(module eval mzscheme
  (require (planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2 1))
           (planet "" ("dherman" "test.plt" 1 2))
           (planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2 1))
           (planet "" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 2 1))
           (planet "" ("dherman" "io.plt" 1 6))
           (lib "" "srfi" "13")
           (lib "")

  (define test-ns (make-javascript-namespace))

  (define-simple-check (check-output* expected lines)
    (reset-javascript-namespace! test-ns)
    (let ([actual (with-output-to-string (eval-javascript-string (string-join lines "\n") test-ns))])
      (andmap string=?
              (regexp-split #rx"[\r\n]+" (string-trim-both actual)))))

  (define-syntax check-output
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(_ expected lines ...)
       (check-output* expected (list lines ...))]))

  (define binding-tests
    (test-suite "binding tests"
      (test-case "top-level binding"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var a = true;"
      (test-case "non-with lexical binding"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "non-with catch binding"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "try{throw true}catch(a){print(a)}"))
      (test-case "non-with let binding"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "let (a = true){print(a)}"))
      (test-case "non-with lexical shadowing of top-level"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var a = false;"
      (test-case "non-with lexical shadowing of lexical"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "non-with lexical shadowing of catch"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "try{throw false}catch(a){(function(a){print(a)})(true)}"))
      (test-case "non-with lexical shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "let (a = false){(function(a){print(a)})(true)}"))
      (test-case "non-with catch shadowing of top-level"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var a = false"
                      "try{throw true}catch(a){print(a)}"))
      (test-case "non-with catch shadowing of lexical"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "(function(a){try{throw true}catch(a){print(a)}})(false)"))
      (test-case "non-with catch shadowing of catch"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "try{throw false}catch(a){try{throw true}catch(a){print(a)}}"))
      (test-case "non-with catch shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "let (a = false){try{throw true}catch(a){print(a)}}"))
      #;(test-case "non-with let shadowing of top-level"
        (check-output '("true")
      #;(test-case "non-with let shadowing of lexical"
        (check-output '("true")
      #;(test-case "non-with let shadowing of catch"
        (check-output '("true")
      #;(test-case "non-with let shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "with binding"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:true}"
      (test-case "with shadowing of top-level"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:true}"
                      "var a = false"
      (test-case "with shadowing of lexical"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:true};"
      (test-case "with shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o1 = {a:false};"
                      "var o2 = {a:true};"
      (test-case "with shadowing of catch"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:true}"
                      "try{throw false}catch(a){with(o){print(a)}}"))
      #;(test-case "with shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "lexical shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:false}"
                      "with(o) {(function(a){print(a)})(true)}"))
      (test-case "catch shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:false}"
                      "with(o){try{throw true}catch(a){print(a)}}"))
      #;(test-case "let shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "with shadowing of lexical shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o1 = {a:1}"
                      "var o2 = {a:true}"
      (test-case "with shadowing of catch shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o1 = {a:1}"
                      "var o2 = {a:true}"
                      "with(o1){try{throw 2}catch(a){with(o2){print(a)}}}"))
      #;(test-case "with shadowing of let shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "with shadowing of catch shadowing of lexical"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:true};"
                      "(function(a){try{throw 1}catch(a){with(o){print(a)}}})(2)"))
      (test-case "lexical shadowing of catch shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:1};"
                      "try{throw 2}catch(a){(function(a){print(a)})(true)}"))
      #;(test-case "with shadowing of catch shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "lexical shadowing of with shadowing of catch"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:1};"
                      "try{throw 2}catch(a){with(o){(function(a){print(a)})(true)}}"))
      (test-case "catch shadowing of with shadowing of lexical"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:1};"
                      "(function(a){with(o){try{throw true}catch(a){print(a)}}})(2);"))
      #;(test-case "let shadowing of with shadowing of catch"
        (check-output '("true")
      #;(test-case "let shadowing of with shadowing of lexical"
        (check-output '("true")
      #;(test-case "lexical shadowing of with shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
      #;(test-case "catch shadowing of with shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "with shadowing of lexical shadowing of catch"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:true};"
                      "try{throw 1}catch(a){(function(a){with(o){print(a)}})(2)}"))
      #;(test-case "with shadowing of lexical shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "catch shadowing of lexical shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:1};"
                      "with(o){(function(a){try{throw true}catch(a){print(a)}})(2)}"))
      #;(test-case "let shadowing of lexical shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "mutation of with-bound variable"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:false}"
                      "with(o) {o.a=true;print(a)}"))
      (test-case "temporary with shadowing of top-level"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var a = true;"
                      "var o = {a:false}"
                      "with(o) {delete o.a;print(a)}"))
      (test-case "temporary with shadowing of lexical"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:false};"
                      "(function(a){with(o){delete o.a;print(a)}})(true);"))
      (test-case "temporary with shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o1 = {a:true};"
                      "var o2 = {a:false};"
                      "with(o1){with(o2){delete o2.a;print(a)}}"))
      (test-case "temporary with shadowing of catch"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:false};"
                      "try{throw true}catch(a){with(o){delete o.a;print(a)}}"))
      #;(test-case "temporary with shadowing of let"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "lexical shadowing of temporary with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:false};"
                      "with(o){(function(a){delete o.a;print(a)})(true)}"))
      (test-case "catch shadowing of temporary with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o = {a:false};"
                      "with(o){try{throw true}catch(a){delete o.a;print(a)}}"))
      #;(test-case "let shadowing of temporary with"
        (check-output '("true")
      (test-case "temporary with shadowing of lexical shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o1 = {a:1};"
                      "var o2 = {a:2};"
                      "with(o1){(function(a){with(o2){delete o2.a;print(a)}})(true)}"))
      (test-case "temporary with shadowing of catch shadowing of with"
        (check-output '("true")
                      "var o1 = {a:1};"
                      "var o2 = {a:2};"
                      "with(o1){try{throw true}catch(a){with(o2){delete o2.a;print(a)}}}"))

  (define eval-tests
    (test-suite "eval tests"

  (provide eval-tests))