;; ---- 1996 Scheme Workshop -- Compiling Scheme

;; --

;;; the code generator

;; ---------- Run-time and architecture considerations

;; ---- Registers

; All registers are referred to symbolically in this pass.  Here are
; the symbols.

;; fp -- frame pointer (points to the _base_ of the frame)
;; cp -- closure pointer
;; ap -- allocation pointer (points to the first free word in the heap)

;; ac -- accumulator (a general purpose register.  All procedure
;;		      returns leave their values in the accumulator)
;; t1, t2, t3 -- three general-purpose registers

;; ---- Memory layout

;; a closure is heap allocated and looks much like a vector:

;; -----------------------------------------------------------
;; | header | code pointer | free value0 | free value1 | ... |
;; -----------------------------------------------------------
;;    ^
;;    \--- cp

;; the header contains nothing right now, and would contain the
;; closure size if we were garbage collecting.

;; A frame is stack allocated, and looks like:

;; |-----------------------|
;; | ...	           |
;; |-----------------------|
;; | inline argument       |
;; |-----------------------|
;; |		           |
;; | ...		   |
;; |-----------------------|
;; | bound value1	   |
;; |-----------------------|
;; | bound value0	   |
;; |-----------------------|
;; | return code pointer   | <---- fp
;; |-----------------------|
;; | saved closure pointer |
;; |-----------------------|

;; The saved closure pointer is only placed when a non-tail call is
;; about to be made, so it won't be there on the top frame (so really
;; you could say that the saved closure pointer for the continuation
;; is one word lower than the fp at all times).

;; ---- Data formats

;; Numbers:                                                                
;; --------------------------------------                                  
;; | 29-bit 2's complement integer  000 |                                  
;; --------------------------------------                                  
;; Booleans:                                                               
;;       ------------------       ------------------                       
;;   #t: | ... 1 00000001 |   #f: | ... 0 00000001 |                       
;;       ------------------       ------------------                       
;; Empty lists:
;; ----------------                                                        
;; | ... 00001001 |                                                        
;; ----------------                                                        
;; Characters:                                                             
;; --------------------------------------                                  
;; | ... 8-bit character data  00010001 |                                  
;; --------------------------------------                                  
;; Pairs:                                                                  
;; ---------------       -------------                                     
;; | address 010 |   --> | car | cdr |                                     
;; -----\---------  /    -------------                                     
;;       -----------                                                       
;; Strings:                                                                
;; ---------------       ------------------------------------------------- 
;; | address 011 |   --> | length | string data (may span many words)... | 
;; -----\---------  /    ------------------------------------------------- 
;;       -----------                                                       
;; Symbols:                                                                
;; ---------------       --------------------------                        
;; | address 100 |   --> | symbol name (a string) |                        
;; -----\---------  /    --------------------------                        
;;       -----------                                                       
;; Vectors:                                                                
;; ---------------                                                         
;; | address 101 |                                                         
;; -----|---------                                                         
;;      v                                                                  
;;   -----------------------------------------------------------           
;;   | length | (v-ref 0) | (v-ref 1) | ... | (v-ref length-1) |           
;;   -----------------------------------------------------------           
;; Closures:                                                               
;; ---------------                                                         
;; | address 110 |                                                         
;; -----|---------                                                         
;;      v                                                                  
;;   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
;;   | length | code pointer | (free 0) | (free 1) | ... | (free length-1) |
;;   -----------------------------------------------------------------------

;; ---- Tagging

; All values are tagged in their lower three bits.

(define number-tag  #b000)
(define immed-tag   #b001)
(define pair-tag    #b010)
(define string-tag  #b011)
(define symbol-tag  #b100)
(define vector-tag  #b101)
(define closure-tag #b110)

(define mask	    #b111)

(define tag-len 3)

; Numbers are represented in two's complement form.  Since three bits
; are used by the tag, our range is -2^28 to 2^28-1

; ``immediates'' have eight bits for tag information.  The uppper bits
; are used for the actual data.  For a character that means the ascii
; representation.  #t sets bit nine to 1, #f sets bit nine to 0.

