#lang setup/infotab
(define name "JavaScript")
(define blurb
  (list "An implementation of JavaScript as a PLT Scheme language."))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/javascript.scrbl" (multi-page))))
(define categories '(devtools))
(define version "0.16")
(define primary-file "")
(define release-notes
  (list '(p "Major bugfix release:")
        '(ul (li "Significant re-implementation of internal environment structure. "
                 "See " (a ([href ""]) "issue #97") ".")
             (li "Fixed a bug in lookup of non-string property names.")
             (li "Fixed scoping semantics of function locals.")
             (li "Implemented " (tt "eval") ", with proper inheritance of the environment and variable object ("
                 (a ([href ""]) "10.1.3")
                 "). See issues "
                 (a ([href ""]) "#50") ", "
                 (a ([href ""]) "#51") ", and "
                 (a ([href ""]) "#97") ".")
             (li "Mutating " (tt "with") "-bound variables now persists correctly. "
                 "See " (a ([href ""]) "issue #100") ".")
             (li "Fixed bugs in the implementation of variable assignment in dynamic code (i.e., code under " (tt "with") " or " (tt "eval") ".")
             (li "Indirect " (tt "eval") " now raises a runtime exception when called."))))
(define required-core-version "")
(define repositories '("4.x"))