This directory contains the source code for FrTime. To run the animation/GUI demos, simply set the language level to FrTime, open the corresponding file, and Execute. See the demo source code for more information. : A collection of balls that move in circles around the mouse pointer. : Simulation of a piston/cylinder. : Balls moving in circles. : A trail of balls following the mouse. : A ball chasing the mouse. : A simple pong/air-hockey game. The left paddle moves with numeric keypad; the right paddle moves with the mouse. The 'r' key resets the score. net-pong-*.ss : A networked version of the pong/air-hockey game. Currently known to work under Linux. To play, open the client on one machine and the server on another. Execute both (and require if necessary, depending on language level). Evaluate (self) on each. Results will be something like: [client] > (self) #3(tid main) and [server] > (self) #3(tid main) Now tell each machine about the other: [client] > (set-cell! server (make-tid ' 1178 'frtime-heart)) [server] > (set-cell! client (make-tid ' 1180 'frtime-heart)) Note the differences between the #3(tid ...) output and the (make-tid ...) commands---there is no colon (:) between the host and port, and main becomes 'frtime-heart. After setting the cells, complete the connection by clicking the left mouse button in both animation windows. The player running the server can reset the score by pressing 'r'. : A simple "pizza ordering" user interface based on an HtDP exercise. : A simple calculator interface, also based on an HtDP exercise except that the result updates continuously as the arguments and operator change. Robb Cutler's Examples : An animated real-time clock. A slider adjusts the radius of the face. Click and drag to move the face around. : A field of points that grow as the mouse approaches. : A field of needles that point at the mouse.