;;  ClassicJava: an implementation of the ClassicJava programming language
;; tests for the reduction module.
;;  Copyright (C) 2005  Richard Cobbe
;;  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
;;  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at
;;  your option) any later version.
;;  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;;  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;;  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
;;  License for more details.
;;  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
;;  along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
;;  Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

(module reduction-tests mzscheme

  (require (lib "")
           (planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 1 1))
           (planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 1 1))

  (provide reduction-tests)

  (define test-program-src
    '((class numerics Object ([int i] [bool b])
        (int factorial ([int n])
             (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (send this factorial (- n 1))))))
      (class base Object ([int base-field] [int shadowed-field])
        (int f () 3))
      (class derived base ([bool shadowed-field] [bool derived-field])
        (int f () (+ (super f) 1)))
      (class blist Object ()
        (int length () -1)
        (bool andmap () false))
      (class bempty blist ()
        (int length () 0)
        (bool andmap () true))
      (class bcons blist
        ([bool value] [blist next])
        (int length () (+ 1 (send (ref this next) length)))
        (bool andmap () (if (ref this value)
                            (send (ref this next) andmap)
      (class dag-node Object
        ([dag-node left] [dag-node right]))

  (define test-program (elab-program (parse-program test-program-src)))

  (define-syntax assert-functional-small-step
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(_ program-exp store-exp exp result)
       (let ([program program-exp]
             [store store-exp])
          (small-step cj-reductions `(,program ,store exp))
          `(,program ,store result)))]))

  (define reduction-tests
   (make-test-suite "ClassicJava Reduction Tests"

     (make-test-case "constant/variable substitution"
       (assert-equal? (cj-subst 'x 3 '(send y x x null true false 4 this))
                      '(send y x 3 null true false 4 this)))

     (make-test-case "substitution: ref"
       (assert-equal? (cj-subst 'x 3 '(ref (send x fd) ctype x))
                      '(ref (send 3 fd) ctype x)))

     (make-test-case "substitution: send"
       (assert-equal? (foldl cj-subst '(send a b c (ref d t y) e null 3)
                             '(a b c d e)
                             '(6 7 8 9 10))
                      '(send 6 b 8 (ref 9 t y) 10 null 3)))

     (make-test-case "substitution: super"
       (assert-equal? (foldl cj-subst
                             '(super a b c d (ref e c field) f null 3)
                             '(a b c d e f)
                             '(11 12 13 14 15 16))
                      '(super 11 b c 14 (ref 15 c field) 16 null 3)))

     (make-test-case "substitution: cast"
       (assert-equal? (cj-subst 'x 42 '(cast x (ref x t fd)))
                      '(cast x (ref 42 t fd))))

     (make-test-case "substitution: let (not bound var)"
       (assert-equal? (cj-subst 'x 42 '(let y (ref x t z)
                                         (send (new a) x y z)))
                      '(let y (ref 42 t z) (send (new a) x y z))))
     ;; second x not renamed, since it's a method name not a variable.

     (make-test-case "substitution: let bound var"
       (assert-equal? (cj-subst 'x 42 '(let x (ref x t foo)
                                         (send (new a) x y z)))
                      '(let x (ref 42 t foo)
                         (send (new a) x y z))))

     (make-test-case "substitution: binary prim"
       (assert-equal? (cj-subst 'x 42 '(+ (ref x t size) (ref y t size)))
                      '(+ (ref 42 t size) (ref y t size))))

     (make-test-case "substitution: unary prim"
       (assert-equal? (cj-subst 'x 42 '(null? (ref x t parent)))
                      '(null? (ref 42 t parent))))

     (make-test-case "substitution: if"
       (assert-equal? (cj-subst 'x 42 '(if (ref x t flag)
                                           (ref x t this-field)
                                           (ref x t that)))
                      '(if (ref 42 t flag)
                           (ref 42 t this-field)
                           (ref 42 t that))))

     (make-test-case "t2r: ctor"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr
                       (make-new (make-class-type 'foo)))
                      '(new foo)))

     (make-test-case "t2r: var-ref"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-var-ref 'var)) 'var))

