#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base)
         (only-in racket/port call-with-input-string)
         (only-in racket/pretty [pretty-write pp])
         (only-in racket/list [add-between list-intersperse])
         (except-in "../ssax/myenv.ss" assert)
(provide (all-defined-out))

Current status: all tests pass; some print warnings.

... adding cheesy mutation-based system to provide a final 

(define test-failed? #f)

;; ryanc: use syntax-case; easier
(define-syntax (run-test stx)
  ;; process : syntax -> syntax
  ;; In the tests below (which were written to work with or without reader case
  ;; sensitivity for symbols), '<string> is used to indicate a *symbol* with
  ;; the case as written in <string>.
  (define (process x)
    (syntax-case x (quote)
      [(quote str)
       (string? (syntax-e #'str))
       (datum->syntax x (string->symbol (syntax-e #'str)) x x)]
      [(y . z)
       (datum->syntax x (cons (process #'y) (process #'z)) x x)]
      [_ x]))
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ e ...)
     (with-syntax ([(e ...) (process #'(e ...))])
       #'(begin (display "\n-->Test\n") e ...))]))

;; ryanc: catch exceptions (simplified from original lib/catch-error.scm)
(define-syntax failed?
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((failed? . stmts)
     (with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (e) #t)])
       (let () . stmts)))))

;; ryanc: specialize assert for better error messages
(define-syntax assert
  (syntax-rules (equal? failed?)
    [(assert (equal? expected actual))
     (let ([e expected] [a actual])
       (unless (equal? e a)
         (set! test-failed? #t)
         (eprintf "ASSERTION FAILURE: ~.s\n  wanted: ~e\n  got:    ~e\n"
                  '(assert (equal? expected actual))
                  e a)))]
    [(assert e ...)
     (unless (and e ...)
       (set! test-failed? #t)
       (eprintf "ASSERTION FAILURE: ~.s\n" '(assert e ...)))]))

; The following is a function that is often used in validation tests,
; to make sure that the computed result matches the expected one.
; This function is a standard equal? predicate with one exception.
; On Scheme systems where (string->symbol "A") and a symbol A
; are the same, equal_? is precisely equal?
; On other Scheme systems, we compare symbols disregarding their case.
; Since this function is used only in tests, we don't have to
; strive to make it efficient.
(begin ;; run-test
 (define (equal_? e1 e2)
   (if (eq? 'A (string->symbol "A")) (equal? e1 e2)
	((symbol? e1)
	 (and (symbol? e2) 
	      (string-ci=? (symbol->string e1) (symbol->string e2))))
	((pair? e1)
	 (and (pair? e2)
	      (equal_? (car e1) (car e2)) (equal_? (cdr e1) (cdr e2))))
	((vector? e1)
	 (and (vector? e2) (equal_? (vector->list e1) (vector->list e2))))
	 (equal? e1 e2)))))

; The following function, which is often used in validation tests,
; lets us conveniently enter newline, CR and tab characters in a character
; string.
;	unesc-string: ESC-STRING -> STRING
; where ESC-STRING is a character string that may contain
;    %n  -- for #\newline
;    %r  -- for #\return
;    %t  -- for #\tab
;    %%  -- for #\%
; The result of unesc-string is a character string with all %-combinations
; above replaced with their character equivalents

(begin ;; run-test
 (define (unesc-string str)
   (call-with-input-string str
     (lambda (port)
       (let loop ((frags '()))
	 (let* ((token (next-token '() '(#\% *eof*) "unesc-string" port))
		(cterm (read-char port))
		(frags (cons token frags)))
	   (if (eof-object? cterm) (string-concatenate-reverse/shared frags)
	     (let ((cchar (read-char port)))  ; char after #\%
	       (if (eof-object? cchar)
		 (error "unexpected EOF after reading % in unesc-string:" str)
		     (case cchar
		       ((#\n) (string #\newline))
		       ((#\r) (string char-return))
		       ((#\t) (string char-tab))
		       ((#\%) "%")
		       (else (error "bad %-char in unesc-string:" cchar)))

 (assert (eq? '_
		 (call-with-input-string "_" ssax:read-NCName)))
 (assert (eq? '_
		 (call-with-input-string "_" ssax:read-QName)))
 (assert (eq? (string->symbol "_abc_")
	      (call-with-input-string "_abc_;" ssax:read-NCName)))
 (assert (eq? (string->symbol "_abc_")
	      (call-with-input-string "_abc_;" ssax:read-QName)))
 (assert (eq? (string->symbol "_a.b")
	      (call-with-input-string "_a.b " ssax:read-QName)))
 (assert (equal? (cons (string->symbol "_a.b") (string->symbol "d.1-ef-"))
	      (call-with-input-string "_a.b:d.1-ef-;" ssax:read-QName)))
 (assert (equal? (cons (string->symbol "a") (string->symbol "b"))
	      (call-with-input-string "a:b:c" ssax:read-QName)))

 (assert (failed? (call-with-input-string ":abc" ssax:read-NCName)))
 (assert (failed? (call-with-input-string "1:bc" ssax:read-NCName)))

 (assert (eq? '= (name-compare 'ABC 'ABC)))
 (assert (eq? '< (name-compare 'ABC 'ABCD)))
 (assert (eq? '> (name-compare 'XB 'ABCD)))
 (assert (eq? '> (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) 'PRE)))
 (assert (eq? '< (name-compare 'HTML '(HTML . PRE))))
 (assert (eq? '= (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) '(HTML . PRE))))
 (assert (eq? '< (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) '(XML . PRE))))
 (assert (eq? '> (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) '(HTML . P))))
 (assert (eq? '< (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) ssax:largest-unres-name)))
 (assert (eq? '< (name-compare '(ZZZZ . ZZZ) ssax:largest-unres-name)))
 (assert (eq? '> (name-compare ssax:largest-unres-name '(ZZZZ . ZZZ) )))

