exact-mod exact-zero?
(define (make-enumeration symbols)
(define (remove-duplicates symbols)
(define (loop symbols canonical)
(cond ((null? symbols)
(reverse canonical))
((memq (car symbols) canonical)
(loop (cdr symbols) canonical))
(loop (cdr symbols)
(cons (car symbols) canonical)))))
(loop symbols '()))
(if (not (list? symbols))
(error 'make-enumeration "Non-list passed to make-enumeration" symbols))
(for-each (lambda (x)
(if (not (symbol? x))
(error 'make-enumeration
"Non-symbol in list passed to make-enumeration" x)))
(let* ((this '*) (this-universe '*) (symbols (remove-duplicates symbols))
(canonical-ordering (list->vector symbols)))
(lambda ()
(enumeration:hash-table-components (remove-duplicates symbols)))
(lambda (vec0 vec1 modulus max-distance)
(define (index-of x)
(if (not (symbol? x))
(lookup-index x
(exact-mod (symbol-hash x) modulus)
(define (lookup-index sym i bound)
(cond ((eq? sym (vector-ref vec0 i))
(vector-ref vec1 i))
((> bound 0)
(lookup-index sym (+ i 1) (- bound 1)))
(else #f)))
(define (fixnum-index-of x)
(if (not (symbol? x))
(lookup-index x
(fxmod (symbol-hash x) modulus)
(define (fixnum-lookup-index sym i bound)
(cond ((eq? sym (vector-ref vec0 i))
(vector-ref vec1 i))
((fx>? bound 0)
(fixnum-lookup-index sym (fx+ i 1) (fx- bound 1)))
(else #f)))
(define (constructor syms)
(let ((bits (constructor-bits syms 0)))
(enumeration:make-set bits this)))
(define (constructor-bits syms bits)
(if (null? syms)
(let ((index (index-of (car syms))))
(if index
(cdr syms)
(bitwise-ior bits
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left 1 index)))
(error "anonymous set constructor"
"Illegal value passed to set constructor"
(car syms))))))
(define (fx-constructor syms)
(let ((bits (fx-constructor-bits syms 0)))
(enumeration:make-set bits this)))
(define (fx-constructor-bits syms bits)
(if (null? syms)
(let ((index (fixnum-index-of (car syms))))
(if index
(cdr syms)
(bitwise-ior bits
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left 1 index)))
(error "anonymous set constructor"
"Illegal value passed to set constructor"
(car syms))))))
(define (deconstructor set)
(if (eq? this (enumeration:set-type set))
(bits-deconstructor (enumeration:set-bits set) '())
(error "anonymous set deconstructor"
"Illegal set passed to set deconstructor" set)))
(define (bits-deconstructor bits syms)
(if (= bits 0)
(reverse syms)
(let* ((i (bitwise-first-bit-set bits))
(sym (vector-ref canonical-ordering i)))
(bits-deconstructor (bitwise-copy-bit bits i 0)
(cons sym syms)))))
(define (fx-deconstructor set)
(if (eq? this (enumeration:set-type set))
(fx-bits-deconstructor (enumeration:set-bits set) '())
(error "anonymous set deconstructor"
"Illegal set passed to set deconstructor" set)))
(define (fx-bits-deconstructor bits syms)
(if (= bits 0)
(reverse syms)
(let* ((i (bitwise-first-bit-set bits))
(sym (vector-ref canonical-ordering i)))
(fx-bits-deconstructor (bitwise-copy-bit bits i 0)
(cons sym syms)))))
(if (<= (length symbols) (fixnum-width))
(set! this
(lambda () this-universe)
(lambda (x) (fixnum-index-of x))
(lambda (syms) (fx-constructor syms))
(lambda (set) (fx-deconstructor set))))
(set! this
(lambda () this-universe)
(lambda (x) (index-of x))
(lambda (syms) (constructor syms))