     (make-test-case "t2r: null"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-nil)) 'null))

     (make-test-case "t2r: tagged ref"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr
                       (make-tagged-ref (make-send (make-var-ref 'x)
                                                   (list (make-nil)))
                                        (make-class-type 'foo)
                      '(ref (send x y null) foo field)))

     (make-test-case "t2r: send"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-send (make-var-ref 'x)
                                               (list (make-var-ref 'y)
                                                     (make-var-ref 'z))))
                      '(send x md y z)))

     (make-test-case "t2r: super"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-tagged-super
                                     (make-class-type 'c)
                                     (list (make-var-ref 'y)
                                           (make-num-lit 42))))
                      '(super this c md y 42)))

     (make-test-case "t2r: cast"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-cast (make-class-type 'c)
                                                (make-var-ref 'x)
                                                (make-class-type 'foo)
                      '(cast c (ref x foo fd))))

     (make-test-case "t2r: let"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-cj-let 'id
                                                  (make-var-ref 'x)
                                                  (make-class-type 'foo)
                                                  (make-var-ref 'id)
                                                  (list (make-num-lit 32)
                                                        (make-var-ref 'id)))))
                      '(let id (ref x foo fd)
                         (send id md 32 id))))

     (make-test-case "t2r: num-lit"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-num-lit 3)) 3))

     (make-test-case "t2r: bool-lit"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-bool-lit #t)) 'true))

     (make-test-case "t2r: binary prim"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-binary-prim '+
                                                      (make-num-lit 1)
                                                      (make-var-ref 'x)))
                      '(+ 1 x)))

     (make-test-case "t2r: unary prim"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-unary-prim 'zero?
                                                     (make-num-lit 34)))
                      '(zero? 34)))

     (make-test-case "t2r: if"
       (assert-equal? (texpr->rexpr (make-if-expr (make-bool-lit #t)
                                                  (make-var-ref 'x)
                                                   (make-var-ref 'x)
                                                   (list (make-num-lit 3)))))
                      '(if true x (send x get-parent 3))))

     (make-test-case "evaluation: 3!"
        (big-step cj-reductions
                    (send (new numerics) factorial 3)))
            [0 (make-instance (make-class-type 'numerics)
                               (make-ivar (make-class-type 'numerics) 'i 0)
                               (make-ivar (make-class-type 'numerics)
                                          'b 'false)))])

     (make-test-case "evaluation: 6!"
        (big-step cj-reductions
                    (send (new numerics) factorial 6)))
            [0 (make-instance (make-class-type 'numerics)
                               (make-ivar (make-class-type 'numerics) 'i 0)
                               (make-ivar (make-class-type 'numerics)
                                          'b 'false)))])

     (make-test-case "reduction [new]"
        (small-step cj-reductions
                      (new bcons)))
            [0 (make-instance (make-class-type 'bcons)
                               (make-ivar (make-class-type 'bcons)
                                          'value 'false)
                               (make-ivar (make-class-type 'bcons)
                                          'next 'null)))])

     (make-test-case "reduction [get]"
       (let ([test-store
               [0 (make-instance (make-class-type 'derived)
                                  (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base)
                                             'base-field 3)
                                  (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base)
                                             'shadowed-field 4)
                                  (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                                             'shadowed-field 'false)
                                  (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                                             'derived-field 'true)))]
               [1 (make-instance (make-class-type 'base)
                                  (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base)
                                             'base-field 10)
                                  (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base)
                                             'shadowed-field 13)))])])
          (small-step cj-reductions
                      `(,test-program ,test-store
                                      (ref 0 derived shadowed-field)))
          `(,test-program ,test-store false))
          (small-step cj-reductions
                      `(,test-program ,test-store
                                      (ref 0 derived derived-field)))
          `(,test-program ,test-store true))
          (small-step cj-reductions
                      `(,test-program ,test-store
                                      (ref 0 base base-field)))
          `(,test-program ,test-store 3))
          (small-step cj-reductions
                      `(,test-program ,test-store
                                      (ref 0 base shadowed-field)))
          `(,test-program ,test-store 4))))

