#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual planet/scribble "util.rkt" (for-label racket/base (this-package-in main))) @title{SXML: S-Expression Representation of XML} @;{@author[(author+email "John Clements" "clements@racket-lang.org")]} @defmodule/this-package[main]{ This planet library contains Oleg Kiselyov's SXML libraries in a Racket-friendly format. It is a direct descendant of Dmitry Lizorkin's PLaneT package. It's different from that package in that @itemize[#:style 'ordered @item{It contains some documentation (here it is!),} @item{it contains some tests that run in Racket,} @item{it raises racket exceptions rather than printing to stderr and raising "-1",} @item{it has only one require point (ssax & sxml are both included), and} @item{it doesn't depend on schemeunit:3, so it compiles quickly.}] This documentation is scraped together from various sources; the bulk of it (currently) is pulled from in-source comments. I'm hoping that this will become a Racket community project, with various people contributing documentation and test cases and maybe even bug fixes. To that end, this code currently lives in a github repository which should be fairly easy to find. Patches gratefully accepted. For Heaven's sake, report lots of bugs! --John Clements, 2011-02-17 } @include-section["sxml-rep.scrbl"] @include-section["sax-parsing.scrbl"] @include-section["serialization.scrbl"] @include-section["sxpath.scrbl"] @include-section["sxslt.scrbl"] @include-section["extracted-sperber.scrbl"] @include-section["all-exported.scrbl"] @(close-eval the-eval)