(define bool-tag #b00000001)
(define null-tag #b00001001)
(define char-tag #b00010001)

(define imm-mask #b11111111)

(define imm-tag-len 8)

;; In order not to scatter `4's around the code, the symbolic constant
;; ws stands for ``word size''

(define ws 4)

;; ---- literal encoding

(define encode
  (let ([numtop (expt 2 29)])
    (lambda (obj)
	[(number? obj)
	   [(and (<= 0 obj) (< obj numtop)) (* obj (+ mask 1))]
	   [(and (<= (- numtop) obj) (< obj 0)) (* (+ numtop obj) (+ mask 1))]
	     (error 'encode "~s is out of range" obj)])]
	[(boolean? obj)
	 (+ (* (if obj 1 0) (+ imm-mask 1)) bool-tag)]
	[(null? obj) null-tag]
	[(char? obj)
	 (let ([val (char->integer obj)])
	   (+ (* val (+ imm-mask 1)) char-tag))]
	  (error 'encode "~s not encodable" obj)]))))

;; ---- Output format

;; The output of the code generator is a list whose car is the symbol
;; `instructions'.  The procedure instructions, below, handles the
;; flattening of the list so nobody ever has to write the word
;; ``append'' in their code.

(define instructions
  (lambda args
    (cons 'instructions
      (let loop ([ls args])
	(if (null? ls)
	    (if (eq? (caar ls) 'instructions)
		(append (cdar ls)
		  (loop (cdr ls)))
		(cons (car ls)
		  (loop (cdr ls)))))))))

;; -------------------- The Code Generator proper

;; Two parameters are specially handled by the code generator, dd and
;; cd.

;; dd is the ``data destination'', the place where the data from
;; the currently compiled expression should go.  It should be one of:

;; * the symbol `effect', signifying that the data isn't really needed,
;; * a register (symbol), or
;; * a list (register offset), where offset is an integer.

;; cd is the ``control destination'', the place where control will
;; flow after the currently compiled expression is done.  It should be
;; one of:

;; * the symbol `return', signifying that a procedure return will be
;;   done next,
;; * A label (currently represented as a symbol), or
;; * a list of two labels: (labelA labelB), signifying that if the
;;   current expression turns out to be true, control should transfer
;;   to label A, otherwise it should transfer to labelB.

;;			 cd
;;		   'return  label  (labA labB)
;;	         --------------------------
;;    'effect    |  --	    BEGIN  IF
;; dd reg        |  OK	    OK	   --
;;    (reg off)  |  --      OK	   --

;; ---- The top

; The todo list keeps track of pending lambda bodies who need their
; code generated.

(define todo '()) ; ((label code) ...)

(define cg-top
  (lambda (exp)
    (set! todo
      (cons (list '_scheme_entry `(lambda () ,exp)) todo))

(define cg-code
  (lambda ()
    (if (null? todo)
	(let ([first (car todo)]
	      [rest (cdr todo)])
	  (set! todo rest)
	  (let ([label (car first)])
	    (record-case (cadr first)
	      [lambda (formals body)
		  `(label ,label)
		  (cg body (* (+ (length formals) 1) ws)
		    'ac 'return 'ignored)

;; ---- cg

;; fs is the size of the current frame
;; nextlab is the label which will be emitted after this instruction

(define varref->address
  (lambda (exp)
    (record-case exp
      [bound (n name)
	`(fp ,(* (+ n 1) ws))]
      [free (n name)
	`(cp ,(* (+ n 2) ws))])))