 (assert (equal? "p1 content "
    (call-with-input-string "<?pi1  p1 content ?>"
      (lambda (port)
	(ssax:read-markup-token port)
	(ssax:read-pi-body-as-string port)))))
 (assert (equal? "pi2? content? ?"
    (call-with-input-string "<?pi2 pi2? content? ??>"
      (lambda (port)
	(ssax:read-markup-token port)
	(ssax:read-pi-body-as-string port)))))

; a few lines of validation code
(run-test (letrec
  ((consumer (lambda (fragment foll-fragment seed)
     (cons* (if (equal? foll-fragment (string #\newline))
		" NL" foll-fragment) fragment seed)))
   (test (lambda (str expected-result)
	   (newline) (display "body: ") (write str)
	   (newline) (display "Result: ")
	   (let ((result
		     (call-with-input-string (unesc-string str)
		       (lambda (port) (ssax:read-cdata-body port consumer '()))
	     (write result)
	     (assert (equal? result expected-result)))))
  (test "]]>" '())
  (test "abcd]]>" '("abcd" ""))
  (test "abcd]]]>" '("abcd" "" "]" ""))
  (test "abcd]]]]>" '("abcd" "" "]" "" "]" ""))
  (test "abcd]]]]]>" '("abcd" "" "]" "" "]" "" "]" ""))
  (test "abcd]]]a]]>" '("abcd" "" "]" "" "]]" "" "a" ""))
  (test "abc%r%ndef%n]]>" '("abc" " NL" "def" " NL"))
  (test "%r%n%r%n]]>" '("" " NL" "" " NL"))
  (test "%r%n%r%na]]>" '("" " NL" "" " NL" "a" ""))
  (test "%r%r%r%na]]>" '("" " NL" "" " NL" "" " NL" "a" ""))
  (test "abc&!!!]]>" '("abc" "&" "" "" "!!!" ""))
  (test "abc]]&gt;&gt&amp;]]]&gt;and]]>"
    '("abc" "" "]]" "" "" ">" "" "&" "gt" "" "" "&" "amp" "" ";" "" "]" ""
      "]]" "" "" ">" "and" ""))

; a few lines of validation code
(run-test (letrec
    ((test (lambda (str decl-entities expected-res)
	     (newline) (display "input: ") (write str)
	     (newline) (display "Result: ")
	     (let ((result
		     (call-with-input-string (unesc-string str)
		       (lambda (port)
			 (ssax:read-attributes port decl-entities)))))
	       (write result) (newline)
	       (assert (equal? result expected-res))))))
    (test "" '() '())
    (test "href='http://a%tb%r%n%r%n%nc'" '()
	  `((,(string->symbol "href") . "http://a b   c")))
    (test "href='http://a%tb%r%r%n%rc'" '()
	  `((,(string->symbol "href") . "http://a b   c")))
    (test "_1 ='12&amp;' _2= \"%r%n%t12&#10;3\">" '()
	  `((_1 . "12&") (_2 . ,(unesc-string "  12%n3"))))
    (test "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" 
	  '((ent . "&lt;xx&gt;"))
	  `((,(string->symbol "Abc") . ,(unesc-string "<&>%n"))
	    (,(string->symbol "Next") . "12<xx>34")))
    (test "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0d;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" 
	  '((ent . "&lt;xx&gt;"))
	  `((,(string->symbol "Abc") . ,(unesc-string "<&>%r"))
	    (,(string->symbol "Next") . "12<xx>34")))
    (test "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&en;34' />" 
	  `((en . ,(lambda () (open-input-string "&quot;xx&apos;"))))
	  `((,(string->symbol "Abc") . ,(unesc-string "<&>%n"))
	    (,(string->symbol "Next") . "12\"xx'34")))
    (test "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" 
	  '((ent . "&lt;&ent1;T;&gt;") (ent1 . "&amp;"))
	  `((,(string->symbol "Abc") . ,(unesc-string "<&>%n"))
	    (,(string->symbol "Next") . "12<&T;>34")))
    (assert (failed?
	(test "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" 
	  '((ent . "<&ent1;T;&gt;") (ent1 . "&amp;")) '())))
    (assert (failed?
	(test "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" 
	  '((ent . "&lt;&ent;T;&gt;") (ent1 . "&amp;")) '())))
    (assert (failed?
	(test "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" 
	  '((ent . "&lt;&ent1;T;&gt;") (ent1 . "&ent;")) '())))
    (test "html:href='http://a%tb%r%n%r%n%nc'" '()
	  `(((,(string->symbol "html") . ,(string->symbol "href"))
	     . "http://a b   c")))
    (test "html:href='ref1' html:src='ref2'" '()
	  `(((,(string->symbol "html") . ,(string->symbol "href"))
	     . "ref1")
	    ((,(string->symbol "html") . ,(string->symbol "src"))
	     . "ref2")))
    (test "html:href='ref1' xml:html='ref2'" '()
	  `(((,(string->symbol "html") . ,(string->symbol "href"))
	     . "ref1")
	    ((,ssax:Prefix-XML . ,(string->symbol "html"))
	     . "ref2")))
    (assert (failed? (test "html:href='ref1' html:href='ref2'" '() '())))
    (assert (failed? (test "html:href='<' html:href='ref2'" '() '())))
    (assert (failed? (test "html:href='ref1' html:href='&ref2;'" '() '())))

 (let* ((namespaces
	  (A    UHTML . URN-HTML)))
	  '(*DEFAULT* DEF . URN-DEF) namespaces))
	  '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) namespaces-def))
	(port (current-input-port)))

