfun t 340)))))

 (lambda ()
   (mono-signal->rsound (default-sample-rate) (signal testfun 340))))