#lang scribble/manual @(require unstable/scribble) @(require (for-label (planet dyoo/js-vm/image/image)) (for-label (planet dyoo/js-vm/jsworld/jsworld)) (for-label (planet dyoo/js-vm/main))) @(define (js-vm) (emph "js-vm")) @title{@js-vm[]: Javascript virtual machine for Racket} @author[(author+email "Danny Yoo" "dyoo@racket-lang.org")] @js-vm[] provides tools to develop Racket programs that run in Javascript. It provides a Javascript runtime that interprets Racket bytecode, functions for building and testing packages of translated code, and libraries to use features of a web-browser's environment. This project is intimately related with @hyperlink["http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Talks/Moby-Bootstrap/"]{Moby}, as Moby uses @js-vm[] as its underlying runtime. @section{Quick Start} To make sure @js-vm[] is working, save the following program as @filepath{test.rkt} in some working directory. @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (printf "hello world\n") (check-expect (* 3 4 5) 60) (current-seconds) (image-url "http://racket-lang.org/logo.png") (check-expect (big-bang 0 (on-tick add1 1) (stop-when (lambda (x) (= x 10)))) 10) "last line" ] This program is in a language that has been enriched with Javascript-specific functions. It can be partially evaluated in plain Racket, but evaluation will halt at the call to @racket[image-url] because @racket[image-url] constructs a image DOM element and needs to run in an Javascript context. Once the program is saved, create a new file called @filepath{run.rkt} in the same working directory with the following contents: @racketmod[racket (require #,(schememodname/this-package)) (run-in-browser "test.rkt") ] When this program is executed, @racket[run-in-browser] will take @filepath{test.rkt} and translate it to run on the browser; a temporary web-server will opened and your browser's window will open with the running program. Finally, you can create zip packages by using @racket[create-zip-package]. For example, modify @filepath{run.rkt} to be: @racketmod[racket (require #,(this-package-version-symbol)) (create-zip-package "test.rkt" "test.zip") ] A slightly more substantial example is an animation using a built-in functional event-driven programming library. @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) @code:comment{falling.ball.rkt} @code:comment{Simple falling ball example. A red ball falls down the screen} @code:comment{until hitting the bottom.} (define-struct world (radius y)) @code:comment{The dimensions of the screen:} (define WIDTH 320) (define HEIGHT 480) @code:comment{The radius of the red circle.} (define RADIUS 15) @code:comment{The world is the distance from the top of the screen.} (define INITIAL-WORLD (make-world RADIUS 0)) @code:comment{tick: world -> world} @code:comment{Moves the ball down.} (define (tick w) (make-world RADIUS (+ (world-y w) 5))) @code:comment{hits-floor?: world -> boolean} @code:comment{Returns true when the distance reaches the screen height.} (define (hits-floor? w) (>= (world-y w) HEIGHT)) @code:comment{We have some simple test cases.} (check-expect (hits-floor? (make-world RADIUS 0)) false) (check-expect (hits-floor? (make-world RADIUS HEIGHT)) true) @code:comment{render: world -> scene} @code:comment{Produces a scene with the circle at a height described by the world.} (define (render w) (place-image (circle RADIUS "solid" "red") (/ WIDTH 2) (world-y w) (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))) @code:comment{Start up a big bang, 15 frames a second.} (check-expect (big-bang INITIAL-WORLD (on-tick tick 1/15) (to-draw render) (stop-when hits-floor?)) (make-world 15 480)) ] Again, to run this in the browser, we use @racket[run-in-browser]: @racketmod[racket (require #,(schememodname/this-package)) (run-in-browser "falling-ball.rkt") ] @section{Running @js-vm[]} @defmodule/this-package[] @defproc[(run-in-browser [input-file path-string?]) void]{ Consumes the given program, translates it so it can run on the browser, and brings up the default browser. At the moment, @js-vm[] currently supports programs written in the @schememodname/this-package[lang/wescheme] and @schememodname/this-package[lang/base] languages; further