   (assert (equal? 'ABC 
		   (ssax:resolve-name port 'ABC namespaces #t)))
   (assert (equal? '(DEF . ABC)
		   (ssax:resolve-name port 'ABC namespaces-def #t)))
   (assert (equal? 'ABC
		   (ssax:resolve-name port 'ABC namespaces-def #f)))
   (assert (equal? 'ABC
		   (ssax:resolve-name port 'ABC namespaces-undef #t)))
   (assert (equal? '(UHTML . ABC)
		   (ssax:resolve-name port '(HTML . ABC) namespaces-def #t)))
   (assert (equal? '(UHTML . ABC)
		   (ssax:resolve-name port '(HTML . ABC) namespaces-def #f)))
   (assert (equal? `(,ssax:Prefix-XML . space)
		   (ssax:resolve-name port 
		       `(,(string->symbol "xml") . space) namespaces-def #f)))
   (assert (failed?
		   (ssax:resolve-name port '(XXX . ABC) namespaces-def #f)))

 (let* ((urn-a (string->symbol "urn:a"))
	(urn-b (string->symbol "urn:b"))
	(urn-html (string->symbol "http://w3c.org/html"))
	 `((#f '"UHTML" . ,urn-html)
	   ('"A"  '"UA" . ,urn-a)))
	   (lambda (tag-head-name elems str)
	     (call-with-input-string str
		(lambda (port)
		      (lambda ()
			       (call-with-input-string tag-head-name
				      (lambda (port) (ssax:read-QName port)))
			       elems '() namespaces))

   ; First test with no validation of elements
   ;(test "TAG1" #f "")
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" () ,namespaces ANY)
		   (test "TAG1" #f ">")))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" () ,namespaces EMPTY-TAG)
		   (test "TAG1" #f "/>")))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "a")) ,namespaces EMPTY-TAG)
		   (test "TAG1" #f "HREF='a'/>")))
   (assert (equal? `(('"UA" . '"TAG1") (('"HREF" . "a"))
		     ,(cons `(*DEFAULT* '"UA" . ,urn-a) namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "TAG1" #f "HREF='a' xmlns='urn:a'>")))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "a"))
		     ,(cons '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "TAG1" #f "HREF='a' xmlns=''>")))
   (assert (failed? (test "UA:TAG1" #f "HREF='a' xmlns=''/>")))
   (assert (equal? `(('"UA" . '"TAG1") ((('"UA" . '"HREF") . "a"))
		     ,(cons '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "A:TAG1" #f "A:HREF='a' xmlns=''>")))
   (assert (equal? `(('"UA" . '"TAG1") ((('"UA" . '"HREF") . "a"))
		     ,(cons `(*DEFAULT* ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "A:TAG1" #f "A:HREF='a' xmlns='urn:b'>")))
   (assert (failed? (test "B:TAG1" #f "A:HREF='a' xmlns:b=''/>")))
   (assert (equal? `((,urn-b . '"TAG1") ((('"UA" . '"HREF") . "a"))
		     ,(cons `('"B" ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "B:TAG1" #f "A:HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:b'>")))
   (assert (equal? `((,urn-b . '"TAG1") ((('"UA" . '"HREF") . "a")
					 ((,urn-b . '"SRC") . "b"))
		     ,(cons `('"B" ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "B:TAG1" #f 
			 "B:SRC='b' A:HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:b'>")))
   (assert (equal? `((,urn-b . '"TAG1") ((('"UA" . '"HREF") . "a")
					 ((,urn-b . '"HREF") . "b"))
			  ,(cons `('"B" ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "B:TAG1" #f 
			 "B:HREF=\"b\" A:HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:b'>")))
   ; must be an error! Duplicate attr
   (assert (failed? (test "B:TAG1" #f
			  "HREF=\"b\" HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:a'/>")))
   ; must be an error! Duplicate attr after ns expansion
   (assert (failed? (test "B:TAG1" #f 
			  "B:HREF=\"b\" A:HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:a'/>")))
   (assert (equal? `(('"UA" . '"TAG1") (('"HREF" . "a")
					(('"UA" . '"HREF") . "b"))
		     ,(cons `(*DEFAULT* '"UA" . ,urn-a) namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "TAG1" #f 
			 "A:HREF=\"b\" HREF='a' xmlns='urn:a'>")))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" ((('"UHTML" . '"HREF") . "a")
			      ((,urn-b . '"HREF") . "b"))
		     ,(append `(
			 ('"HTML" '"UHTML" . ,urn-html)
			 ('"B" ,urn-b . ,urn-b))
			      namespaces) ANY)
		   (test "TAG1" #f 
			 "B:HREF=\"b\" xmlns:B='urn:b' xmlns:HTML='http://w3c.org/html' HTML:HREF='a' >")))

