(module parser-tests mzscheme
(require (lib "etc.ss")
(planet "test.ss" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 1 1))
(planet "util.ss" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 1 1))
(require/expose (planet "parser.ss" ("cobbe" "classic-java" 1 0))
(provide parser-tests)
(define-syntax assert-parse-exn
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ msg value expr)
(assert-exn (lambda (exn)
(and (exn:cj:parse? exn)
(string=? msg (exn-message exn))
(equal? value (exn:cj:parse-src exn))))
(lambda () expr))]))
(define-syntax assert-inheritance-cycle
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ expr)
(assert-exn (lambda (exn)
(and (exn:cj:parse? exn)
(string=? "inheritance cycle" (exn-message exn))
(temp-class? (exn:cj:parse-src exn))))
(lambda () expr))]))
(define parser-tests
(make-test-suite "Classic Java parser"
(make-test-case "initial program"
(mv-assert equal?
'((class a Object ([int foo]))
(class b a ([bool bar]))
(class c a ([Object baz]))
(* 3 (+ 4 5))))
(make-temp-class 'Object #f null null))
('a (make-temp-class 'a 'Object
(list (make-field
(make-ground-type 'int)
(make-class-type 'a)
('b (make-temp-class 'b 'a
(make-field (make-ground-type 'bool)
(make-class-type 'b)
('c (make-temp-class 'c 'a
(make-field (make-class-type 'Object)
(make-class-type 'c)
(make-binary-prim '* (make-num-lit 3)
(make-binary-prim '+
(make-num-lit 4)
(make-num-lit 5)))))
(make-test-case "bad initial program"
(assert-exn (lambda (exn)
(and (exn:cj:parse? exn)
(string=? "bad program" (exn-message exn))
(equal? 'Object (exn:cj:parse-src exn))))
(lambda () (parse-init-program 'Object))))
(make-test-case "bad initial program 2"
(assert-parse-exn "bad program" null (parse-init-program null)))
(make-test-case "parse-init-program: no defns"
(mv-assert equal?
(parse-init-program '(true))
(hash-table ('Object (make-temp-class 'Object #f null null)))
(make-bool-lit #t)))
(make-test-case "init-program: duplicate class name"
"duplicate class definition"
(make-temp-class 'a 'Object
(list (make-field (make-ground-type 'int)
(make-class-type 'a)
'((class a Object ([int first-defn-of-a]))
(class a Object ([int foo]))
(+ 3 4)))))
(make-test-case "make-final-classes: Object only"
(hash-table ('Object (make-temp-class 'Object #f null null))))
(hash-table ('Object (make-class (make-class-type 'Object)
#f null null)))))
(make-test-case "make-final-classes: small hierarchy"
(let* ([object-class (make-class
(make-class-type 'Object)
#f null null)]
[a-class (make-class (make-class-type 'a) object-class
null null)]
[b-class (make-class (make-class-type 'b) a-class
null null)])
(hash-table ('Object (make-temp-class 'Object #f null null))
('b (make-temp-class 'b 'a null null))
('a (make-temp-class 'a 'Object null null))))
(hash-table ('Object object-class)
('a a-class)
('b b-class)))))
(make-test-case "make-final-classes: missing superclass"
(let ([a (make-temp-class 'a 'b null null)])
(assert-parse-exn "parent class doesn't exist" a
('Object (make-temp-class 'Object #f null null))
('a a))))))
(make-test-case "make-final-classes: inheritance cycle"
(let ([a (make-temp-class 'a 'b null null)]
[b (make-temp-class 'b 'c null null)]
[c (make-temp-class 'c 'a null null)])
(make-final-classes (hash-table ['a a] ['b b] ['c c])))))
(make-test-case "Numeric expression"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(* (+ 3 4) (- 7 -2)))
(make-binary-prim '*
(make-binary-prim '+
(make-num-lit 3)
(make-num-lit 4))
(make-binary-prim '-
(make-num-lit 7)
(make-num-lit -2)))))
(make-test-case "Boolean expression"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(not (or (or true (zero? 4))
(or false (and (null? null)
(== 3 6))))))
(make-unary-prim 'not
(make-bool-lit #t)
(make-unary-prim 'zero?
(make-num-lit 4)))
(make-bool-lit #f)
(make-unary-prim 'null?
(make-num-lit 3)
(make-num-lit 6))))))))
(make-test-case "primitive arity problem"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(+ 3 4 5)
(parse-expr '(+ 3 4 5))))
(make-test-case "unary primitive: arity problem"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(null? x y)
(parse-expr '(null? x y))))
(make-test-case "primitives aren't nullary"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(null?)