(define cg
  (lambda (exp fs dd cd nextlab)
    (record-case exp
      [bound (n name)
	(cg-load-branch `(fp ,(* (+ n 1) ws)) dd cd nextlab)]
      [free (n name)
	(cg-load-branch `(cp ,(* (+ n 2) ws)) dd cd nextlab)]
      [quote (obj)
	(cg-set-branch obj dd cd nextlab)]
      [begin (a b)
	(let ([midlab (gen-label "begin")])
	    (cg a fs 'effect midlab midlab)
	    `(label ,midlab)
	    (cg b fs dd cd nextlab)))]
      [if (t c a)
	(let ([truelab (gen-label "iftrue")]
	      [falselab (gen-label "iffalse")])
	    (cg t fs 'effect (join-labels truelab falselab) truelab)
	    `(label ,truelab)
	    (cg c fs dd cd falselab)
	    `(label ,falselab)
	    (cg a fs dd cd nextlab)))]
      [build-closure (code . fvars)
	(if (eq? dd 'effect)
	    (cg-jump (cd->true cd) nextlab)
	    (let ([codelab (gen-label "code")])
	      (set! todo (cons (list codelab code) todo))
		`(comment "build-closure")
		(cg-allocate (+ (length fvars) 2) 'ac)
		`(set ,(length fvars) t1)
		`(st t1 (ac 0))
		`(set ,codelab t1)
		`(st t1 (ac ,(* 1 ws)))
		(let f ([ls fvars] [pos 2])
		  (if (null? ls)
			`(ld ,(varref->address (car ls)) t3)
			`(st t3 (ac ,(* pos ws)))
			(f (cdr ls) (+ pos 1)))))
		(cg-type-tag closure-tag 'ac)
		(cg-store 'ac dd)
		`(comment "end build-closure")
		(cg-jump cd nextlab))))]
	(let ([rator (car exp)]
	      [rands (cdr exp)]
	      [ratorlab (gen-label "endrator")])
	    [(symbol? rator)
	     (cg-inline exp rator rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
	    [(eq? cd 'return)
	       (cg-rands rands fs)
	       (cg rator (+ fs (* (length rands) ws)) 'ac ratorlab ratorlab)
	       `(label ,ratorlab)
	       (cg-shuffle fs (length rands))
	       `(andn ac ,mask cp)
	       `(ld (cp ,(* 1 ws)) ac)
	       `(jmp ac)
	      (let ([retlab (gen-label "return")])
		  `(st cp (fp ,fs))
		  `(set ,retlab ac)
		  `(st ac (fp ,(+ fs (* 1 ws))))
		  (cg-rands rands (+ fs (* 2 ws)))
		  (cg rator (+ fs (* (+ (length rands) 2) ws))
		    'ac ratorlab ratorlab)
		  `(label ,ratorlab)
		  `(andn ac ,mask cp)
		  (cg-pushstack (+ fs (* 1 ws)))
		  `(ld (cp ,(* 1 ws)) ac)
		  `(jmp ac)
		  `(label ,retlab)
		  (cg-pushstack (- (+ fs (* 1 ws))))
		  `(ld (fp ,fs) cp)
		  (cg-store 'ac dd)
		    [(pair? cd)
		     (let ([truelab (car cd)]
			   [falselab (cadr cd)])
			 `(cmp ac ,(encode #f))
			 (cg-branch truelab falselab nextlab 'bne 'be)))]
		      (cg-jump cd nextlab)])))]))])))

(define cg-shuffle
  (lambda (fs num)
    (let loop ([top fs] [bot ws] [num num])
      (if (zero? num)
	    `(ld (fp ,top) t1)
	    `(st t1 (fp ,bot))
	    (loop (+ top ws) (+ bot ws) (sub1 num)))))))

;; ---- general cg procedures.

(define cg-jump
  (lambda (lab nextlab)
    (if (eq? lab 'return)
	  `(ld (fp 0) t1)
	  `(jmp t1)
	(if (eq? lab nextlab)
	      `(ba ,lab)

(define cg-branch
  (lambda (truelab falselab nextlab jump-if-true jump-if-false)
	[(eq? truelab nextlab)
	 `(,jump-if-false ,falselab)]
	[(eq? falselab nextlab)
	 `(,jump-if-true ,truelab)]
	    `(,jump-if-true ,truelab)
	    `(ba ,falselab))])
      `(nop))))				; that darned delay slot

(define cg-store
  (lambda (src dest)
      [(eq? dest 'effect)
      [(pair? dest)
       `(st ,src ,dest)]
	(if (eq? src dest)
	    `(mov ,src ,dest))])))