   ; Now test the validating parsing
   ; No decl for tag1
   (assert (failed? (test "TAG1" '((TAG2 ANY ()))
			  "B:HREF='b' xmlns:B='urn:b'>")))
   ; No decl for HREF elem
;;   (cond-expand
;;    ((not (or scm mit-scheme))	; Regretfully, SCM treats '() as #f
;;     (assert (failed?
;;	      (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" ANY ()))
;;		    "B:HREF='b' xmlns:B='urn:b'>"))))
;;    (else #t))
   ; No decl for HREF elem
   (assert (failed?
	    (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" ANY (('"HREF1" CDATA IMPLIED #f))))
	    "B:HREF='b' xmlns:B='urn:b'>")))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "b")) ,namespaces EMPTY-TAG)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA REQUIRED #f))))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "b")) ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA REQUIRED #f))))
   ; Req'd attribute not given error
   (assert (failed? 
	    (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA REQUIRED #f))))
   ; Wrong content-type of the attribute
   (assert (failed? 
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" ("c") REQUIRED #f))))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "b")) ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" ("c" "b") IMPLIED #f))))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "b")) ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA IMPLIED "c"))))
   ; Bad fixed attribute
   (assert (failed? 
	 (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA FIXED "c"))))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "b")) ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA FIXED "b"))))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "b")) ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA FIXED "b")))) ">")))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "b")) ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA IMPLIED "b")))) ">")))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" () ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA IMPLIED #f)))) ">")))
   ; Undeclared attr
   (assert (failed? 
	(test "TAG1"
	      '(('"TAG1" PCDATA ((('"A" . '"HREF") CDATA IMPLIED "c"))))
   (assert (equal? `('"TAG1" (('"HREF" . "b") (('"UA" . '"HREF") . "c"))
			  ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA REQUIRED #f)
				       (('"A" . '"HREF") CDATA IMPLIED "c"))))
   (assert (equal? `(('"UA" . '"TAG1")
		     (('"HREF" . "b") (('"UA" . '"HREF") . "c"))
		     ,namespaces PCDATA)
       (test "A:TAG1" '((('"A" . '"TAG1") PCDATA
			  (('"A" . '"HREF") CDATA IMPLIED "c"))))
   (assert (equal? `((,urn-b . '"TAG1") (('"HREF" . "b"))
		     ,(cons `('"B" ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) PCDATA)
       (test "B:TAG1" '((('"B" . '"TAG1") PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA REQUIRED #f)
			   (('"xmlns" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED "urn:b"))))
   (assert (equal? `((,urn-b . '"TAG1") (((,urn-b . '"HREF") . "b"))
			  ,(cons `('"B" ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) PCDATA)
       (test "B:TAG1" '((('"B" . '"TAG1") PCDATA
			 ((('"B" . '"HREF") CDATA REQUIRED #f)
			  (('"xmlns" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED "urn:b"))))
   (assert (equal? `((,urn-b . '"TAG1") (('"HREF" . "b"))
		     ,(cons `(*DEFAULT* ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA REQUIRED #f)
			   ('"xmlns" CDATA IMPLIED "urn:b"))))
   ; xmlns not declared
   (assert (equal? `((,urn-b . '"TAG1") (('"HREF" . "b"))
		     ,(cons `(*DEFAULT* ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) PCDATA)
       (test "TAG1" '(('"TAG1" PCDATA (('"HREF" CDATA REQUIRED #f)
	     "HREF='b' xmlns='urn:b'>")))
   ; xmlns:B not declared
   (assert (equal? `((,urn-b . '"TAG1") (((,urn-b . '"HREF") . "b"))
		     ,(cons `('"B" ,urn-b . ,urn-b) namespaces) PCDATA)
       (test "B:TAG1" '((('"B" . '"TAG1") PCDATA
			 ((('"B" . '"HREF") CDATA REQUIRED #f)
	     "B:HREF='b' xmlns:B='urn:b'>")))

; a few lines of validation code
(run-test (letrec
  ((a-tag (make-xml-token 'START (string->symbol "BR")))
   (a-ref (make-xml-token 'ENTITY-REF (string->symbol "lt")))
   (eof-object (lambda () eof-object)) ; a unique value
   (str-handler (lambda (fragment foll-fragment seed)
     (if (string-null? foll-fragment) (cons fragment seed)
	 (cons* foll-fragment fragment seed))))
   (test (lambda (str expect-eof? expected-data expected-token)
	   (newline) (display "body: ") (write str)
	   (newline) (display "Result: ")
	   (((seed token)
	     (call-with-input-string (unesc-string str)
		(lambda (port)
		 (ssax:read-char-data port expect-eof? str-handler '()))))
	    ((result) (reverse seed)))
	   (write result)
	   (display " ")
	   (display token)
	   (assert (equal? result (map unesc-string expected-data))
	           (if (eq? expected-token eof-object)
		     (eof-object? token)
		     (equal? token expected-token))))))
  (test "" #t '() eof-object)
  (assert (failed? (test "" #f '() eof-object)))
  (test "  " #t '("  ") eof-object)
  (test "<BR/>" #f '() a-tag)
  (test " <BR  />" #f '(" ") a-tag)

  (test " &lt;" #f '(" ") a-ref)
  (test " a&lt;" #f '(" a") a-ref)
  (test " a &lt;" #f '(" a ") a-ref)

  (test " <!-- comment--> a  a<BR/>" #f '(" " " a  a") a-tag)
  (test " <!-- comment-->%ra  a<BR/>" #f '(" " "" "%n" "a  a") a-tag)
  (test " <!-- comment-->%r%na  a<BR/>" #f '(" " "" "%n" "a  a") a-tag)
  (test " <!-- comment-->%r%na%t%r%r%na<BR/>" #f
	'(" " "" "%n" "a%t" "%n" "" "%n" "a") a-tag)
  (test "a<!-- comment--> a  a<BR/>" #f '("a" " a  a") a-tag)
  (test "&#x21;<BR/>" #f '("" "!") a-tag)
  (test "&#x21;%n<BR/>" #f '("" "!" "%n") a-tag)
  (test "%t&#x21;%n<BR/>" #f '("%t" "!" "%n") a-tag)
  (test "%t&#x21;%na a<BR/>" #f '("%t" "!" "%na a") a-tag)
  (test "%t&#x21;%ra a<BR/>" #f '("%t" "!" "" "%n" "a a") a-tag)
  (test "%t&#x21;%r%na a<BR/>" #f '("%t" "!" "" "%n" "a a") a-tag)

  (test " %ta &#x21;   b <BR/>" #f '(" %ta " "!" "   b ") a-tag)
  (test " %ta &#x20;   b <BR/>" #f '(" %ta " " " "   b ") a-tag)

  (test "<![CDATA[<]]><BR/>" #f '("<") a-tag)
  (test "<![CDATA[]]]><BR/>" #f '("]") a-tag)
  (test "%t<![CDATA[<]]><BR/>" #f '("%t" "<") a-tag)
  (test "%t<![CDATA[<]]>a b<BR/>" #f '("%t" "<" "a b") a-tag)
  (test "%t<![CDATA[<]]>  a b<BR/>" #f '("%t" "<" "  a b") a-tag)

  (test "%td <![CDATA[  <%r%r%n]]>  a b<BR/>" #f 
	'("%td " "  <" "%n" "" "%n" "  a b") a-tag)