development on @js-vm[] will work toward supporting modules written in full Racket. @racket[require] should work as long as the required modules, too, are in the supported languages. } @defproc[(create-zip-package [input-file path-string?] [output-zip-file path-string?]) void]{ Consumes the given program, translates it so it can run on the browser, and writes out a zip archive to the given path. If the output file already exists, overwrites it. This zip file can be unpacked and served on any standard web server. } @section{WeScheme} @defmodule/this-package[lang/wescheme] The language here acts as a kind of ``Pretty Big'' language, and is the language used when @racket[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol)] is the module language. It provides the bindings from @schememodname/this-package[lang/base], @schememodname/this-package[lang/posn], @schememodname/this-package[image/image], @schememodname/this-package[jsworld/jsworld], and @schememodname/this-package[check-expect/check-expect]. It also adds @racket[open-image-url] and @racket[js-big-bang] as aliases for @racket[image-url] and @racket[big-bang] respectively. @section{Jsworld} jsworld provides a world programming library that allows simple animation and games, as well as reactive HTML graphical user interfaces. @defmodule/this-package[jsworld/jsworld] @defproc[(big-bang (a-world world) (handlers handler) ...) world]{ Starts a reactive computation with @racket[big-bang]. The rest of the arguments hook into the reactive computation. By default, the page that's displayed contains a rendering of the world value. In the presence of an @racket[to-draw] or @racket[to-draw-page] handler, @racket[big-bang] will show a customized view. The majority of the handlers register different stimuli that can trigger changes to the world. One instance is @racket[on-tick], which registers a function to update the world on a clock tick. } When the @racket[big-bang] computation terminates through a @racket[stop-when], the final world is returned as its value. @defproc[(to-draw [hook (world -> scene)]) handler]{ Draws a scene onto the display. For simple applications, @racket[to-draw] is sufficient to draw a scene onto the display.} @defproc[(stop-when [stop? (world -> boolean)]) handler?]{ When the world should be stopped --- when @racket[stop?] applied to the world produces @racket[true] --- then the @racket[big-bang] terminates. The program: @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (define (at-ten x) (>= x 10)) (big-bang 0 (on-tick add1 1) (stop-when at-ten)) ] counts up to ten and then stops. } @defproc[(on-tick [world-updater (world -> world)] [delay number? 1/20]) handler?]{ Produces a handler that responds to clock ticks. By default, every tick comes every @racket[1/20]'th of a second.} @defproc[(on-key [world-updater (world key? -> world)]) handler?]{ Produces a handler that responds to key events.} @defproc[(key=? [key1 key?] [key2 key?]) boolean?]{Produces true if @racket[key1] is equal to @racket[key2].} @; As soon as we have this, we'll comment it. @; @;{@defproc[(on-button-click) handler?]{Produces a handler that responds to button click events.}} @defproc[(to-draw-page [to-dom (world -> (DOM-sexp))] [to-css (world -> (CSS-sexp))]) handler]{ One of the main handlers to @racket[big-bang] is @racket[to-draw-page], which controls how the world is rendered on screen. The first argument computes a rendering of the world as a DOM tree, and the second argument computes that tree's styling. } @subsection{Jsworld Types} A @racket[dom-sexp] describes the structure of a web page: @racketgrammar[dom-sexp (list dom-element dom-sexp ...)] a @racket[css-sexp] describes the structure of a page's styling: @racketgrammar[css-sexp (listof (cons (or dom-element string) (listof attrib)))] An @racket[attrib] is a: @racketgrammar[attrib (list string string)] Each of the @racket[dom-element]s can take in an optional attribute list to assign to the new dom element; the common useful attribute is a key-value binding for an "id", which can be used to identify an element in the css-drawing function. Here are examples of a dom-expr and a css-sexp. @racketblock[ (define a-dom-sexp (list (js-div '(("id" "main-div"))) (list (js-text "Hello world")))) (define a-css-sexp (list (list "main-div" (list "background" "white") (list "font-size" "40px")))) ] @subsection{HTML user interface constructors} Here are the dom-element constructors. @defproc[(js-div (attribs (listof attrib?) '())) dom-element?]