#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual (planet cce/scheme:4:1/planet) (only-in (for-label scheme) for sequence?) (for-label scheme/contract) (for-label (this-package-in main))) @title{Purely Functional Random-Access Lists} @(defmodule/this-package) David Van Horn @scheme[(at dvanhorn (dot ccs neu edu))] This is an implementation of purely functional random-access lists that enjoy O(1) @scheme[first] and @scheme[rest] operations and O(log n) @scheme[list-ref] and @scheme[list-set] operations. Random-access lists implement the sequence interface, so @scheme[(list? x)] implies @scheme[(sequence? x)], and elements of a list may be extracted with any of the @scheme[for] syntactic forms. This implementation is based on Okasaki, FPCA '95. @defproc[(cons [x any] [xs list?]) list?]{ Cons @scheme[x] onto @scheme[xs].} @defthing[empty empty?]{ The empty list.} @defproc[(list [x any/c] ...) list?]{ Returns a list containing the given @scheme[x]s as its elements.} @defproc[(list* [x any/c] ... [xs list?]) list?]{ Returns a list containing the give @scheme[x]s as its elements and @scheme[xs] as its tail.} @defproc[(empty? [x any/c]) boolean?]{ Is @scheme[x] the empty list?} @defproc[(cons? [x any/c]) boolean?]{ Is @scheme[x] a cons (a non-empty list)?} @defproc[(list? [x any/c]) boolean?]{ Is @scheme[x] a list?} @defproc[(first [xs cons?]) any]{ Returns the first element of the list @scheme[xs].} @defproc[(rest [xs cons?]) list?]{ Returns the rest of the element of the list @scheme[xs].} @defproc[(list-ref [xs cons?] [i natural-number/c]) any/c]{ Returns the element of @scheme[xs] at position @scheme[i]. This operation runs in O(@scheme[(min i (log2 (length xs)))]).} @defproc[(list-set [xs cons?] [i natural-number/c] [v any/c]) cons?]{ Returns a list identical to @scheme[xs], except @scheme[v] is the @scheme[i]th element. This operation runs in O(@scheme[(min i (log2 (length xs)))]).} @defproc[(list-ref/set [xs cons?] [i natural-number/c] [v any/c]) (values any/c cons?)]{ Returns @scheme[(values (list-ref xs i) (list-set xs i v))], but is more efficient.} @defproc[(list-ref/update [xs cons?] [i natural-number/c] [proc procedure?]) (values any/c cons?)]{ Returns @scheme[(values (list-ref xs i) (list-set xs i (f (list-ref xs i))))], but is more efficient.} @defproc[(map [proc procedure?] [xs list?]) list?]{ Applies @scheme[proc] to each element of @scheme[xs] from the first element to the last. The result is a list containing each result of @scheme[proc] in order.} @defproc[(foldr [proc procedure?] [init any/c] [xs list?]) any]{ Like @scheme[foldr] but for random-access lists. (Currently accepts only one list).} @defproc[(foldl [proc procedure?] [init any/c] [xs list?]) any]{ Like @scheme[foldl] but for random-access lists. (Currently accepts only one list).} @defproc[(build-list [n natural-number/c] [proc procedure?]) list?]{ Like @scheme[build-list] but produces a random-access list.} @defproc[(length [xs list?]) natural-number/c]{ Returns the length of the list. This operation runs in O(@scheme[(log2 (length xs))]).} @defproc[(list-tail [xs list?] [i natural-number/c]) list?]{ Returns the list after the first @scheme[i] elements of @scheme[xs]. This operation, like its pair counterpart runs in O(@scheme[i]).} @defproc[(append [xs list?] [ys list?]) list?]{ Returns a list with all the elements of @scheme[xs] and @scheme[ys] in order. Like its pair counterpart, this operation runs in O(@scheme[(length xs)]).} @defproc[(reverse [xs list?]) list?]{ Returns a list with all the elements of @scheme[xs] in reverse order.}