#lang racket

(require "../ssax.rkt"

(define (test str namespace-assig expected-res)
  (let ((result
         (call-with-input-string str
                                 (lambda (port)
                                   (ssax:xml->sxml port namespace-assig)))))
    (check-equal? result expected-res)))

(test " <BR/>" '() '(*TOP* (BR)))
(test "<BR></BR>" '() '(*TOP* (BR)))
(test " <BR CLEAR='ALL'\nCLASS='Class1'/>" '()
      '(*TOP* (BR (@ (CLEAR "ALL") (CLASS "Class1")))))
(test "   <A HREF='URL'>  link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" '()
      '(*TOP* (A (@ (HREF "URL")) "  link " (I "itlink ") " &amp;")))
(test "   <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'>  link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" '()
      '(*TOP* (A (@ (xml:space "preserve") (HREF "URL"))
                 "  link " (I "itlink ") " &amp;")))
(test "   <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'>  link <I xml:space='default'>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" '()
      '(*TOP* (A (@ (xml:space "preserve") (HREF "URL"))
                 "  link " (I (@ (xml:space "default"))
                              "itlink ") " &amp;")))
(test " <P><?pi1  p1 content ?>?<?pi2 pi2? content? ??></P>" '()
      '(*TOP* (P (*PI* pi1 "p1 content ") "?"
                 (*PI* pi2 "pi2? content? ?"))))
(test " <P>some text <![CDATA[<]]>1\n&quot;<B>strong</B>&quot;\r</P>"
      `(*TOP* (P "some text <1\n\""
                 (B "strong") "\"\n")))
(test " <P><![CDATA[<BR>\n<![CDATA[<BR>]]&gt;]]></P>" '()
      `(*TOP* (P "<BR>\n<![CDATA[<BR>]]>")))
;    (test "<T1><T2>it&apos;s\r\nand   that\n</T2>\r\n\r\n\n</T1>" '()
;	  '(*TOP* (T1 (T2 "it's\nand   that\n") "\n\n\n")))
(test "<T1><T2>it&apos;s\r\nand   that\n</T2>\r\n\r\n\n</T1>" '()
      `(*TOP* (T1 (T2 "it's\nand   that\n"))))
(test "<T1><T2>it&apos;s\rand   that\n</T2>\r\n\r\n\n</T1>" '()
      `(*TOP* (T1 (T2 "it's\nand   that\n"))))
(test "<!DOCTYPE T SYSTEM 'system1' ><!-- comment -->\n<T/>" '()
      '(*TOP* (T)))
(test "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<WEIGHT unit=\"pound\">\n<NET certified='certified'> 67 </NET>\n<GROSS> 95 </GROSS>\n</WEIGHT>" '()
      '(*TOP* (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (WEIGHT (@ (unit "pound"))
                                                 (NET (@ (certified "certified")) " 67 ")
                                                 (GROSS " 95 "))
;     (test "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<WEIGHT unit=\"pound\">\n<NET certified='certified'> 67 </NET>\n<GROSS> 95 </GROSS>\n</WEIGHT>" '()
; 	  '(*TOP* (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (WEIGHT (@ (unit "pound"))
;                "\n" (NET (@ (certified "certified")) " 67 ")
;                "\n" (GROSS " 95 ") "\n")
; 		  ))
(test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>" '()
      '(*TOP* (URI1:DIV (@ (URI1:B "A") (B "B")) (URI1:P (BR)))))
(test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>" '((UA . "URI1"))
      '(*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (UA "URI1")))
              (UA:DIV (@ (UA:B "A") (B "B")) (UA:P (BR)))))

; A few tests from XML Namespaces Recommendation
(test (string-append
       "<x xmlns:edi=''>"
       "<!-- the 'taxClass' attribute's  ns -->"
       "<lineItem edi:taxClass='exempt'>Baby food</lineItem>" nl
       "</x>") '()
                 (x (lineItem
                     (@ ( "exempt"))
                     "Baby food"))))
(test (string-append 
       "<x xmlns:edi=''>"
       "<!-- the 'taxClass' attribute's  ns -->"
       "<lineItem edi:taxClass='exempt'>Baby food</lineItem>"
       "</x>") '((EDI . ""))
                 (@ (*NAMESPACES* (EDI "")))
                 (x (lineItem
                     (@ (EDI:taxClass "exempt"))
                     "Baby food"))))

