SXML is a representation of XML elements using s-expressions. The following grammar describes the structure of SXML:
top | = |
| ||||||
element | = | (name maybe-annot-attributes child ...) | ||||||
annot-attributes | = | (@ attribute ... maybe-annotations) | ||||||
attribute | = | (name maybe-value maybe-annotations) | ||||||
child | = | element | ||||||
| | character-data-string | |||||||
| | PI | |||||||
| | comment | |||||||
| | entity | |||||||
PI | = |
| ||||||
comment | = | (*COMMENT* comment-string) | ||||||
entity | = | (*ENTITY* public-id-string system-id-string) | ||||||
name | = | local-name | ||||||
| | exp-name | |||||||
local-name | = | symbol conforming to XML Namespace recommendation | ||||||
exp-name | = | symbol of the form namespace-id:local-name | ||||||
namespace-id | = | URI-symbol | ||||||
| | user-ns-shortcut-symbol | |||||||
namespaces | = | (*NAMESPACES* namespace-assoc ...) | ||||||
namespace-assoc | = | (namespace-id uri-string maybe-original-prefix) | ||||||
annotations | = | (@ maybe-namespaces annotation ...) | ||||||
annotation | = | not yet specified |
Some tools, such as SXPath, use the following coarse approximation of SXML structure for simplicity:
node | = | (name . node-list) | ||
| | string | |||
node-list | = | (node ...) | ||
name | = | local-name | ||
| | exp-name | |||
| | @ | |||
| | *TOP* | |||
| | *PI* | |||
| | *COMMENT* | |||
| | *ENTITY* | |||
Refer to the original SXML specification for a more detailed explanation of the representation, including examples.
In short, an XML element is represented as a list consisting of its tag name as a symbol followed by its children nodes. If the XML element has attributes, they come immediately after the tag symbol, in a list tagged by an @ symbol.
For example, the XML element
<abc>def<ghi />jkl</abc>
is represented by the SXML datum
'(abc "def" (ghi) "jkl")
and the XML element
<customer specialness="gazonga">Barry White</customer>
is represented by the SXML datum
'(customer (@ (specialness "gazonga")) "Barry White")
That’s the easy part. Things get more tricky when you start talking about documents and namespaces.
1.1 SXML Functions
(sxml:element? v) → boolean? v : any/c
Examples: | ||||||
Examples: | ||||
'@: an annot-attributes node
'*: any element (sxml:element?)
'*any*: any node
'*text*: any string
'*data*: anything except a pair (element)
'*COMMENT*: a comment node
'*PI*: a PI (processing instruction) node
'*ENTITY*: an entity node
Otherwise, it is an ordinary tag name, and a predicate is returned that recognizes elements with that tag.
Examples: | ||||||||
Examples: | ||||||
(sxml:node? v) → boolean? v : any/c
Note that the set of values accepted by sxml:node? is different from the non-terminal node.
Examples: | ||||
(sxml:attr-list node) → (listof attribute) node : node
Examples: | ||||||
(sxml:attr-list-node elem) → (or/c #f (cons/c '@ (listof attribute))) elem : sxml:element?
Examples: | ||||
(sxml:empty-element? elem) → boolean? elem : sxml:element?
Examples: | ||||||
(sxml:element-name elem) → symbol? elem : sxml:element?
(sxml:ncname qualified-name) → string? qualified-name : symbol?
(sxml:name->ns-id qualified-name) → (or/c string? #f) qualified-name : symbol?
(sxml:content node-or-nodeset) → (listof node) node-or-nodeset : (or/c node nodeset?)
Example: | ||
(sxml:attr elem attr-name) → (or/c string? #f) elem : sxml:element? attr-name : symbol?
(sxml:change-content elem new-content) → sxml:element? elem : sxml:element? new-content : (listof child)
(sxml:change-attrlist elem new-attrlist) → sxml:element? elem : sxml:element? new-attrlist : (listof attribute)
(sxml:change-name elem tag) → sxml:element? elem : sxml:element? tag : symbol?
(sxml:set-attr elem attr) → sxml:element? elem : sxml:element? attr : (list/c symbol? any/c)
(sxml:add-attr elem attr) → (or/c sxml:element? #f) elem : sxml:element? attr : (list/c symbol? any/c)
(sxml:change-attr elem attr) → (or/c sxml:element? #f) elem : sxml:element? attr : (list/c symbol? any/c)
(sxml:squeeze elem) → sxml:element? elem : sxml:element?
(sxml:clean elem) → sxml:element? elem : sxml:element?