1 Introduction
2.1 Labels
2.2 Jumps
3 A larger example
Version: 5.2.1

basic-blocks: compute basic blocks from a list of statements and labels

Danny Yoo <dyoo@hashcollision.org>

1 Introduction

This package takes a list of statements and labels, and breaks them down into basic blocks. As a quick example:

> (require (planet dyoo/basic-blocks))
> (define a-block (fracture '(entry
                              (goto entry))))
> (length a-block)


> (bblock-name (first a-block))


> (bblock-stmts (first a-block))

'((blah) (baz) (goto entry))

> (bblock-succs (first a-block))

(set 'entry)

See A larger example for a more substantial use of this library.


 (require (planet dyoo/basic-blocks:1:=0))

The main structure that this library produces is the bblock basic-block structure.

(struct bblock (name entry? stmts succs next-succ)
  #:extra-constructor-name make-bblock)
  name : symbol
  entry? : boolean
  stmts : (listof statement)
  succs : (set/c (or/c symbol DYNAMIC))
  next-succ : (or/c symbol #f)
The basic block structure. The first block generated by fracture is always labeled as an entry, as are any other blocks whose names are explicitly passed to fracture using #:entry-names.

bblock also stores what blocks are successors of a given block; the set of these jump targets can be accessed with bblock-succs. If the block has a dynamic (computed) jump, then DYNAMIC is a member of bblock-succs.

For convenience, if the block ends with a conditional jump, then bblock-next-succ refers to the block that follows immediately next.

(fracture stmts 
  [#:entry-names entry-names 
  #:label? label? 
  #:label-name label-name 
  #:jump? jump? 
  #:jump-targets jump-target 
  #:fresh-block-name fresh-block-name]) 
  (listof bblock)
  stmts : (listof (or/c statement label))
  entry-names : (listof symbol) = '()
  label? : (any/c -> boolean) = default-label?
  label-name : (label -> symbol) = default-label-name
  jump? : (any/c -> boolean) = default-jump?
  jump-target : (jump -> (listof (or/c symbol? NEXT DYNAMIC)))
   = default-jump-targets
  fresh-block-name : (-> symbol) = default-fresh-block-name
Computes the list of basic blocks from a sequence of statements and labels. Labels are assumed to be disjoint from statements. fracture takes in several optional keyword arguments to customize what it means to be a statement or a jump. It produces a list of bblock structures.

The very first statement of stmts must be a label; it’s assumed to be the central entry point. It’s important to provide a #:entry-names that names all entry points we care about. Although fracture does not do much optimization, it does omit blocks that can not be reached by any entry-point basic block.

For example:
> (fracture '(entry
              (hello world)
              (goto done)
              (this is another block)


 (bblock 'entry #t '((hello world) (goto done)) (set 'done) #f)

 (bblock 'done #f '((bye)) (set) #f))

Note that another-entry-point does not occur in the outputted set of basic blocks, because fracture could not find a path from any basic block to it.

By providing a #:entry-names, we can convince fracture to maintain the block starting with another-entry-point:
> (fracture #:entry-names '(another-entry-point)
              (hello world)
              (goto done)
              (this is another block)


 (bblock 'entry #t '((hello world) (goto done)) (set 'done) #f)

 (bblock 'another-entry-point #t '((this is another block)) (set 'done) 'done)

 (bblock 'done #f '((bye)) (set) #f))

#:entry-names implicitly includes the name of the first basic block.

All of the other default values assume a particular structure for labels and jump statements. The default can be overriden by providing for the keyword arguments. The example in A larger example shows how to use fracture on a somewhat different statement structure than the default.

2.1 Labels

By default, a label is defined to be a symbol, and getting its name is just the identity.

By default, #:label? is:
(define (default-label? x)
  (symbol? x))
(define (default-label-name a-label)
    [(symbol? a-label) a-label]
     (raise-type-error 'default-label-name "symbol" a-label)]))

2.2 Jumps

A jump is either conditional or unconditional, and may jump to a static or dynamic target. #:jump? consumes a statement, and produces true if the statement is a conditional or unconditional jump.

By default, #:jump? is:
(define (default-jump? x)
  (match x
    [(list 'goto target)
    [(list 'if condition 'goto target)
    [else #f]))

Given a jump statement, #:jump-targets produces a list of the targets that the jump can go to. We can specify that it’s a conditional jump by including the constant NEXT as one of its targets. We can also use the constant DYNAMIC to indicate that the jump has a runtime-dependent target.

NEXT : jump-target
Indicates a jump to the following statement. Use this in combination with other jump targets to indicate a conditional jump.

DYNAMIC : jump-target
Indicates a jump to a runtime-dependent target.

