#lang scribble/doc @begin[(require scribble/manual) (require scribble/eval) (require scribble/basic) (require (for-label (except-in scheme/base exn:fail:syntax struct:exn:fail:syntax make-exn:fail:syntax exn:fail:syntax?))) (require (for-label scheme/contract)) (require (for-label "../runtime.ss")) (require "utils.ss")] @title[#:tag "runtime"]{Runtime System} This library implements the JavaScript runtime system. It be can required via: @defmodule/this-package[runtime] @section[#:tag "namespaces"]{Namespaces} @defproc[(make-js-namespace) namespace?]{ Creates a PLT namespace containing the standard JavaScript top-level bindings.} @defproc[(reset-js-namespace! (ns namespace?)) any]{ Resets the global object in JavaScript namespace @scheme[ns].} @section[#:tag "values"]{Values} A JavaScript @deftech{value} is represented as one of: @itemize[ @item{@scheme['true]: the JavaScript value @tt{true}} @item{@scheme['false]: the JavaScript value @tt{false}} @item{@scheme[void?]: the JavaScript @tt{undefined} value} @item{@scheme[null?]: the JavaScript @tt{null} value} @item{@scheme[string?]: a JavaScript primitive string value} @item{@scheme[number?]: a JavaScript primitive number value} @item{@scheme[object?]: a JavaScript object} @item{@scheme[array?]: a JavaScript primitive array object}] @section[#:tag "objects"]{Objects} JavaScript objects are represented with the following structure type: @defstruct[object ([call function?] [construct function?] [proto (or/c object? #f)] [class string?] [properties (hash-of string? property?)])]{ A JavaScript object.} A @deftech{property} is one of: @itemize[ @item{@scheme[property-value?]} @item{@scheme[attributed?]}] Plain value properties are assumed to have no attributes. An @deftech{attributed} value may have any combination of the attributes @scheme[DONT-ENUM?], @scheme[READ-ONLY?], and @scheme[DONT-DELETE?]. @defstruct[attributed ([value value?] [attributes bit-set?])]{} A @deftech{bit-set} is an efficient representation of a set of booleans. @defproc[(bit-flag-set? (x bit-field?) (bit bit?)) boolean?]{Checks for a bit in a bit set.} @defthing[READ-ONLY? bit?]{A bit representing the ECMAScript @tt{ReadOnly} attribute.} @defthing[DONT-ENUM? bit?]{A bit representing the ECMAScript @tt{DontEnum} attribute.} @defthing[DONT-DELETE? bit?]{A bit representing the ECMAScript @tt{DontDelete} attribute.} A @deftech{property-value} is one of: @itemize[ @item{@scheme[ref?]} @item{@scheme[value?]}] A @deftech{ref} is a special property with custom get, set, and delete behavior. @defproc[(ref? (x any)) boolean?]{Determines whether @scheme[x] is a @tech{ref}.} @defproc[(set-ref! (x ref?) (v value?)) any]{Invoke @scheme[x]'s setter.} @defproc[(delete-ref! (x ref?)) any]{Invoke @scheme[x]'s deleter.} @defproc[(deref (x ref?)) any]{Invoke @scheme[x]'s getter.} JavaScript array values are represented specially for faster access of numeric properties: @defstruct[(array object) ([vector (evector-of property?)])]{} @defproc[(function? (x any)) boolean?]{Determines whether a value is a callable object.} @defproc[(has-property? (x object?) (key string?)) boolean?]{Checks for the presence of property @scheme[key] in @scheme[x], searching the prototype chain if necessary.} @defproc[(has-property/immediate (x object?) (key string?)) boolean?]{Checks for the presence of property @scheme[key] in @scheme[x] without searching the prototype chain.} @defproc[(has-attribute? (x property?) (bit bit?)) boolean?]{Checks for attribute @scheme[bit] in property @scheme[x].} @defproc[(object-get (x object?) (key string?)) (optional/c value?)]{Attempts to lookup property @scheme[key] in @scheme[x].} @defproc[(object-set! (x object?) (key string?) (v value?)) any]{Sets property @scheme[key] in @scheme[x].} @defproc[(object-delete! (x object?) (key string?)) any]{Attempts to delete property @scheme[key] from @scheme[x].} @defproc[(object-keys-stream (x object?)) (-> string?)]{Produces an enumeration stream consistent with JavaScript's @tt{for..in} semantics.} @section[#:tag "library"]{JavaScript Library} @defthing[global-object object?]{The global object.} @defproc[(install-standard-library! (global object?)) any]{Installs the properties of the standard library in @scheme[global].}