(module in-something mzscheme
  (require (lib "")
           (only (lib "" "srfi") string-prefix?))
  (define (string/false? datum)
    (or (string? datum)
        (eq? datum #f)))
  (provide/contract [in-something? (string? . -> . string/false?)])
  ;; in-something?: string -> (union #f string)
  ;; Returns a true value if the str appears to be part of an incomplete literal.
  ;; The true value can be used to terminate the literal.
  ;; (in-something "\"hello") should return "\""
  (define (in-something? str)
    (let loop ([i 0]
               [in #f]
               [escaped-char? #f]
               [here-marker #f]
               [nested-comments #f])
      (define (is? c)
        (string-prefix? c str 0 (string-length c) i (string-length str)))
      (define (consume c)
        (cond [(not in)
               (loop (add1 i) c #f here-marker nested-comments)]
              [(string=? in c)
               (loop (add1 i) #f #f here-marker nested-comments)]
               (loop (add1 i) in #f here-marker nested-comments)]))
      (define (form-output)
        (cond [here-marker
               (string-append "\n" here-marker "\n")]
               (string-repeat "|#" nested-comments)]
              [(and escaped-char? in)
               (string-append "\\" in)]
              [escaped-char? "\\"]
              [else in]))
      (define (handle-here-marker)
        (let ([j (+ i
                    (string-length here-marker)
            [(and (is? (string-append "\n" here-marker))
                  (or (>= j (string-length str))
                      (char-whitespace? (string-ref str j))))
             (loop j #f #f #f #f)]
             (loop (add1 i) #f #f here-marker #f)])))
      (define (handle-nested-comments)
          [(is? "#|")
           (loop (+ i 2) #f #f #f (add1 nested-comments))]
          [(is? "|#")
           (cond [(= nested-comments 1)
                  (loop (+ i 2) #f #f #f #f)]
                  (loop (+ i 2) #f #f #f (sub1 nested-comments))])]
           (loop (add1 i) #f #f #f nested-comments)]))
        [(>= i (string-length str))
         (loop (add1 i) in #f here-marker nested-comments)]
        [(and (not in)
              (not here-marker)
              (is? "#<<"))
         (let ([marker (get-here-string-marker str i)])
           (loop (add1 (+ i 3 (string-length marker)))
                 #f #f marker #f))]
        [(and (not in)
              (not nested-comments)
              (is? "#|"))
         (loop (+ i 2) #f #f #f 1)]
        [(and (not in) (is? ";"))
         (loop (add1 i) "" #f here-marker nested-comments)]
        [(and (is? "\n") (equal? in ""))
         (loop (add1 i) #f #f here-marker nested-comments)]
        [(is? "\\")
         (loop (+ 1 i) in #t here-marker nested-comments)]
        [(is? "\"" ) 
         (consume "\"")]
        [(is? "|")
         (consume "|")]
         (loop (add1 i) in #f here-marker nested-comments)])))
  ;; string-repeat: string number -> string
  ;; Produces a string with n repeats of an-str.
  ;; Not written to be very efficient.
  (define (string-repeat an-str n)
    (cond [(= n 0)
           (string-append an-str (string-repeat an-str (sub1 n)))]))
  ;; get-here-string-marker: string index -> (union string #f)
  ;; Returns the terminator characters needed to end
  ;; a here string.
  (define (get-here-string-marker a-str i)
    (let loop ([j (+ i (string-length "#<<"))]
               [chars-so-far/rev '()])
        [(or (= j (string-length a-str))
             (char=? (string-ref a-str j) #\newline))
         (list->string (reverse chars-so-far/rev))]
         (loop (add1 j) (cons (string-ref a-str j) chars-so-far/rev))]))))