(test (string-append
       "<bk:book xmlns:bk='' "
       "<bk:title>Cheaper by the Dozen</bk:title>"
      '(*TOP* (
               ( "Cheaper by the Dozen")
               (urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6:number "1568491379"))))

(test (string-append
       "<!-- initially, the default namespace is 'books' -->"
       "<book xmlns='' "
       "<title>Cheaper by the Dozen</title>"
       "<!-- make HTML the default namespace for some commentary -->"
       "<p xmlns='urn:w3-org-ns:HTML'>"
       "This is a <i>funny</i> book!"
       "</book>") '()
                  '(*TOP* (
                           ( "Cheaper by the Dozen")
                           (urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6:number "1568491379")
                             "This is a " (urn:w3-org-ns:HTML:i "funny")
                             " book!")))))

(test (string-append
       "<!-- the default namespace is now that of HTML -->"
       "<table xmlns=''>"
       "<!-- no default namespace inside table cells -->"
       "<td><brandName xmlns=\"\">Huntsman</brandName></td>"
       "<td><origin xmlns=''>Bath, UK</origin></td>"
       "<details xmlns=''><class>Bitter</class><hop>Fuggles</hop>"
       "<pro>Wonderful hop, light alcohol, good summer beer</pro>"
       "<con>Fragile; excessive variance pub to pub</con>"
      '((html . ""))
        (@ (*NAMESPACES* (html "")))
        (Beers (html:table
                (html:th (html:td "Name")
                         (html:td "Origin")
                         (html:td "Description"))
                (html:tr (html:td (brandName "Huntsman"))
                         (html:td (origin "Bath, UK"))
                           (class "Bitter")
                           (hop "Fuggles")
                           (pro "Wonderful hop, light alcohol, good summer beer")
                           (con "Fragile; excessive variance pub to pub"))))))))

(test (string-append
       "<!-- 1 --><RESERVATION xmlns:HTML=''>"
       "<!-- 2 --><NAME HTML:CLASS=\"largeSansSerif\">Layman, A</NAME>"
       "<!-- 3 --><SEAT CLASS='Y' HTML:CLASS=\"largeMonotype\">33B</SEAT>"
       "<!-- 4 --><HTML:A HREF='/cgi-bin/ResStatus'>Check Status</HTML:A>"
       "<!-- 5 --><DEPARTURE>1997-05-24T07:55:00+1</DEPARTURE></RESERVATION>")
      '((HTML . ""))
        (@ (*NAMESPACES* (HTML "")))
         (NAME (@ (HTML:CLASS "largeSansSerif")) "Layman, A")
         (SEAT (@ (HTML:CLASS "largeMonotype") (CLASS "Y")) "33B")
         (HTML:A (@ (HREF "/cgi-bin/ResStatus")) "Check Status")
         (DEPARTURE "1997-05-24T07:55:00+1"))))
; Part of RDF from the XML Infoset
(test (apply 
       string-append (list-intersperse '(
                                         "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>"
                                         "<!-- this can be decoded as US-ASCII or iso-8859-1 as well,"
                                         "  since it contains no characters outside the US-ASCII repertoire -->"
                                         "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=''"
                                         "         xmlns:rdfs=''"
                                         "          xmlns=''>"
                                         "<rdfs:Class ID='Boolean'/>"
                                         "<Boolean ID='Boolean.true'/>"
                                         "<Boolean ID='Boolean.false'/>"
                                         "<!--Info item classes-->"
                                         "<rdfs:Class ID='InfoItem'/>"
                                         "<rdfs:Class ID='Document' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/>"
                                         "<rdfs:Class ID='Element' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/>"
                                         "<rdfs:Class ID='Attribute' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/>"
                                         "<rdfs:Class ID='InfoItemSet'
                                         "<rdfs:Class ID='AttributeSet' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItemSet'/>"
                                         "<!--Info item properties-->"
                                         "<rdfs:Property ID='allDeclarationsProcessed'>"
                                         "<rdfs:domain resource='#Document'/>"
                                         "<rdfs:range resource='#Boolean'/></rdfs:Property>"
                                         "<rdfs:Property ID='attributes'>"
                                         "<rdfs:domain resource='#Element'/>"
                                         "<rdfs:range resource='#AttributeSet'/>"
                                       (string #\newline)))
      '((RDF . "")
        (RDFS . "")
        (ISET . ""))
      '(*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES*
                  (RDF "")
                  (RDFS "")
                  (ISET "")))
              (*PI* xml "version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'")
               (RDFS:Class (@ (ID "Boolean")))
               (ISET:Boolean (@ (ID "Boolean.true")))
               (ISET:Boolean (@ (ID "Boolean.false")))
               (RDFS:Class (@ (ID "InfoItem")))
               (RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Document")))
               (RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Element")))
               (RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Attribute")))
                (@ (RDFS:subClassOf
                   (ID "InfoItemSet")))
                (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItemSet") (ID "AttributeSet")))
                (@ (ID "allDeclarationsProcessed"))
                (RDFS:domain (@ (resource "#Document")))
                (RDFS:range (@ (resource "#Boolean"))))
                (@ (ID "attributes"))
                (RDFS:domain (@ (resource "#Element")))
                (RDFS:range (@ (resource "#AttributeSet")))))))