;; ---- More specialized cg procedures

(define cg-load-branch
  (lambda (loc dd cd nextlab)
      [(eq? dd 'effect)
	 [(pair? cd)
	  (let ([truelab (car cd)]
		[falselab (cadr cd)])
	      `(ld ,loc t1)
	      `(cmp t1 ,(encode #f))
	      (cg-branch truelab falselab nextlab 'bne 'be)))]
	   (cg-jump cd nextlab)])]
      [(pair? dd)
       (let ([register (car dd)]
	     [offset (cadr dd)])
	   `(ld ,loc t1)
	   `(st t1 (,register ,offset))
	   (cg-jump cd nextlab)))]
	  `(ld ,loc ,dd)
	  (cg-jump cd nextlab))])))

(define cg-set-branch
  (lambda (obj dd cd nextlab)
      [(eq? dd 'effect)
       (if (pair? cd)
	   (let ([truelab (car cd)]
		 [falselab (cadr cd)])
	     (cg-jump (if obj truelab falselab) nextlab))
	   (cg-jump cd nextlab))]
      [(pair? dd)
	 `(set ,(encode obj) t1 ,(format "~s" obj))
	 `(st t1 ,dd)
	 (cg-jump cd nextlab))]
	  `(set ,(encode obj) ,dd ,(format "~s" obj))
	  (cg-jump cd nextlab))])))

;; ---- Code generation for operands

;; * cg-rands generates code that drops the evaluated operands onto
;;   the stack.
;; * the various cg-?-rands procedures ensure that the code gets put
;;   into the temporary registers for use by primitives.
;; * cg-effect-rands doesn't place the operands anywhere at all.

(define cg-rands
  (lambda (rands fs)
    (if (null? rands)
	(let ([randlab (gen-label "rand")])
	    (cg (car rands) fs `(fp ,fs) randlab randlab)
	    `(label ,randlab)
	    (cg-rands (cdr rands) (+ fs ws)))))))

(define cg-effect-rands
  (lambda (ls fs)
    (if (null? ls)
	(let ([randlab (gen-label "rand")])
	    (cg (car ls) fs 'effect randlab randlab)
	    `(label ,randlab)
	    (cg-effect-rands (cdr ls) fs))))))

(define cg-unary-rand
  (lambda (rands fs)
    (let ([rand (car rands)])
      (let ([endlab (gen-label "unaryrand")])
	  (cg (car rands) fs 't1 endlab endlab)
	  `(label ,endlab))))))

(define cg-binary-rands
  (lambda (rands fs)
    (let ([r0 (car rands)]
	  [r1 (cadr rands)])
      (let ([r0lab (gen-label "binary0")]
	    [r1lab (gen-label "binary1")])
	  (cg r0 fs `(fp ,fs) r0lab r0lab)
	  `(label ,r0lab)
	  (cg r1 (+ fs (* 1 ws)) 'ac r1lab r1lab)
	  `(label ,r1lab)
	  `(mov ac t2)
	  `(ld (fp ,fs) t1))))))

(define cg-ternary-rands
  (lambda (rands fs)
    (let ([r0 (car rands)]
	  [r1 (cadr rands)]
	  [r2 (caddr rands)])
      (let ([r0lab (gen-label "ternary0")]
	    [r1lab (gen-label "ternary1")]
	    [r2lab (gen-label "ternary2")])
	  (cg r0 fs `(fp ,fs) r0lab r0lab)
	  `(label ,r0lab)
	  (cg r1 (+ fs (* 1 ws)) `(fp ,(+ fs (* 1 ws))) r1lab r1lab)
	  `(label ,r1lab)
	  (cg r2 (+ fs (* 2 ws)) 'ac r2lab r2lab)
	  `(label ,r2lab)
	  `(mov ac t3)
	  `(ld (fp ,(+ fs (* 1 ws))) t2)
	  `(ld (fp ,fs) t1))))))