 (pp (ssax:make-pi-parser ()))
 (pp (ssax:make-pi-parser ((xml . (lambda (port target seed) seed)))))
 (pp (ssax:make-pi-parser ((xml . (lambda (port target seed) seed))
			   (html . list)
			   (*DEFAULT* . ssax:warn))))

 (letrec ((simple-parser
	   (lambda (str doctype-fn)
	     (call-with-input-string str
		 (lambda (port)
		     (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces
				      expected-content seed)
		     (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed seed)
			   ((seed (if (null? namespaces) (reverse seed)
				      (cons (list '*NAMESPACES* namespaces)
					    (reverse seed)))))
			 (let ((seed (if (attlist-null? attributes) seed
					  (cons '@ 
					   (map (lambda (attr)
					      (list (car attr) (cdr attr)))
						(attlist->alist attributes)))
			   (cons (cons elem-gi seed) parent-seed))))

		     (lambda (string1 string2 seed)
		       (if (string-null? string2) (cons string1 seed)
			   (cons* string2 string1 seed)))

		     (lambda (port docname systemid internal-subset? seed)
		       (when internal-subset?
			  (ssax:warn port
			    "Internal DTD subset is not currently handled ")
			  (ssax:skip-internal-dtd port))
		       (ssax:warn port "DOCTYPE DECL " docname " "
			     systemid " found and skipped")
		       (doctype-fn docname seed))

		     (lambda (elem-gi seed)
		       (doctype-fn elem-gi seed))
		    port '())))))

	  (dummy-doctype-fn (lambda (elem-gi seed) (values #f '() '() seed)))
	   (lambda (str doctype-fn expected)
	     (cout nl "Parsing: " str nl)
	     (let ((result (simple-parser (unesc-string str) doctype-fn)))
	       (write result)
	       (assert (equal? result expected)))))

   (test "<BR/>" dummy-doctype-fn '(('"BR")))
   (assert (failed? (test "<BR>" dummy-doctype-fn '())))
   (test "<BR></BR>" dummy-doctype-fn '(('"BR")))
   (assert (failed? (test "<BR></BB>" dummy-doctype-fn '())))

   (test "   <A HREF='URL'> link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>"
	 '(('"A" (@ ('"HREF" "URL")) " link " ('"I" "itlink ")
	    " " "&" "amp;")))

      "   <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'> link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" dummy-doctype-fn 
      '(('"A" (@ ('"HREF" "URL") (('"xml" . '"space") "preserve"))
	   " link " ('"I" "itlink ") " " "&" "amp;")))

   (test "   <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'> link <I xml:space='default'>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" dummy-doctype-fn
	 '(('"A" (@ ('"HREF" "URL") (('"xml" . '"space") "preserve"))
	      " link "
	      ('"I" (@ (('"xml" . '"space") "default")) "itlink ")
	      " " "&" "amp;")))
   (test "<itemize><item>This   is item 1 </item>%n<!-- Just:a comment --><item>Item 2</item>%n </itemize>" dummy-doctype-fn 
	 `(('"itemize" ('"item" "This   is item 1 ")
	    ,(unesc-string "%n") ('"item" "Item 2") ,(unesc-string "%n "))))
  (test " <P><![CDATA[<BR>%n<![CDATA[<BR>]]&gt;]]></P>"
	dummy-doctype-fn  `(('"P" "<BR>" ,nl "<![CDATA[<BR>" "]]" "" ">")))

  (test " <P><![CDATA[<BR>%r<![CDATA[<BR>]]&gt;]]></P>"
	dummy-doctype-fn `(('"P" "<BR>" ,nl "<![CDATA[<BR>" "]]" "" ">")))

  (test "<?xml version='1.0'?>%n%n<Reports TStamp='1'></Reports>"
	dummy-doctype-fn '(('"Reports" (@ ('"TStamp" "1")))))
  (test "%n<?PI xxx?><!-- Comment %n -%r-->%n<?PI1 zzz?><T/>" 
	dummy-doctype-fn '(('"T")))
  (test "<!DOCTYPE T SYSTEM 'system1' ><!-- comment -->%n<T/>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed) (assert (equal? elem-gi ''"T"))
		(values #f '() '() seed))
  (test "<!DOCTYPE T PUBLIC '//EN/T' \"system1\" [ <!ELEMENT a 'aa'> ]>%n<?pi?><T/>" 
	(lambda (elem-gi seed) (assert (equal? elem-gi ''"T"))
		(values #f '() '() seed))
  (test "<BR/>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values '(('"BR" EMPTY ())) '() '() seed)) '(('"BR")))
  (test "<BR></BR>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values '(('"BR" EMPTY ())) '() '() seed)) '(('"BR")))
  (assert (failed? (test "<BR>aa</BR>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values '(('"BR" EMPTY ())) '() '() seed)) '())))
  (test "<BR>aa</BR>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values '(('"BR" PCDATA ())) '() '() seed)) '(('"BR" "aa")))
  (assert (failed? (test "<BR>a<I>a</I></BR>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values '(('"BR" PCDATA ())) '() '() seed)) '())))
  (test "<BR>a<I>a</I></BR>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values '(('"BR" ANY ()) ('"I" PCDATA ())) '() '() seed))
	  '(('"BR" "a" ('"I" "a"))))

  (test "<DIV>Example: \"&example;\"</DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values #f '((example . "<P>An    ampersand (&#38;) may   be escaped numerically (&#38;#38;) or with a general entity (&amp;amp;).</P>")) '() seed))
	'(('"DIV" "Example: \""
	   ('"P" "An    ampersand (" "&" ") may   be escaped numerically (" "&" "#38;) or with a general entity (" "&" "amp;).") "\"")))
 (test "<DIV>Example: \"&example;\" <P/></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values #f '(('"quote" . "<I>example:</I> ex")
		       ('"example" . "<Q>&quote;!</Q>?")) '() seed))
	  '(('"DIV" "Example: \"" ('"Q" ('"I" "example:") " ex" "!") "?"
		 "\" "  ('"P"))))
 (assert (failed?
   (test "<DIV>Example: \"&example;\" <P/></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values #f '(('"quote" . "<I>example:")
		       ('"example" . "<Q>&quote;</I>!</Q>?")) '() seed))

