; 		A special form and-let*
;	           Validation code
; AND-LET* (formerly known as LAND*) is an AND with local bindings, a
; guarded LET* special form.  It evaluates a sequence of forms one
; after another till the first one that yields #f; the non-#f result
; of a form can be bound to a fresh variable and used in the
; subsequent forms.
; It is defined in SRFI-2 <http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-2/>
; Motivation:
; When an ordinary AND is formed of _proper_ boolean expressions:
;	(AND E1 E2 ...)
; the expression E2, if it gets to be evaluated, knows that E1 has
; returned non-#f.  Moreover, E2 knows exactly what the result of E1
; was - #t - so E2 can use this knowledge to its advantage. If E1
; however is an _extended_ boolean expression, E2 can no longer tell
; which particular non-#f value was returned by E1. Chances are it
; took a lot of work to evaluate E1, and the produced result (a
; number, a vector, a string, etc) may be of value to E2. Alas, the
; AND form merely checks that the result is not an #f, and throws it
; away. If E2 needs it, it has to recompute the value again.  This
; proposed AND-LET* special form lets constituent expressions get hold
; of the results of already evaluated expressions, without re-doing
; their work.
; Syntax:
; where CLAWS is a list of expressions or bindings:
;	CLAWS ::= '() | (cons CLAW CLAWS)
; Every element of the CLAWS list, a CLAW, must be one of the following:
; or
; or
; These CLAWS are evaluated in the strict left-to-right order. For each
; CLAW, the EXPRESSION part is evaluated first
; (or BOUND-VARIABLE is looked up).
; If the result is #f, AND-LET* immediately returns #f,
; thus disregarding the rest of the CLAWS and the BODY. If the
; EXPRESSION evaluates to not-#f, and the CLAW is of the form
; the EXPRESSION's value is bound to a freshly made VARIABLE. The VARIABLE is
; available for _the rest_ of the CLAWS, and the BODY.
; Thus AND-LET* is a sort of cross-breed between LET* and AND.
; Denotation semantics:
; Eval[ (AND-LET* (CLAW1 ...) BODY), Env] =
;	EvalClaw[ CLAW1, Env ] andalso
;		Eval[ (AND-LET* ( ...) BODY), ExtClawEnv[ CLAW1, Env]]
; Eval[ (AND-LET* (CLAW) ), Env] = EvalClaw[ CLAW, Env ]
; Eval[ (AND-LET* () FORM1 ...), Env] = Eval[ (BEGIN FORM1 ...), Env ]
; Eval[ (AND-LET* () ), Env] = #t
; EvalClaw[ BOUND-VARIABLE, Env ] = Eval[ BOUND-VARIABLE, Env ]
; EvalClaw[ (EXPRESSION), Env ] = Eval[ EXPRESSION, Env ]
; EvalClaw[ (VARIABLE EXPRESSION), Env ] = Eval[ EXPRESSION, Env ]
; ExtClawEnv[ BOUND-VARIABLE, Env ] = Env
; ExtClawEnv[ (EXPRESSION), Env ] = EnvAfterEval[ EXPRESSION, Env ]
; ExtClawEnv[ (VARIABLE EXPRESSION), Env ] =
;	ExtendEnv[ EnvAfterEval[ EXPRESSION, Env ],
;		   VARIABLE boundto Eval[ EXPRESSION, Env ]]
; If AND-LET* is implemented as a macro, it converts a AND-LET* expression
; into a "tree" of AND and LET expressions. For example,
;     (AND-LET* ((my-list (compute-list)) ((not (null? my-list))))
;	  (do-something my-list))
; is transformed into
;     (and (let ((my-list (compute-list)))
;	(and my-list  (not (null? my-list)) (begin (do-something my-list)))))

; Sample applications:
; The following piece of code (from my treap package)
;   (let ((new-root (node:dispatch-on-key root key ...)))
;      (if new-root (set! root new-root)))
; could be elegantly re-written as
;   (and-let* ((new-root (node:dispatch-on-key root key ...)))
;		(set! root new-root))
; A very common application of and-let* is looking up a value
; associated with a given key in an assoc list, returning #f in case of a
; look-up failure:
;		; Standard implementation
; (define (look-up key alist)
;   (let ((found-assoc (assq key alist)))
;	(and found-assoc (cdr found-assoc))))
; 		; A more elegant solution
; (define (look-up key alist)
;   (cdr (or (assq key alist) '(#f . #f))))
; 		; An implementation which is just as graceful as the latter
;		; and just as efficient as the former:
; (define (look-up key alist)
;   (and-let* ((x (assq key alist))) (cdr x)))
; Generalized cond:
; (or
;   (and-let* (bindings-cond1) body1)
;   (and-let* (bindings-cond2) body2)
;   (begin else-clause))
; Unlike => (cond's send), AND-LET* applies beyond cond. AND-LET* can
; also be used to generalize cond, as => is limited to sending of
; a single value; AND-LET* allows as many bindings as necessary
; (which are performed in sequence)
; (or
;  (and-let* ((c (read-char)) ((not (eof-object? c))))
;	(string-set! some-str i c) (inc! i))
;  (begin (do-process-eof)))
; Another concept AND-LET* is reminiscent of is programming with guards:
; an AND-LET* form can be considered a sequence of _guarded_ expressions.
; In a regular program, forms may produce results, bind them to variables
; and let other forms use these results. AND-LET* differs in that it checks
; to make sure that every produced result "makes sense" (that is, not an #f).
; The first "failure" triggers the guard and aborts the rest of the
; sequence (which presumably would not make any sense to execute anyway).
; $Id: vland.scm,v 1.3 2004/07/08 21:53:33 oleg Exp $