;; ---- generation for inlines

(define cg-inline
  (lambda (exp name rands fs dd cd nextlab)
    (case name
       (cg-true-inline cg-binary-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	 `(add t1 t2 ac))]
       (cg-true-inline cg-binary-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	 `(sub t1 t2 ac))]
       (cg-true-inline cg-binary-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(sra t2 ,tag-len t2)
	   `(smul t1 t2 ac)))]
       (cg-true-inline cg-binary-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(sdiv t1 t2 ac)
	   `(sll ac ,tag-len ac)))]
      [(= eq?)
       (cg-binary-pred-inline exp rands fs dd cd nextlab 'be 'bne
	 `(cmp t1 t2))]
       (cg-binary-pred-inline exp rands fs dd cd nextlab 'bl 'bge
	 `(cmp t1 t2))]
       (cg-type-test exp bool-tag imm-mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-ref-inline cg-unary-rand rands fs dd cd nextlab
	 `(ld (t1 ,(- pair-tag)) ac))]
       (cg-ref-inline cg-unary-rand rands fs dd cd nextlab
	 `(ld (t1 ,(- ws pair-tag)) ac))]
       (cg-type-test exp char-tag imm-mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-true-inline cg-unary-rand rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(srl t1 8 ac)
	   `(sll ac ,tag-len ac)))]
       (cg-true-inline cg-binary-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   (cg-allocate 2 'ac)
	   `(st t1 (ac 0))
	   `(st t2 (ac ,(* 1 ws)))
	   (cg-type-tag pair-tag 'ac)))]
       (cg-type-test exp number-tag mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-true-inline cg-unary-rand rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   (cg-allocate 1 'ac)
	   `(st t1 (ac 0))
	   (cg-type-tag symbol-tag 'ac)))]
       (if (eq? dd 'effect)
	   (if (pair? cd)
	       (let ([truelab (car cd)]
		     [falselab (cadr cd)])
		 (cg (car rands) fs 'effect (join-labels falselab truelab)
		 (cg-effect-rands rands fs)
		 (cg-jump cd nextlab)))
	   (cg `(if ,(car rands) '#f '#t) fs dd cd nextlab))]
       (cg-type-test exp null-tag imm-mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-type-test exp pair-tag mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-type-test exp closure-tag mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-true-inline cg-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(comment "string")
	   (cg-allocate (+ (quotient (+ (length rands) (- ws 1)) ws) 1) 'ac)
	   `(set ,(length rands) t1)
	   `(st t1 (ac 0))
	   (let loop ([fpos fs] [spos ws] [num (length rands)])
	     (if (zero? num)
		   `(ld (fp ,fpos) t1)
		   `(srl t1 8 t1)	; 8 bits for the string tag
		   `(stb t1 (ac ,spos))
		   (loop (+ fpos ws) (+ spos 1) (- num 1)))))
	   (cg-type-tag string-tag 'ac)
	   `(comment "end string")))]
       (cg-type-test exp string-tag mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-true-inline cg-unary-rand rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(ld (t1 ,(- string-tag)) ac)
	   `(sll ac ,tag-len ac)))]
       (cg-true-inline cg-binary-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(sra t2 ,tag-len t2)
	   `(add t1 t2 t1) 
	   `(ldb (t1 ,(- ws string-tag)) ac)
	   `(sll ac 8 ac)
	   (cg-type-tag char-tag 'ac)))]
       (cg-true-inline cg-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(comment "vector")
	   (cg-allocate (+ (length rands) 1) 'ac)
	   `(set ,(length rands) t1)
	   `(st t1 (ac 0))
	   (let loop ([fpos fs] [vpos 1] [num (length rands)])
	     (if (zero? num)
		   `(ld (fp ,fpos) t1)
		   `(st t1 (ac ,(* vpos ws)))
		   (loop (+ fpos ws) (+ vpos 1) (- num 1)))))
	   (cg-type-tag vector-tag 'ac)
	   `(comment "end vector")))]
       (cg-type-test exp vector-tag mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-true-inline cg-unary-rand rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(ld (t1 ,(- vector-tag)) ac)
	   `(sll ac ,tag-len ac)))]
       (cg-ref-inline cg-binary-rands rands fs dd cd nextlab
	   `(sra t2 1 t2)
	   `(add t1 t2 t1)
	   `(ld (t1 ,(- ws vector-tag)) ac)))]
	 (cg-ternary-rands rands fs)
	 `(comment "vector-set")
	 `(sra t2 1 t2)
	 `(add t1 t2 t1)
	 `(st t3 (t1 ,(- ws vector-tag)))
	 `(comment "end vector-set")
	 (if (eq? dd 'effect)
	     (cg-jump (cd->true cd) nextlab)
	       (cg-store 't3 dd)	; why not?
	       (cg-jump cd nextlab))))]
       (cg-type-test exp symbol-tag mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)]
       (cg-true-inline cg-unary-rand rands fs dd cd nextlab
	 `(ld (t1 ,(- symbol-tag)) ac))]
	(error 'cg-prim "sanity-check: bad primitive ~s" name)])))