 (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values #f '() '() seed))
       '((('"URI1" . '"DIV") (@ ('"B" "B") (('"URI1" . '"B") "A"))
	  (*NAMESPACES* (('"A" '"URI1" . '"URI1")
			 (*DEFAULT* '"URI1" . '"URI1")))
	  (('"URI1" . '"P")
	   (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) ('"A" '"URI1" . '"URI1")
			  (*DEFAULT* '"URI1" . '"URI1")))
	    (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f)
			   ('"A" '"URI1" . '"URI1")
			   (*DEFAULT* '"URI1" . '"URI1"))))))))
 (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	  (values #f '() '((#f '"UA" . '"URI1")) seed))
       '((('"UA" . '"DIV") (@ ('"B" "B") (('"UA" . '"B") "A"))
	  (*NAMESPACES* (('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1")
			 (*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1") (#f '"UA" . '"URI1")))
	  (('"UA" . '"P")
	   (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) ('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1")
			  (*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1") (#f '"UA" . '"URI1")))
	    (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) ('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1")
			   (*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1")
			   (#f '"UA" . '"URI1"))))))))
 ; uniqattr should fail
 (assert (failed?
 (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	   `(('"DIV" ANY (('"B" CDATA IMPLIED #f)
		       (('"A" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED #f)
		       (('"C" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED "xx")
		       (('"xmlns" . '"C") CDATA IMPLIED "URI1")
	     (('"A" . '"P") ANY ()) ('"BR" '"EMPTY" ()))
	   '() '((#f '"UA" . '"URI1")) seed))
 ; prefix C undeclared
 (assert (failed?
 (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	   '(('"DIV" ANY (('"B" CDATA IMPLIED #f)
		       ('"xmlns"  CDATA IMPLIED "URI1")
		       (('"A" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED #f)
		       (('"C" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED "xx")
	     (('"A" . '"P") ANY ()) ('"BR" EMPTY ()))
	   '() '((#f '"UA" . '"URI1")) seed))

 ; contradiction to xmlns declaration
 (assert (failed?
 (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	   '(('"DIV" ANY (('"B" CDATA IMPLIED #f)
		       ('"xmlns"  CDATA FIXED "URI2")
		       (('"A" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED #f)
	     (('"A" . '"P") ANY ()) ('"BR" EMPTY ()))
	   '() '((#f '"UA" . '"URI1")) seed))

 (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	   '(('"DIV" ANY (('"B" CDATA IMPLIED #f)
		       ('"xmlns"  CDATA FIXED "URI1")
		       (('"A" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED #f)
	     (('"A" . '"P") ANY ()) ('"BR" EMPTY ()))
	   '() '((#f '"UA" . '"URI1")) seed))
       '((('"UA" . '"DIV") (@ ('"B" "B") (('"UA" . '"B") "A"))
	  (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1")
			 ('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1") (#f '"UA" . '"URI1")))
	  (('"UA" . '"P")
	   (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) 
			  (*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1")
			  ('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1") (#f '"UA" . '"URI1")))
	    (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1")
			   ('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1") (#f '"UA" . '"URI1"))))))))

 (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>"
	(lambda (elem-gi seed)
	   '(('"DIV" ANY (('"B" CDATA IMPLIED #f)
			  (('"A" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED #f)
			  (('"C" . '"B") CDATA IMPLIED "xx")
			  (('"xmlns" . '"C") CDATA IMPLIED "URI2")
	     (('"A" . '"P") ANY ()) ('"BR" EMPTY ()))
	   '() '((#f '"UA" . '"URI1")) seed))
	'((('"UA" . '"DIV") (@ ('"B" "B") (('"UA" . '"B") "A")
			       (('"URI2" . '"B") "xx"))
	   (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1")
			  ('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1")
			  ('"C" '"URI2" . '"URI2")
			  (#f '"UA" . '"URI1")))
	   (('"UA" . '"P")
	    (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1")
			   ('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1")
			   ('"C" '"URI2" . '"URI2") (#f '"UA" . '"URI1")))
	     (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f)
			    (*DEFAULT* '"UA" . '"URI1")
			    ('"A" '"UA" . '"URI1")
			    ('"C" '"URI2" . '"URI2")
			    (#f '"UA" . '"URI1"))))))))

; a few lines of validation code
(run-test (letrec
    ((test (lambda (str namespace-assig expected-res)
	  (newline) (display "input: ")
	  (write (unesc-string str)) (newline) (display "Result: ")
	  (let ((result
		 (call-with-input-string (unesc-string str)
		     (lambda (port)
		       (ssax:xml->sxml port namespace-assig)))))
	    (pp result)
	    (assert (equal_? result expected-res))))))

