#lang racket

;;   - typedef enum { T = 128 } E; typedef int T[T]; T x;
;;   - enum { A = 0, B = A + 1 } E;
;;   - typedef int foo; struct s { int foo; };
;;   - typedef int foo; struct foo { int x; };
;;   - int (*(apfi[3]))(int x, int y);             // array of pointers to functions
;;   - int *f(int x, int y);                       // function that returns int pointer
;;   - int *(f)(int x, int y);                     // function that returns int pointer
;;   - int (*f)(int x, int y);                     // pointer to function
;;   - typedef int t; sizeof(int(int t, t x));     // parse error
;;   - typedef int t; sizeof(int(int t)); { t x; } // formals scope restricted to formals
;;   - typedef int T; ... { enum E { T = 128, U = T + 1 } }
;;   - typedef int t; ... { enum E { t = t }; }    // parse error

;; oh dear... no tests. Ugh.

(require rackunit

(check-equal? (match (parse-expression "3 + 4")
                [(expr:binop _ (expr:int _ 3 '()) (id:op _ '+) (expr:int _ 4 '()))
                [other #f])

(check-equal? (match (parse-expression "3 || 4")
                [(expr:binop _ (expr:int _ 3 '()) (id:op _ '\|\|) (expr:int _ 4 '()))
                [other #f])

(check-equal? (position-token-token (call-with-input-string "||" c-lexer))
(check-equal? (position-token-token (call-with-input-string "|" c-lexer))