#lang scribble/doc @begin[(require scribble/manual) (require scribble/eval) (require scribble/basic) (require (for-label (except-in scheme/base exn:fail:syntax struct:exn:fail:syntax make-exn:fail:syntax exn:fail:syntax?))) (require (for-label "../main.ss")) (require "utils.ss")] @title[#:tag "history"]{History} @itemize[ @hist-item[(jsver 0 17) 2008 11 10]{Implemented modules and more of the standard library. @itemize[ @item{Implemented @tt{Array} library.} @item{Implemented other miscellaneous standard libraries.} @item{Fixed a bug with treating primitives as objects.} @item{Implemented a module language, allowing interoperability with Scheme modules.} @item{Fixed some prototype chain relationships in the standard library objects.} @item{Implemented a @hash-lang{} reader, enabling use with the Module language.} @item{Implemented @tt{import} and @tt{export} declarations.} @item{Major reimplementation of variable binding.} @item{Correct implementation of @tt{eval} that has access to the lexical environment.} @item{API changes in @tt{eval.ss}, @tt{parse.ss}, and @tt{compile.ss}.} ]} @hist-item[(jsver 0 16) 2008 10 20]{Major bugfix release: @itemize[ @item{Significant re-implementation of internal environment structure.} @item{Fixed a bug in lookup of non-string property names.} @item{Implemented @tt{eval} with proper inheritance of the environment and variable object (see @link["http://bclary.com/2004/11/07/#a-10.1.3"]{10.1.3}).} @item{Mutating @tt{with}-bound variables now persists correctly.} @item{Fixed bugs in the implementation of variable assignment in dynamic code (i.e., code under @tt{with} or @tt{eval}).} @item{Indirect @tt{eval} now raises a runtime exception when called.} ]} @hist-item[(jsver 0 15) 2008 9 30]{Bugfix release: @itemize[ @item{Exported some internals from @tt{print.ss}.} @item{Exported the utilities for the S-expression representation of JavaScript.} @item{Changed the AST structure types to be @scheme[#:prefab].} @item{Added a generic @scheme[Term=?] predicate to @tt{ast.ss}.} ]} @hist-item[(jsver 0 14) 2008 9 8]{Major overhaul for PLT v4, including: @itemize[ @item{New required methods for DrScheme language interface.} @item{Scribble documentation.} @item{Rearranged API's for better consistency and organization (still needs more cleanup, though).} @item{Convenience @tt{main.ss} module for easy PLaneT require.} @item{Moved all known bugs into PLaneT Trac database.} @item{Pretty-printer uses new @tt{pprint:4} library.} @item{Directory structure reorganization--more internal libraries under @tt{private/}.} ]} @hist-item[(jsver 0 13) 2006 8 8]{Expressions are extensible: leaf nodes are checked with custom predicates. Pretty-printing is extensible: extended nodes are printed with custom printers.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 12) 2006 7 18]{Fixed a bug related to nested @tt{with} statements.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 11) 2006 7 17]{Stubbed lots of standard libraries. Some more documentation. Added @scheme[parse-function-expression] to @scheme[parser<%>] interface. Implemented reflective @tt{Function} constructor. Implemented primitive constructors (except @tt{Date} and @tt{RegExp}). Moved language level files into subdirectory.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 10) 2006 7 13]{Implemented JavaScript `eval' library function.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 9) 2006 7 12]{Created @tt{eval-}* functions for interpreting JavaScript. Should soon be able to implement JavaScript @tt{eval}. Improved tests.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 8) 2006 7 12]{Fixed bug involving nested @tt{with} forms. Corrected implementation of binding of @tt{catch} variables. Implemented all @tt{let} forms.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 7) 2006 7 11]{Fixed some small type-related bugs with hoisting and compilation.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 6) 2006 7 11]{Fixed nested @tt{with} bug.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 5) 2006 7 11]{New implementation of binding: no more evaluating to @tech{ref}s! Nested @tt{with} forms are broken. Binding arrows are broken for top-level.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 4) 2006 7 6]{Got rid of unnecessary @tt{PLTCOLLECTS} hack for testing. Fixed bugs in @tt{sexp} and @tt{pretty-print} due to changed AST types. Hoisting for ES4 @tt{let} corrected.} @hist-item[(jsver 0 3) 2006 6 28]{Drastically improved binding implementation. Addressed serious bugs in implementation of functions. Began implementation for debug console (still disabled).} @hist-item[(jsver 0 2) 2006 6 22]{Added newly required @scheme[capability-value] to language level interface. Bug fixed for pretty-printer (thanks to Jay). Serialized language level settings. Broke @tt{let}. (Internally: hoisting for ES4 @tt{let} in place.)} @hist-item[(jsver 0 1) 2006 2 23]{Initial release. Implements most of ECMA-262 Edition 3. Primary limitations: @itemize[ @item{Lack of regular expressions} @item{Lack of standard library} @item{No reflection or function reification}]} ]