(lambda (set) (deconstructor set)))))
(set! this-universe (constructor symbols))
(define (enum-set-universe set)
((enumeration:type-universe (enumeration:set-type set))))
(define (enum-set-indexer set)
(enumeration:type-indexer (enumeration:set-type set)))
(define (enum-set-constructor set)
(enumeration:type-constructor (enumeration:set-type set)))
(define (enum-set->list set)
((enumeration:type-deconstructor (enumeration:set-type set))
(define (enum-set-member? x set)
(if ((enum-set-indexer set) x)
(define (enum-set-subset? set1 set2)
(let ((type1 (enumeration:set-type set1))
(type2 (enumeration:set-type set2))
(bits1 (enumeration:set-bits set1))
(bits2 (enumeration:set-bits set2)))
(cond ((eq? type1 type2)
(exact-zero? (bitwise-and bits1 (bitwise-not bits2))))
((eq? (enumeration:type-universe type1)
(enumeration:type-universe type2))
(exact-zero? (bitwise-and bits1 (bitwise-not bits2))))
(enum-set-subset? set1 (enum-set-projection set2 set1))))))
(define (enum-set=? set1 set2)
(and (enum-set-subset? set1 set2)
(enum-set-subset? set2 set1)))
(define (enum-set-union set1 set2)
(let ((type1 (enumeration:set-type set1))
(type2 (enumeration:set-type set2))
(bits1 (enumeration:set-bits set1))
(bits2 (enumeration:set-bits set2)))
(cond ((eq? type1 type2)
(enumeration:make-set (bitwise-ior bits1 bits2) type1))
((eq? (enumeration:type-universe type1)
(enumeration:type-universe type2))
(enumeration:make-set (bitwise-ior bits1 bits2) type1))
(error 'enum-set-union "Incompatible sets" set1 set2)))))
(define (enum-set-intersection set1 set2)
(let ((type1 (enumeration:set-type set1))
(type2 (enumeration:set-type set2))
(bits1 (enumeration:set-bits set1))
(bits2 (enumeration:set-bits set2)))
(cond ((eq? type1 type2)
(enumeration:make-set (bitwise-and bits1 bits2) type1))
((eq? (enumeration:type-universe type1)
(enumeration:type-universe type2))
(enumeration:make-set (bitwise-and bits1 bits2) type1))
(error 'enum-set-intersection "Incompatible sets" set1 set2)))))
(define (enum-set-difference set1 set2)
(let ((type1 (enumeration:set-type set1))
(type2 (enumeration:set-type set2))
(bits1 (enumeration:set-bits set1))
(bits2 (enumeration:set-bits set2)))
(cond ((eq? type1 type2)
(enumeration:make-set (bitwise-and bits1 (bitwise-not bits2)) type1))
((eq? (enumeration:type-universe type1)
(enumeration:type-universe type2))
(enumeration:make-set (bitwise-and bits1 (bitwise-not bits2)) type1))
(error 'enum-set-difference "Incompatible sets" set1 set2)))))
(define (enum-set-complement set)
(enum-set-difference (enum-set-universe set) set))
(define (enum-set-projection set1 set2)
(let ((type1 (enumeration:set-type set1))
(type2 (enumeration:set-type set2))
(bits1 (enumeration:set-bits set1))
(bits2 (enumeration:set-bits set2)))
(cond ((eq? type1 type2)
((eq? (enumeration:type-universe type1)
(enumeration:type-universe type2))
((and #f (enum-set-subset? set1 set2))
(enumeration:make-set bits1 type2))
((enumeration:type-constructor type2)
(filter (lambda (sym) (enum-set-member? sym set2))
(enum-set->list set1)))))))
(define-syntax define-enumeration
(syntax-rules ()
((_ type-name (symbol1 ...) set-constructor-syntax)
(begin (define-syntax type-name
(syntax-rules (symbol1 ...)
((_ symbol1) 'symbol1)
(define hidden-name (make-enumeration '(symbol1 ...)))
