
join-forest: join a forest of binary trees

_join-forest_: join a forest of binary trees

Danny Yoo ( /

This module provides a few functions for joining a forest of binary
trees together, preserving traversal order.  Some joining strategies
work better than others in minimizing the total depth of the concatenation.


    > (require (planet "" ("dyoo" "join-forest.plt" 1 1)))
    > (define (node-depth a-node)
          [(pair? a-node)
           (add1 (max (node-depth (car a-node))
                      (node-depth (cadr a-node))))]
          [else 0]))
    > (define (node-join node-1 node-2)
        (list node-1 node-2))
    > (define tree1 '(1 (2 3)))
    > (define tree2 '((4 5) 6))
    > (define tree3 '((7 8) 9))
    > (define tree4 '10)
    > (define tree5 '11)
    > (define a-forest (list tree1 tree2 tree3 tree4 tree5))
    > (define j1 (naive-join-forest a-forest node-join))
    > (define j2 (simple-join-forest a-forest node-join))
    > (define j3 (optimal-join-forest a-forest node-join node-depth))
    > (define j4 (fib-join-forest a-forest node-join node-depth))
    > (node-depth j1)
    > (node-depth j2)
    > (node-depth j3)
    > (node-depth j4)


> simple-join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) -> X

Given a nonempty list of nodes and a node-joining function, returns
the concatenation of all the nodes.  Done by splitting the forest in
half, joining both halves recursively, and then joining the
combination.  O(n).

> naive-join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) -> X

Given a nonempty list of nodes and a node-joining function, returns
the concatenation of all the nodes.  Done by left-folding the join
function across the forest.  O(n).

> optimal-join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) (X -> natural-number) -> X

Given a nonempty list of nodes, a node-joining function, and a
function defining the depth of a node, returns the concatenation of
all the nodes.  Done by computing an optimal join that minimizes the
total depth of the resulting concatenation.  O(n^3)

Note: there's a built-in assumption in optimal-join-forest that:

    (node-depth (node-join A B)) = (add1 (max (node-depth A) (node-depth B)))

If this is not true, then this function won't do what you want.
However, a more general optimal-joiner is defined in

> fib-join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) (X -> natural-number) -> X

Joins a forest using rules similar to those used by fibonacci heaps.
Not guaranteed to be optimal, but still good in terms of maintaining
balance.  O(n log(n)). API

There is an auxillary module in the join-forest package called that's used to implement the optimal-join-forest
function.  It uses a dynamic-programming approach, closely following
the sketch of the optimal matrix-multiplication / parenthesization
algorithm in "Introduction to Algorithms."

> join-forest/cost+: (listof X) (X X -> X) (X -> natural-number) 
                       (natural-number natural-number -> natural-number)
                        -> X

Given a forest, a node-joiner, a node-cost function, and a cost+
function, returns a concatenation that minimizes cost.

> join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) (X -> natural-number) -> X

Given a forest,a node-joiner,and a node-cost function, returns a
concatenation that minimizes total cost.  This works under the assumption
that given nodes A and B,

    (node-cost (node-join A B)) = (add1 (max (node-cost A) (node-cost B)))

join-forest is defined in terms of join-forest/cost+:

  (define (join-forest forest join-f depth-f)
    (local [(define (cost+ c1 c2)
              (add1 (max c1 c2)))]
      (join-forest/cost+ forest join-f depth-f cost+)))


Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein.  "Introduction to Algorithms, Second
Edition".  MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Hans-Juergen Boehm and Russell R. Atkinson and Michael F. Plass.
"Ropes: an Alternative to Strings."  Software - Practice and
Experience, Volume 25, No. 12.  pp 1315--1330.  (1995).