; -- make sure the implementation of and-let* is included. It is usually
; the part of my prelude.
; We also assume the the myenv prelude is included at this point,
; as well as SRFI-12. For Gambit, do the following:
;   (include "myenv.scm")
;   (include "srfi-12.scm")
; prior to evaluation of this file.
; For example: gsi -e '(include "myenv.scm")(include "srfi-12.scm")' vland.scm
; For Bigloo, the following command line can be used:
; echo '(module test (include "myenv-bigloo.scm") (include "srfi-12.scm")
;        (include "vland.scm"))' | bigloo -i --

(cout nl "Validating AND-LET*..." nl nl)

  (define interaction-environment (lambda () #f)))
 (else #f))

;---- Unit test harness

		; make sure that the 'FORM' gave upon evaluation the
(define (expect form expected-result)
  (display "evaluating ")
  (write form)
  (let ((real-result (eval form (interaction-environment))))
    (if (equal? real-result expected-result)
	(cout "... gave the expected result: " real-result nl)
	(error "... returned: " real-result
	       " which differs from the expected result: " expected-result)

		; Check to see that 'form' has indeed a wrong syntax
(define (must-be-a-syntax-error form)
  (display "evaluating ")
  (write form)
     (begin (cout "caught an expected exception: " exc nl)
     (eval form (interaction-environment))
   (error "The above form should have generated a syntax error.")))

;--- Test cases

; No claws
(expect  '(and-let* () 1) 1)
(expect  '(and-let* () 1 2) 2)
(expect  '(and-let* () ) #t)

(must-be-a-syntax-error '(and-let* #f #t) )
(must-be-a-syntax-error '(and-let* #f) )

; One claw, no body
(expect '(let ((x #f)) (and-let* (x))) #f)
(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* (x))) 1)
(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* ( (x) ))) 1)
(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* ( ((+ x 1)) ))) 2)
(expect '(and-let* ((x #f)) ) #f)
(expect '(and-let* ((x 1)) ) 1)
(must-be-a-syntax-error '(and-let* ( #f (x 1))) )

; two claws, no body
(expect '(and-let* ( (#f) (x 1)) ) #f)
(must-be-a-syntax-error '(and-let* (2 (x 1))) )
(expect '(and-let* ( (2) (x 1)) ) 1)
(expect '(and-let* ( (x 1) (2)) ) 2)
(expect '(and-let* ( (x 1) x) ) 1)
(expect '(and-let* ( (x 1) (x)) ) 1)

; two claws, body
(expect '(let ((x #f)) (and-let* (x) x)) #f)
(expect '(let ((x "")) (and-let* (x) x)) "")
(expect '(let ((x "")) (and-let* (x)  )) "")
(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* (x) (+ x 1))) 2)
(expect '(let ((x #f)) (and-let* (x) (+ x 1))) #f)
(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* (((positive? x))) (+ x 1))) 2)
(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* (((positive? x))) )) #t)
(expect '(let ((x 0)) (and-let* (((positive? x))) (+ x 1))) #f)
(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* (((positive? x)) (x (+ x 1))) (+ x 1)))  3)
 '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* (((positive? x)) (x (+ x 1)) (x (+ x 1))) (+ x 1)))

(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* (x ((positive? x))) (+ x 1))) 2)
(expect '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* ( ((begin x)) ((positive? x))) (+ x 1))) 2)
(expect '(let ((x 0)) (and-let* (x ((positive? x))) (+ x 1))) #f)
(expect '(let ((x #f)) (and-let* (x ((positive? x))) (+ x 1))) #f)
(expect '(let ((x #f)) (and-let* ( ((begin x)) ((positive? x))) (+ x 1))) #f)

(expect  '(let ((x 1)) (and-let* (x (y (- x 1)) ((positive? y))) (/ x y))) #f)
(expect  '(let ((x 0)) (and-let* (x (y (- x 1)) ((positive? y))) (/ x y))) #f)
(expect  '(let ((x #f)) (and-let* (x (y (- x 1)) ((positive? y))) (/ x y))) #f)
(expect  '(let ((x 3)) (and-let* (x (y (- x 1)) ((positive? y))) (/ x y))) (/ 3 2))

  (cout nl "Printing out the re-written and-let* expression" nl)
	'(define (bbb) 
	   (and-let* ((my-list (compute-list)) a-condition
		      ((not (null? my-list)))
		      (my-list-tail (cdr my-list)))
		     (do-something my-list-tail)))))
    (cout "The result of compiling of"  nl
	  (lambda () (pp a-definition)) nl "is the following" nl)
    (eval a-definition)
    (pp bbb)
  (cout nl "Printing out the re-written and-let* expression" nl)
	'(define (bbb) 
	   (and-let* ((my-list (compute-list)) a-condition
		      ((not (null? my-list)))
		      (my-list-tail (cdr my-list)))
		     (do-something my-list-tail)))))
    (cout "The result of compiling of"  nl
	  (lambda () (pp a-definition)) nl "is the following:" nl
	  (lambda () (pp (expand a-definition)))

(cout nl "All tests passed" nl)