(define-syntax set-constructor-syntax
(syntax-rules ()
((_ sym1 (... ...))
((enum-set-constructor hidden-name)
(list (type-name sym1) (... ...))))))))))
(define enumeration:type
(make-record-type-descriptor 'enumeration #f #f #f #f
'((immutable universe) (immutable indexer) (immutable constructor) (immutable deconstructor) )))
(define enumeration:make-type (record-constructor enumeration:type))
(define enumeration:type-universe (record-accessor enumeration:type 0))
(define enumeration:type-indexer (record-accessor enumeration:type 1))
(define enumeration:type-constructor (record-accessor enumeration:type 2))
(define enumeration:type-deconstructor (record-accessor enumeration:type 3))
(define enumeration:set
(make-record-type-descriptor 'enum-set #f #f #f #f
'((immutable bits) (immutable universe-type) )))
(define enumeration:make-set (record-constructor enumeration:set))
(define enumeration:set-bits (record-accessor enumeration:set 0))
(define enumeration:set-type (record-accessor enumeration:set 1))
(define (enumeration:hash-table-components symbols)
(let* ((n (length symbols))
(bits (inexact->exact (floor (* 2 (log (+ n 1))))))
(m (expt 2 bits))
(mask (- m 1))
(vec0 (make-vector (* 2 m) #f))
(vec1 (make-vector (* 2 m) 0))
(maxdistance 0))
(define (trimmed-vectors)
(let* ((n (+ m maxdistance 1))
(v0 (make-vector n #f))
(v1 (make-vector n 0)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n)
(values v0 v1))
(vector-set! v0 i (vector-ref vec0 i))
(vector-set! v1 i (vector-ref vec1 i)))))
(do ((symbols symbols (cdr symbols))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((null? symbols))
(let ((sym (car symbols)))
(let loop ((h (bitwise-and mask (symbol-hash sym)))
(d 0))
(if (vector-ref vec0 h)
(loop (+ h 1) (+ d 1))
(if (> d maxdistance)
(set! maxdistance d))
(vector-set! vec0 h sym)
(vector-set! vec1 h i))))))
(lambda () (trimmed-vectors))
(lambda (v0 v1)
(values v0 v1 m maxdistance)))))
(define (basic-enumerations-tests)
(lambda (exit)
(let-syntax ((return (syntax-rules ()
((return) (exit #t))))
(test (syntax-rules (=>)
((test n exp => result)
(if (not (equal? exp result))
(begin (display "*****BUG*****")
(display "Failed test ")
(display n)
(display ":")
(write 'exp)
(exit #f)))))))
(let* ((colors
(make-enumeration '(black white purple maroon)))
(color-index (enum-set-indexer colors))
(make-color-set (enum-set-constructor colors)))
(define-enumeration color
(black white purple maroon)
(test 1 (enum-set=? colors (enum-set-universe colors)) => #t)
(test 2 (color-index 'purple) => 2)
(test 3 (enum-set->list (make-color-set '(black purple)))
=> '(black purple))
(test 4 (enum-set-member? 'white (make-color-set '(white maroon)))
=> #t)
(test 5 (enum-set-subset? (enum-set-complement colors) colors)
=> #t)
(test 6 (enum-set=? (make-color-set '(black maroon))
(make-color-set '(white purple))))
=> #t)
(test 7 (enum-set-subset? (make-color-set '(white))
'(black white red green)))
=> #t)
(test 8 (enum-set=? (make-color-set '(black white))
(make-enumeration '(black white red green)))
'(black white)))
=> #t)
(test 9 (enum-set->list (enum-set-projection
(make-enumeration '(black white red green))
=> '(black white))
'(test 10 (color black) => 'black)
'(test 10.5 (color purpel) => <expansion-time error>)
'(test 11 (enum-set->list (color-set)) => '())
'(test 12 (enum-set->list (color-set maroon white))
=> '(white maroon))