     (make-test-case "reduction [nget]"
        (small-step cj-reductions
                    `(,test-program ,empty-store (ref null base base-field)))
        `(,test-program ,empty-store "error: dereferenced null")))

     (make-test-case "reduction [set]"
       (let ([test-store
               [0 (make-instance
                   (make-class-type 'derived)
                    (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'base-field 3)
                    (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'shadowed-field 4)
                    (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                               'shadowed-field 'false)
                    (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                               'derived-field 'true)))])])
          (small-step cj-reductions
                        (set 0 base base-field 5)))
              [0 (make-instance
                  (make-class-type 'derived)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'base-field 5)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'shadowed-field 4)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                              'shadowed-field 'false)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                              'derived-field 'true)))])

          (small-step cj-reductions
                        (set 0 base shadowed-field 5)))
              [0 (make-instance
                  (make-class-type 'derived)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'base-field 3)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'shadowed-field 5)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                              'shadowed-field 'false)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                              'derived-field 'true)))])

          (small-step cj-reductions
                        (set 0 derived shadowed-field true)))
              [0 (make-instance
                  (make-class-type 'derived)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'base-field 3)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'shadowed-field 4)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                              'shadowed-field 'true)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                              'derived-field 'true)))])

          (small-step cj-reductions
                        (set 0 derived derived-field false)))
              [0 (make-instance
                  (make-class-type 'derived)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'base-field 3)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'base) 'shadowed-field 4)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                              'shadowed-field 'false)
                   (make-ivar (make-class-type 'derived)
                              'derived-field 'false)))])

     (make-test-case "reduction [nset]"
        (small-step cj-reductions `(,test-program
                                    (set null derived derived-field false)))
        `(,test-program ,empty-store "error: dereferenced null")))

     (make-test-case "reduction [uprim]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (not true)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (not false)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (null? null)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (null? 3)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (zero? 1)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (zero? 0)

     (make-test-case "reduction [bprim]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (+ 3 4)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (- 3 4)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (* 3 4)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (== 3 4)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (== 4 4)

     (make-test-case "reduction [and-true]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (and true (not false))
                                     (not false)))

     (make-test-case "reduction [and-false]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (and false (+ 3 4))

     (make-test-case "reduction [or-true]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (or true (+ 3 4))

     (make-test-case "reduction [or-false]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (or false (not true))
                                     (not true)))

     (make-test-case "reduction [if-true]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (if true (+ 3 4) (* 5 6))
                                     (+ 3 4)))

     (make-test-case "reduction [if-false]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (if false (+ 3 4) (* 5 6))
                                     (* 5 6)))

     (make-test-case "reduction [call]"
        (let ([numerics (make-class-type 'numerics)])
          (store [0 (make-instance numerics
                                   (list (make-ivar numerics 'i 0)
                                         (make-ivar numerics 'b 'false)))]))
        (send 0 factorial 3)
        (if (zero? 3) 1 (* 3 (send 0 factorial (- 3 1))))))

     (make-test-case "reduction [ncall]"
        (send null factorial 3)
        "error: dereferenced null"))

     (make-test-case "reduction [super]"
        (let ([base (make-class-type 'base)]
              [derived (make-class-type 'derived)])
          (store [0 (make-instance
                     (list (make-ivar base 'base-field 0)
                           (make-ivar base 'shadowed-field 1)
                           (make-ivar derived 'shadowed-field 'false)
                           (make-ivar derived 'derived-field 'true)))]))
        (super 0 base f)

     (make-test-case "reduction [cast]"
       (let ([store (store [0 (make-instance (make-class-type 'bempty)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program store (cast blist 0) 0)
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program store (cast bempty 0) 0)))

     (make-test-case "reduction [ncast]"
       (assert-functional-small-step test-program empty-store
                                     (cast dag-node null)

     (make-test-case "reduction [xcast]"
        (store [0 (make-instance (make-class-type 'bempty) null)])
        (cast derived 0)
        "error: bad cast"))

     (make-test-case "reduction [let]"
        (let x 3
          (+ (- (send 42 x x) x)
             (let x 56 x)))
        (+ (- (send 42 x 3) 3)
           (let x 56 x)))))))