#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual scribble/eval planet/util (planet cce/scheme:6:3/planet) (planet cce/scheme:6:3/scribble) (for-label (this-package-in main)) (for-label scheme)) @(define the-eval (let ([the-eval (make-base-eval)]) (the-eval `(require (planet ,(this-package-version-symbol main)))) the-eval)) @title{@bold{Packrat}: Simple Packrat Parsing} @author+email["David Van Horn" "dvanhorn@ccs.neu.edu"] This module provides a small library of Packrat parsing combinators and a syntax for defining parsers. This code is based on the portable packrat parsing library by Tony Garnock-Jones: @itemize{@item{@url{http://www.lshift.net/~tonyg/packrat.pdf}} @item{@url{http://dev.lshift.net/tonyg/json-scheme/}}} @link[(format "http://planet.plt-scheme.org/trac/newticket?component=~a%2F~a&planetversion=(~a+~a)" (this-package-version-owner) (this-package-version-name) (this-package-version-maj) (this-package-version-min))]{Report a bug}. @table-of-contents[] @section{Main} @defmodule/this-package[] This module provides bindings from the combinator library and the parser syntax. @section{Combinator library} @defmodule/this-package[combinator] @defstruct[parse-position ([filename string?] [line number?] [column number?])]{ } @defstruct[parse-result ([successful? boolean?] [semantic-value any/c] [next (or/c false? parse-results?)] [error (or/c false? parse-error?)])]{ } @defstruct[parse-results ([position (or/c false? parse-position?)] [base any/c] [next* (or/c false? parse-results? (-> parse-results?))] [map (hash/c symbol? (or/c false? parse-result?))])]{ } @defstruct[parse-error ([position (or/c parse-position? false?)] [expected (or/c false? (listof any/c))] [messages (listof string?)])]{ } @defproc[(top-parse-position [filename string?]) parse-position?]{ } @defproc[(update-parse-position [pos parse-position?] [ch char?]) parse-position?]{ } @defproc[(empty-results [pos (or/c parse-position? false?)]) parse-results?]{ } @defproc[(make-results [pos (or/c parse-position? false?)] [base (or/c false? (cons/c any/c any/c))] [next-generator (-> parse-results?)]) parse-results?]{ } @defproc[(make-error-expected [pos (or/c parse-position? false?)] [thing any/c]) parse-error?]{ } @defproc[(make-error-message [pos parse-position?] [msg string?]) parse-error?]{ } @defproc[(make-result [semantic-value any/c] [next parse-results?]) parse-result?]{ } @defproc[(parse-error->parse-result [err parse-error?]) parse-result?]{ } @defproc[(make-expected-result [pos (or/c parse-position? false?)] [thing any/c]) parse-result?] @defproc[(make-message-result [pos (or/c parse-position? false?)] [msg string?]) parse-result?]{ } @defproc[(base-generator->results [generator (-> (values (or/c parse-position? false?) (or/c (cons/c any/c any/c) false?)))]) parse-results?]{ } @defproc[(parse-results-next [results parse-results?]) parse-results?]{ } @defproc[(results->result [results parse-results?] [key symbol?] [fn (-> parse-result?)]) parse-result?]{ } @defproc[(parse-position>? [a (or/c parse-position? false?)] [b (or/c parse-position? false?)]) boolean?]{ } @defproc[(parse-error-empty? [e parse-error?]) boolean?]{ } @defproc[(merge-parse-errors [e1 (or/c parse-error? false?)] [e2 (or/c parse-error? false?)]) (or/c parse-error? false?)]{ } @defproc[(merge-result-errors [result parse-result?] [errs (or/c parse-error? false?)]) parse-result?]{ } @defproc[(packrat-check-base [token-kind any/c] [k (-> any/c (-> parse-results? parse-result?))]) (-> parse-results? parse-result?)]{ } @defproc[(packrat-check-pred [token-pred (-> any/c boolean?)] [k (-> any/c (-> parse-results? parse-result?))]) (-> parse-results? parse-result?)]{ } @defproc[(packrat-check [parser (-> parse-results? parse-result?)] [k (-> any/c (-> parse-results? parse-result?))]) (-> parse-results? parse-result?)]{ } @defproc[(packrat-or [p1 (-> parse-results? parse-result?)] [p2 (-> parse-results? parse-result?)]) (-> parse-results? parse-result?)] @defproc[(packrat-unless [explanation string?] [p1 (-> parse-results? parse-result?)] [p2 (-> parse-results? parse-result?)]) (-> parse-results? parse-result?)]{ } @defproc[(packrat-port-results [filename string?] [p port?]) parse-results?]{ } @defproc[(packrat-string-results [filename string?] [s string?]) parse-results?]{ } @defproc[(packrat-list-results [tokens (listof any/c)]) parse-results?]{ } @section{Parser syntax} @defmodule/this-package[parser] @defform/subs[#:literals (! / := |@| quote) (parse id ([nonterminal-id (sequence body body0 ...)] ...)) ([sequence (part ...)] [part (! part ...) (/ sequence ...) (? expr) (code:line id := (quote kind)) (code:line id := |@|) (code:line id := nonterminal-id) (code:line id := (? expr)) (code:line nonterminal-id)])] @section{Examples} Here is an example of a simple calculator. @defexamples[#:eval the-eval (define calc (parse expr (expr ((a := mulexp '+ b := mulexp) (+ a b)) ((a := mulexp) a)) (mulexp ((a := simple '* b := simple) (* a b)) ((a := simple '* b := simple) (* a b)) ((a := simple) a)) (simple ((a := 'num) a) (('oparen a := expr 'cparen) a)))) (define g (packrat-list-results '((num . 1) (+) (num . 2) (*) (num . 3)))) (parse-result-semantic-value (calc g))] See the tests source file for an example of a parser for a simplified Scheme grammar. @section{Test suite} @defmodule/this-package[test] Requiring this module will run the test suite. @index-section[]