#lang scribble/doc @require[planet/scribble scribble/manual scribble/eval scribble/basic "utils.ss"] @require[(for-label scheme/base scheme/contract (this-package-in header) (this-package-in eval) (this-package-in ast) (this-package-in pc))] @title[#:tag "pc"]{Parenthetical C} @defmodule/this-package[pc] For now, this library only provides a few convenience forms for constructing AST nodes. Eventually I intend to create a ``Parenthetical C'' language with an S-Expression-based alternative syntax for the whole of C. @deftogether[[ @defform/subs[#:id typedef (typedef type alias-id) ([type struct type-id])] @defform*/subs[#:id struct [(struct tag-id) (struct tag-id (struct-field ...)) (struct (struct-field ...))] [(struct-field [type field-id] field-id)]] @defform*/subs[#:id union [(union tag-id) (union tag-id (union-variant ...)) (union (union-variant ...))] [(union-variant [type variant-id] variant-id)]] @defform*/subs[#:id enum [(enum tag-id) (enum tag-id (enum-variant ...)) (enum (enum-variant ...))] [(enum-variant [variant-id expr] variant-id)]] ]] @defproc[(array [type type?] [size expr?]) type:array?]{} @defproc[(pointer [type type?]) type:pointer?]{}