By default, #:jump-targets is:
(define (default-jump-targets x)
  (match x
    [(list 'goto target)
     (cond [(symbol? target)
            (list target)]
            (list DYNAMIC)])]
    [(list 'if condition 'goto target)
     (list (cond [(symbol? target)
     (raise-type-error 'default-jump-targets "Statement with jump targets" x)]))

Under some situations, fracture may need to synthesize a fresh name for a basic block. It uses #:fresh-block-name to generate the name. By default, #:fresh-block-name is:
(define (default-fresh-block-name)
  (gensym 'label))

3 A larger example

As a more substantial example, we can use fracture to construct the basic blocks from one of the examples of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. We pass in additional keyword arguments to teach fracture what statements are labels and jumps.

> (define factorial-snippet
      (assign val (op make-compiled-procedure) (label entry2) (reg env))
      (goto (label after-lambda1))
      (assign env (op compiled-procedure-env) (reg proc))
      (assign env (op extend-environment) (const (n)) (reg argl) (reg env))
      (save continue)
      (save env)
      (assign proc (op lookup-variable-value) (const =) (reg env))
      (assign val (const 1))
      (assign argl (op list) (reg val))
      (assign val (op lookup-variable-value) (const n) (reg env))
      (assign argl (op cons) (reg val) (reg argl))
      (test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
      (branch (label primitive-branch17))
      (assign continue (label after-call15))
      (assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry) (reg proc))
      (goto (reg val))
      (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl))
      (restore env)
      (restore continue)
      (test (op false?) (reg val))
      (branch (label false-branch4))
      (assign val (const 1))
      (goto (reg continue))
      (assign proc (op lookup-variable-value) (const *) (reg env))
      (save continue)
      (save proc)
      (assign val (op lookup-variable-value) (const n) (reg env))
      (assign argl (op list) (reg val))
      (save argl)
      (assign proc (op lookup-variable-value) (const factorial) (reg env))
      (save proc)
      (assign proc (op lookup-variable-value) (const -) (reg env))
      (assign val (const 1))
      (assign argl (op list) (reg val))
      (assign val (op lookup-variable-value) (const n) (reg env))
      (assign argl (op cons) (reg val) (reg argl))
      (test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
      (branch (label primitive-branch8))
      (assign continue (label after-call6))
      (assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry) (reg proc))
      (goto (reg val))
      (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl))
      (assign argl (op list) (reg val))
      (restore proc)
      (test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
      (branch (label primitive-branch11))
      (assign continue (label after-call9))
      (assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry) (reg proc))
      (goto (reg val))
      (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl))
      (restore argl)
      (assign argl (op cons) (reg val) (reg argl))
      (restore proc)
      (restore continue)
      (test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
      (branch (label primitive-branch14))
      (assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry) (reg proc))
      (goto (reg val))
      (assign val (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl))
      (goto (reg continue))
      (perform (op define-variable!) (const factorial) (reg val) (reg env))
      (assign val (const ok))))
> (require racket/match)
> (define blocks
    (fracture factorial-snippet
              #:entry-names '(START entry2 after-call15 after-call6 after-call9)
              #:fresh-block-name (let ([counter 0])
                                   (lambda ()
                                     (set! counter (add1 counter))
                                     (string->symbol (format "l~a" counter))))
              #:label? symbol?
              #:label-name (lambda (x) x)
              #:jump? (lambda (stmt)
                        (match stmt
                          [(list 'goto place) #t]
                          [(list 'branch place) #t]
                          [else #f]))
              #:jump-targets (lambda (a-jump)
                               (match a-jump
                                 [(list 'goto place)
                                  (match place
                                    [(list 'label name)
                                     (list name)]
                                     (list DYNAMIC)])]
                                 [(list 'branch place)
                                  (match place
                                    [(list 'label name)
                                     (list name NEXT)]
                                     (list DYNAMIC NEXT)])]))))
> (for ([b blocks])
    (printf "~a -> ~a\n"
            (string-append (symbol->string (bblock-name b))
                           (if (bblock-entry? b) "*" ""))
            (set->list (bblock-succs b))))

START* -> (after-lambda1)

entry2* -> (compiled-branch16 primitive-branch17)

compiled-branch16 -> (#<dynamic>)

primitive-branch17 -> (after-call15)

after-call15* -> (true-branch5 false-branch4)

true-branch5 -> (#<dynamic>)

false-branch4 -> (compiled-branch7 primitive-branch8)

compiled-branch7 -> (#<dynamic>)

primitive-branch8 -> (after-call6)

after-call6* -> (compiled-branch10 primitive-branch11)

compiled-branch10 -> (#<dynamic>)

primitive-branch11 -> (after-call9)

after-call9* -> (primitive-branch14 compiled-branch13)

compiled-branch13 -> (#<dynamic>)

primitive-branch14 -> (#<dynamic>)

after-lambda1 -> ()