;; ---- inline helpers

;; cg-true-inline is used for primitives which always return true and
;; have no side-effects

(define cg-true-inline
  (lambda (rander rands fs dd cd nextlab code)
    (if (eq? dd 'effect)
	  (cg-effect-rands rands fs)
	  (cg-jump (cd->true cd) nextlab))
	  (rander rands fs)
	  (cg-store 'ac dd)
	  (cg-jump cd nextlab)))))

;; cg-ref-inline is used for non-side-effecting primitives which could
;; return a true or a false value.

(define cg-ref-inline
  (lambda (rander rands fs dd cd nextlab code)
    (if (eq? dd 'effect)
	(if (pair? cd)
	    (let ([truelab (car cd)]
		  [falselab (cadr cd)])
		(rander rands fs)
		`(cmp ac ,(encode #f))
		(cg-branch truelab falselab nextlab 'bne 'be)))
	      (cg-effect-rands rands fs)
	      (cg-jump cd nextlab)))
	  (rander rands fs)
	  (cg-store 'ac dd)
	  (cg-jump cd nextlab)))))

;; cg-binary-pred-inline is used for binary predicates.

(define cg-binary-pred-inline
  (lambda (exp rands fs dd cd nextlab trueinst falseinst code)
    (if (eq? dd 'effect)
	(if (pair? cd)
	    (let ([truelab (car cd)]
		  [falselab (cadr cd)])
		(cg-binary-rands rands fs)
		(cg-branch truelab falselab nextlab trueinst falseinst)))
	      (cg-effect-rands rands fs)
	      (cg-jump cd nextlab)))
	(cg `(if ,exp '#t '#f) fs dd cd nextlab))))

(define cg-type-test
  (lambda (exp tag mask rands fs dd cd nextlab)
    (if (eq? dd 'effect)
	(if (pair? cd)
	    (let ([truelab (car cd)]
		  [falselab (cadr cd)])
		(cg-unary-rand rands fs)
		`(and t1 ,mask t1)
		`(cmp t1 ,tag)
		(cg-branch truelab falselab nextlab 'be 'bne)))
	      (cg-effect-rands rands fs)
	      (cg-jump cd nextlab)))
	(cg `(if ,exp '#t '#f) fs dd cd nextlab))))

;; ---- Some aliases for common assembly sequences

(define cg-type-tag
  (lambda (tag reg)
    `(or ,reg ,tag ,reg)))

(define cg-pushstack
  (lambda (n)
    `(add fp ,n fp)))

(define cg-allocate
  (lambda (n target)
    (let ([n (if (even? n) n (+ n 1))])
	`(mov ap ,target)
	`(add ap ,(* n ws) ap)))))

;; ---- label handling procedures

(define join-labels
  (lambda (a b)
      [(pair? a)
       (join-labels (car a) b)]
      [(pair? b)
       (list a (cadr b))]
	(list a b)])))

(define cd->true
  (lambda (cd)
    (if (pair? cd)
	(car cd)

(define gen-label
 (let ([n 0])
    (lambda (str)
      (set! n (add1 n))
	(string-append str (number->string n))))))