; Part of RDF from RSS of the Daemon News Mall
(test (apply
       (list-intersperse '(
                           "<?xml version='1.0'?><rdf:RDF "
                           "xmlns:rdf='' "
                           "<title>Daemon News Mall</title>"
                           "<description>Central source for all your BSD needs</description>"
                           "<title>Daemon News Jan/Feb Issue NOW Available! Subscribe $24.95</title>"
                           "<title>The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System $54.95</title>"
                         (string #\newline)
      '((RDF . "")
        (RSS . "")
        (ISET . ""))
      '(*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES*
                  (RDF "")
                  (RSS "")
                  (ISET "")))
              (*PI* xml "version='1.0'")
              (RDF:RDF (RSS:channel
                        (RSS:title "Daemon News Mall")
                        (RSS:link "")
                        (RSS:description "Central source for all your BSD needs"))
                         "Daemon News Jan/Feb Issue NOW Available! Subscribe $24.95")
                         "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System $54.95")

(test (apply
        '("<Forecasts TStamp='958082142'>"
          "<TAF TStamp='958066200' LatLon='36.583, -121.850' BId='724915'"
          "  SName='KMRY, MONTEREY PENINSULA'>"
          "<VALID TRange='958068000, 958154400'>111730Z 111818</VALID>"
          "<PERIOD TRange='958068000, 958078800'>"
          "<PREVAILING>31010KT P6SM FEW030</PREVAILING>"
          "<PERIOD TRange='958078800, 958104000' Title='FM2100'>"
          "<PREVAILING>29016KT P6SM FEW040</PREVAILING>"
          "<PERIOD TRange='958104000, 958154400' Title='FM0400'>"
          "<PREVAILING>29010KT P6SM SCT200</PREVAILING>"
          "<VAR Title='BECMG 0708' TRange='958114800, 958118400'>VRB05KT</VAR>"
        (string #\newline)
      '(*TOP* (Forecasts
               (@ (TStamp "958082142"))
               (TAF (@ (TStamp "958066200")
                       (SName "KMRY, MONTEREY PENINSULA")
                       (LatLon "36.583, -121.850")
                       (BId "724915"))
                    (VALID (@ (TRange "958068000, 958154400")) "111730Z 111818")
                    (PERIOD (@ (TRange "958068000, 958078800"))
                            (PREVAILING "31010KT P6SM FEW030"))
                    (PERIOD (@ (Title "FM2100") (TRange "958078800, 958104000"))
                            (PREVAILING "29016KT P6SM FEW040"))
                    (PERIOD (@ (Title "FM0400") (TRange "958104000, 958154400"))
                            (PREVAILING "29010KT P6SM SCT200")
                            (VAR (@ (Title "BECMG 0708")
                                    (TRange "958114800, 958118400"))