#lang mzscheme

(require "")
(require "")

; -- Function: find-string-from-port? STR IN-PORT MAX-NO-CHARS
;    Looks for a string STR within the first MAX-NO-CHARS chars of the
;    input port IN-PORT
;    MAX-NO-CHARS may be omitted: in that case, the search span would be
;    limited only by the end of the input stream.
;    When the STR is found, the function returns the number of
;    characters it has read from the port, and the port is set
;    to read the first char after that (that is, after the STR)
;    The function returns #f when the string wasn't found
; Note the function reads the port *STRICTLY* sequentially, and does not
; perform any buffering. So the function can be used even if the port is open
; on a pipe or other communication channel.
; Probably can be classified as misc-io.
; Notes on the algorithm.
; A special care should be taken in a situation when one had achieved a partial
; match with (a head of) STR, and then some unexpected character appeared in
; the stream. It'll be rash to discard all already read characters. Consider
; an example of string "acab" and the stream "bacacab...", specifically when
;    a  c  a _b_
; b  a  c  a  c  a  b ...
; that is, when 'aca' had matched, but then 'c' showed up in the stream
; while we were looking for 'b'. In that case, discarding all already read
; characters and starting the matching process from scratch, that is,
; from 'c a b ...', would miss a certain match.
; Note, we don't actually need to keep already read characters, or at least
; strlen(str) characters in some kind of buffer. If there has been no match,
; we can safely discard read characters. If there was some partial match,
; we already know the characters before, they are in the STR itself, so
; we don't need a special buffer for that.

;;; "MISCIO" Search for string from port.
; Written 1995 by Oleg Kiselyov (
; Modified 1996 by A. Jaffer (
; This code is in the public domain.

(define (MISCIO:find-string-from-port? str <input-port> . max-no-char)
  (set! max-no-char (if (null? max-no-char) #f (car max-no-char)))
      ((no-chars-read 0)
       (my-peek-char			; Return a peeked char or #f
	(lambda () (and (or (not max-no-char) (< no-chars-read max-no-char))
			(let ((c (peek-char <input-port>)))
			  (if (eof-object? c) #f c)))))
       (next-char (lambda () (read-char <input-port>)
			  (set! no-chars-read  (inc no-chars-read))))
       (match-1st-char			; of the string str
	(lambda ()
	  (let ((c (my-peek-char)))
	    (if (not c) #f
		(begin (next-char)
		       (if (char=? c (string-ref str 0))
			   (match-other-chars 1)
       ;; There has been a partial match, up to the point pos-to-match
       ;; (for example, str[0] has been found in the stream)
       ;; Now look to see if str[pos-to-match] for would be found, too
	(lambda (pos-to-match)
	  (if (>= pos-to-match (string-length str))
	      no-chars-read		; the entire string has matched
	      (let ((c (my-peek-char)))
		(and c
		     (if (not (char=? c (string-ref str pos-to-match)))
			 (backtrack 1 pos-to-match)
			 (begin (next-char)
				(match-other-chars (inc pos-to-match)))))))))

       ;; There had been a partial match, but then a wrong char showed up.
       ;; Before discarding previously read (and matched) characters, we check
       ;; to see if there was some smaller partial match. Note, characters read
       ;; so far (which matter) are those of str[0..matched-substr-len - 1]
       ;; In other words, we will check to see if there is such i>0 that
       ;; substr(str,0,j) = substr(str,i,matched-substr-len)
       ;; where j=matched-substr-len - i
	(lambda (i matched-substr-len)
	  (let ((j (- matched-substr-len i)))
	    (if (<= j 0)
	      (match-1st-char)	; backed off completely to the begining of str
	      (let loop ((k 0))
	        (if (>= k j)
	           (match-other-chars j) ; there was indeed a shorter match
	           (if (char=? (string-ref str k)
	           	       (string-ref str (+ i k)))
	             (loop (inc k))
	             (backtrack (inc i) matched-substr-len))))))))

(define find-string-from-port? MISCIO:find-string-from-port?)

;   This is a test driver for miscio:find-string-from-port?, to make sure it
;			really works as intended

; moved to vinput-parse.scm

(provide (all-defined))