    (test " <BR/>" '() '(*TOP* (BR)))
    (test "<BR></BR>" '() '(*TOP* (BR)))
    (test " <BR CLEAR='ALL'%nCLASS='Class1'/>" '()
	  '(*TOP* (BR (@ (CLEAR "ALL") (CLASS "Class1")))))
    (test "   <A HREF='URL'>  link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" '()
	  '(*TOP* (A (@ (HREF "URL")) "  link " (I "itlink ") " &amp;")))
    (test "   <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'>  link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" '()
	  '(*TOP* (A (@ (xml:space "preserve") (HREF "URL"))
		     "  link " (I "itlink ") " &amp;")))
    (test "   <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'>  link <I xml:space='default'>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" '()
	  '(*TOP* (A (@ (xml:space "preserve") (HREF "URL"))
		     "  link " (I (@ (xml:space "default"))
				  "itlink ") " &amp;")))
    (test " <P><?pi1  p1 content ?>?<?pi2 pi2? content? ??></P>" '()
	  '(*TOP* (P (*PI* pi1 "p1 content ") "?"
		     (*PI* pi2 "pi2? content? ?"))))
    (test " <P>some text <![CDATA[<]]>1%n&quot;<B>strong</B>&quot;%r</P>"
	  `(*TOP* (P ,(unesc-string "some text <1%n\"")
		      (B "strong") ,(unesc-string "\"%n"))))
    (test " <P><![CDATA[<BR>%n<![CDATA[<BR>]]&gt;]]></P>" '()
	  `(*TOP* (P ,(unesc-string "<BR>%n<![CDATA[<BR>]]>"))))
;    (test "<T1><T2>it&apos;s%r%nand   that%n</T2>%r%n%r%n%n</T1>" '()
;	  '(*TOP* (T1 (T2 "it's%nand   that%n") "%n%n%n")))
    (test "<T1><T2>it&apos;s%r%nand   that%n</T2>%r%n%r%n%n</T1>" '()
	  `(*TOP* (T1 (T2 ,(unesc-string "it's%nand   that%n")))))
    (test "<T1><T2>it&apos;s%rand   that%n</T2>%r%n%r%n%n</T1>" '()
	  `(*TOP* (T1 (T2 ,(unesc-string "it's%nand   that%n")))))
    (test "<!DOCTYPE T SYSTEM 'system1' ><!-- comment -->%n<T/>" '()
	  '(*TOP* (T)))
    (test "<?xml version='1.0'?>%n<WEIGHT unit=\"pound\">%n<NET certified='certified'> 67 </NET>%n<GROSS> 95 </GROSS>%n</WEIGHT>" '()
	  '(*TOP* (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (WEIGHT (@ (unit "pound"))
                (NET (@ (certified "certified")) " 67 ")
                (GROSS " 95 "))
;     (test "<?xml version='1.0'?>%n<WEIGHT unit=\"pound\">%n<NET certified='certified'> 67 </NET>%n<GROSS> 95 </GROSS>%n</WEIGHT>" '()
; 	  '(*TOP* (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (WEIGHT (@ (unit "pound"))
;                "%n" (NET (@ (certified "certified")) " 67 ")
;                "%n" (GROSS " 95 ") "%n")
; 		  ))
    (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>" '()
	  '(*TOP* (URI1:DIV (@ (URI1:B "A") (B "B")) (URI1:P (BR)))))
    (test "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>" '((UA . "URI1"))
	  '(*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (UA "URI1")))
		  (UA:DIV (@ (UA:B "A") (B "B")) (UA:P (BR)))))

    ; A few tests from XML Namespaces Recommendation
    (test (string-append
	   "<x xmlns:edi='http://ecommerce.org/schema'>"
           "<!-- the 'taxClass' attribute's  ns http://ecommerce.org/schema -->"
           "<lineItem edi:taxClass='exempt'>Baby food</lineItem>" nl
           "</x>") '()
	     (x (lineItem
		 (@ (http://ecommerce.org/schema:taxClass "exempt"))
            "Baby food"))))
    (test (string-append 
	   "<x xmlns:edi='http://ecommerce.org/schema'>"
           "<!-- the 'taxClass' attribute's  ns http://ecommerce.org/schema -->"
           "<lineItem edi:taxClass='exempt'>Baby food</lineItem>"
           "</x>") '((EDI . "http://ecommerce.org/schema"))
	     (@ (*NAMESPACES* (EDI "http://ecommerce.org/schema")))
	     (x (lineItem
		 (@ (EDI:taxClass "exempt"))
            "Baby food"))))

    (test (string-append
	   "<bk:book xmlns:bk='urn:loc.gov:books' "
	   "<bk:title>Cheaper by the Dozen</bk:title>"
	  '(*TOP* (urn:loc.gov:books:book
		   (urn:loc.gov:books:title "Cheaper by the Dozen")
		   (urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6:number "1568491379"))))

    (test (string-append
	   "<!-- initially, the default namespace is 'books' -->"
           "<book xmlns='urn:loc.gov:books' "
           "<title>Cheaper by the Dozen</title>"
	   "<!-- make HTML the default namespace for some commentary -->"
	   "<p xmlns='urn:w3-org-ns:HTML'>"
	   "This is a <i>funny</i> book!"
            "</book>") '()
	    '(*TOP* (urn:loc.gov:books:book
		   (urn:loc.gov:books:title "Cheaper by the Dozen")
		   (urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6:number "1568491379")
		     "This is a " (urn:w3-org-ns:HTML:i "funny")
		     " book!")))))

    (test (string-append
           "<!-- the default namespace is now that of HTML -->"
           "<table xmlns='http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40'>"
           "<!-- no default namespace inside table cells -->"
           "<td><brandName xmlns=\"\">Huntsman</brandName></td>"
           "<td><origin xmlns=''>Bath, UK</origin></td>"
              "<details xmlns=''><class>Bitter</class><hop>Fuggles</hop>"
              "<pro>Wonderful hop, light alcohol, good summer beer</pro>"
              "<con>Fragile; excessive variance pub to pub</con>"
	      '((html . "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"))
		(@ (*NAMESPACES* (html "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40")))
		(Beers (html:table
                (html:th (html:td "Name")
                         (html:td "Origin")
                         (html:td "Description"))
                (html:tr (html:td (brandName "Huntsman"))
                         (html:td (origin "Bath, UK"))
			   (class "Bitter")
			(hop "Fuggles")
			(pro "Wonderful hop, light alcohol, good summer beer")
			(con "Fragile; excessive variance pub to pub"))))))))