(parse-expr '(null?))))
(make-test-case "primitives aren't variables"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" 'null?
(parse-expr 'null?)))
(make-test-case "If expression"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(if x y z))
(make-if-expr (make-var-ref 'x)
(make-var-ref 'y)
(make-var-ref 'z))))
(make-test-case "one-armed if"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(if x y)
(parse-expr '(if x y))))
(make-test-case "classes not expressions"
(let ([defn '(class foo Object () () () ())])
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression"
(parse-expr `(if ,defn x y)))))
(make-test-case "ctor call"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(new foo))
(make-new (make-class-type 'foo))))
(make-test-case "ctor: first arg must be class name"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(new (x y) z)
(parse-expr '(new (x y) z))))
(make-test-case "ref"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(ref this x))
(make-ref (make-var-ref 'this) 'x)))
(make-test-case "ref: field must be name"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(ref this (x y))
(parse-expr '(ref this (x y)))))
(make-test-case "set"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(set this x (+ y z)))
(make-set (make-var-ref 'this)
(make-binary-prim '+
(make-var-ref 'y)
(make-var-ref 'z)))))
(make-test-case "set: field must be name"
(let ([set '(set this (+ a b) (- c d))])
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" set
(parse-expr set))))
(make-test-case "send"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(send (ref x y) foo (ref z a) null))
(make-send (make-ref (make-var-ref 'x) 'y)
(list (make-ref (make-var-ref 'z)
(make-test-case "send: method name must be name"
(let ([send '(send (ref x y) (z q))])
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" send
(parse-expr send))))
(make-test-case "super"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(super foo x (ref a b)))
(make-super 'foo
(list (make-var-ref 'x)
(make-ref (make-var-ref 'a)
(make-test-case "super: method name must be literal"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(super (x y))
(parse-expr '(super (x y)))))
(make-test-case "cast"
(assert-equal? (parse-expr '(cast foo (ref x y)))
(make-cast (make-class-type 'foo)
(make-ref (make-var-ref 'x) 'y))))
(make-test-case "cast: class name must be literal"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(cast (x y) z)
(parse-expr '(cast (x y) z))))
(make-test-case "cast: bad arity"
(assert-parse-exn "bad expression" '(cast x)
(parse-expr '(cast x))))
(make-test-case "definition"
(let ([foo-type (make-class-type 'foo)])
(parse-defn '(class foo Object
((int x)
(Object y)
(bar a)
(baz b)
(quux c))
(foo get-foo ((int x)) null)))
(list (make-field (make-ground-type 'int) foo-type 'x)
(make-field (make-class-type 'Object) foo-type 'y)
(make-field (make-class-type 'bar) foo-type 'a)
(make-field (make-class-type 'baz) foo-type 'b)
(make-field (make-class-type 'quux) foo-type 'c))
(list (make-method (make-class-type 'foo) 'get-foo
(list 'x)
(list (make-ground-type 'int))
(make-test-case "defn: malformed"
(assert-parse-exn "bad definition" '(class foo (x y) () ())
(parse-defn '(class foo (x y) () ()))))
(make-test-case "defn: bad field"
(let ([bad-field '(x y z)])
(assert-parse-exn "bad field definition" bad-field
(parse-defn `(class foo Object
((a b) ,bad-field))))))
(make-test-case "defn: bad method"
(let ([bad-method '(int foo ())])
(assert-parse-exn "bad method definition" bad-method
(parse-defn `(class bar Object () ,bad-method)))))
(make-test-case "defn: bad argument"
(assert-parse-exn "bad argument definition" '(int x y)
(parse-defn '(class bar Object ()
(int foo ((int x y) (foo bar))
(make-test-case "program"
'((class foo Object ())
(class bar foo ((int x) [foo f])
(int zero () 0)
(Object get-root () null)
(int sum ((int x) (int y)) (+ x y)))
(send (new bar) zero)))
(let* ([obj (make-class (make-class-type 'Object) #f null null)]
[foo (make-class (make-class-type 'foo) obj null null)]
[bar (make-class
(make-class-type 'bar) foo
(list (make-field (make-ground-type 'int)
(make-class-type 'bar) 'x)
(make-field (make-class-type 'foo)
(make-class-type 'bar) 'f))
(list (make-method (make-ground-type 'int)
(make-num-lit 0))
(make-method (make-class-type 'Object)
(make-method (make-ground-type 'int)
'(x y)
(list (make-ground-type 'int)
(make-ground-type 'int))
(make-var-ref 'x)
(make-var-ref 'y)))))])
(hash-table ('Object obj) ('foo foo) ('bar bar))
(make-send (make-new (make-class-type 'bar))