    (test (string-append
       "<!-- 1 --><RESERVATION xmlns:HTML='http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40'>"
       "<!-- 2 --><NAME HTML:CLASS=\"largeSansSerif\">Layman, A</NAME>"
       "<!-- 3 --><SEAT CLASS='Y' HTML:CLASS=\"largeMonotype\">33B</SEAT>"
       "<!-- 4 --><HTML:A HREF='/cgi-bin/ResStatus'>Check Status</HTML:A>"
       "<!-- 5 --><DEPARTURE>1997-05-24T07:55:00+1</DEPARTURE></RESERVATION>")
	  '((HTML . "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"))
	    (@ (*NAMESPACES* (HTML "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40")))
	      (NAME (@ (HTML:CLASS "largeSansSerif")) "Layman, A")
	      (SEAT (@ (HTML:CLASS "largeMonotype") (CLASS "Y")) "33B")
	      (HTML:A (@ (HREF "/cgi-bin/ResStatus")) "Check Status")
	      (DEPARTURE "1997-05-24T07:55:00+1"))))
    ; Part of RDF from the XML Infoset
        (test (string-concatenate/shared (list-intersperse '(
   "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?>"
   "<!-- this can be decoded as US-ASCII or iso-8859-1 as well,"
   "  since it contains no characters outside the US-ASCII repertoire -->"
   "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'"
   "         xmlns:rdfs='http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#'"
   "          xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/02/infoset#'>"
   "<rdfs:Class ID='Boolean'/>"
   "<Boolean ID='Boolean.true'/>"
   "<Boolean ID='Boolean.false'/>"
   "<!--Info item classes-->"
   "<rdfs:Class ID='InfoItem'/>"
   "<rdfs:Class ID='Document' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/>"
   "<rdfs:Class ID='Element' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/>"
   "<rdfs:Class ID='Attribute' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/>"
   "<rdfs:Class ID='InfoItemSet'
   "<rdfs:Class ID='AttributeSet' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItemSet'/>"
   "<!--Info item properties-->"
   "<rdfs:Property ID='allDeclarationsProcessed'>"
   "<rdfs:domain resource='#Document'/>"
   "<rdfs:range resource='#Boolean'/></rdfs:Property>"
   "<rdfs:Property ID='attributes'>"
   "<rdfs:domain resource='#Element'/>"
   "<rdfs:range resource='#AttributeSet'/>"
   (string #\newline)))
   '((RDF . "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
     (RDFS . "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#")
     (ISET . "http://www.w3.org/2001/02/infoset#"))
   '(*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES*
         (RDF "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
         (RDFS "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#")
         (ISET "http://www.w3.org/2001/02/infoset#")))
       (*PI* xml "version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'")
	(RDFS:Class (@ (ID "Boolean")))
	(ISET:Boolean (@ (ID "Boolean.true")))
	(ISET:Boolean (@ (ID "Boolean.false")))
	(RDFS:Class (@ (ID "InfoItem")))
	(RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Document")))
	(RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Element")))
	(RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Attribute")))
	 (@ (RDFS:subClassOf
	    (ID "InfoItemSet")))
	 (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItemSet") (ID "AttributeSet")))
	 (@ (ID "allDeclarationsProcessed"))
	 (RDFS:domain (@ (resource "#Document")))
	 (RDFS:range (@ (resource "#Boolean"))))
	 (@ (ID "attributes"))
	 (RDFS:domain (@ (resource "#Element")))
	 (RDFS:range (@ (resource "#AttributeSet")))))))
    ; Part of RDF from RSS of the Daemon News Mall
        (test (string-concatenate/shared (list-intersperse '(
  "<?xml version='1.0'?><rdf:RDF "
    "xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' "
     "<title>Daemon News Mall</title>"
     "<description>Central source for all your BSD needs</description>"
     "<title>Daemon News Jan/Feb Issue NOW Available! Subscribe $24.95</title>"
     "<title>The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System $54.95</title>"
   (string #\newline)
   '((RDF . "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
     (RSS . "http://my.netscape.com/rdf/simple/0.9/")
     (ISET . "http://www.w3.org/2001/02/infoset#"))
   '(*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES*
         (RDF "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
         (RSS "http://my.netscape.com/rdf/simple/0.9/")
         (ISET "http://www.w3.org/2001/02/infoset#")))
       (*PI* xml "version='1.0'")
       (RDF:RDF (RSS:channel
                  (RSS:title "Daemon News Mall")
                  (RSS:link "http://mall.daemonnews.org/")
                  (RSS:description "Central source for all your BSD needs"))
                    "Daemon News Jan/Feb Issue NOW Available! Subscribe $24.95")
                    "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System $54.95")

    (test (string-concatenate/shared (list-intersperse 
       '("<Forecasts TStamp='958082142'>"
	 "<TAF TStamp='958066200' LatLon='36.583, -121.850' BId='724915'"
	 "<VALID TRange='958068000, 958154400'>111730Z 111818</VALID>"
	 "<PERIOD TRange='958068000, 958078800'>"
	 "<PERIOD TRange='958078800, 958104000' Title='FM2100'>"
	 "<PERIOD TRange='958104000, 958154400' Title='FM0400'>"
	 "<VAR Title='BECMG 0708' TRange='958114800, 958118400'>VRB05KT</VAR>"
       (string #\newline)
	  '(*TOP* (Forecasts
		   (@ (TStamp "958082142"))
		   (TAF (@ (TStamp "958066200")
			   (LatLon "36.583, -121.850")
			   (BId "724915"))
              (VALID (@ (TRange "958068000, 958154400")) "111730Z 111818")
              (PERIOD (@ (TRange "958068000, 958078800"))
                      (PREVAILING "31010KT P6SM FEW030"))
              (PERIOD (@ (Title "FM2100") (TRange "958078800, 958104000"))
                      (PREVAILING "29016KT P6SM FEW040"))
              (PERIOD (@ (Title "FM0400") (TRange "958104000, 958154400"))
                      (PREVAILING "29010KT P6SM SCT200")
                      (VAR (@ (Title "BECMG 0708")
                              (TRange "958114800, 958118400"))

(cond [test-failed? (printf "SOME TESTS FAILED.\n")]
      [else (printf "ALL TESTS PASSED.\n")])