{ Constructs a div element.} @defproc[(js-p (attribs (listof attrib?) '())) dom-element?]{ Constructs a paragraph element.} @defproc[(js-button (world-update-f (world -> world)) (attribs (listof attrib) '())) dom-element]{ Constructs a button. When the button is pressed, the world is updated through @racket[world-update-f]. The following example counts how many times a button has been clicked. @(racketmod planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (define (press w) (add1 w)) (define (draw w) (list (js-div) (list (js-button press) (list (js-text "Press me"))) (list (js-text (format "Button presses: ~a" w))))) (define (draw-css w) '()) (big-bang 0 (to-draw-page draw draw-css))) } @; commenting out effectful button. @;{ @defproc[(js-button! (world-update-f (world -> world)) (effect-f (world -> effect)) (attribs (listof attrib) '())) dom-element]{ Constructs a button. When the button is pressed, the original world is updated, and the original world is used to construct an effect. }} @defproc[(js-text (text string?)) dom-element]{Constructs regular text.} @defproc[(js-input (type string) (world-update-f (or/c (world string -> world) (world boolean -> world))) (attribs (listof attrib) '())) dom-element]{ Creates an input form element. The types that are currently supported are: @itemlist[@item{@racket["text"]} @item{@racket["password"]} @item{@racket["checkbox"]}] When the user changes the content of the form element, the runtime uses @racket[world-update-f] to update the world. If the @racket[type] is either @racket["text"] or @racket["password"], then the string value of the element will be passed as the second argument to it. If @racket[type] is @racket["checkbox"], a boolean representing the checked status of the element will be passed to it. The example below has a single text input form element, which allows the user to enter some value. @(racketmod planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (define (refresh w form-val) form-val) (define input-node (js-input "text" refresh '(("id" "myname")))) (define (draw w) (list (js-div) (list (js-div) (list (js-text (format "I see: ~s~n" w)))) (list (js-div) (list input-node)))) (define (draw-css w) '()) (big-bang "" (to-draw-page draw draw-css)) ) The example below uses a checkbox to select among three elements: @(racketmod planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (define (make-ingredient-checkbox-sexp ingredient) (local [(define (on-check w v) (cond [v (cons ingredient w)] [else (remove ingredient w)]))] (list (js-div) (list (js-text ingredient)) (list (js-input "checkbox" on-check `(("value" ,ingredient))))))) (define c1 (make-ingredient-checkbox-sexp "mushrooms")) (define c2 (make-ingredient-checkbox-sexp "green peppers")) (define c3 (make-ingredient-checkbox-sexp "olives")) (define (draw w) (list (js-div) c1 c2 c3 (list (js-text (format "The world is: ~s" w))))) (define (draw-css w) '()) (big-bang '() (to-draw-page draw draw-css))) } @defproc[(js-img (url string) (attribs (listof attrib) '())) dom-element]{Creates an image element. } @defproc[(js-select (options (listof string?)) (world-update-f (world string -> world)) (attribs (listof attrib) '())) dom-element] Constructs a select element with the given options. Whenever a new option is selected, the @racket[world-update-f] function is called to get the new world. The example below has a select with five elements. @(racketmod planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (define (select-house w an-option) an-option) (define a-select-element (js-select (list "" "Gryffindor" "Hufflepuff" "Ravenclaw" "Slytherin") select-house)) (define (draw w) (list (js-div) (list a-select-element) (list (js-text (format "House: ~a" w))))) (define (draw-css w) '()) (big-bang "" (to-draw-page draw draw-css)) ) @;; Effects section is currently commented out: we did not @;; yet port this over from the old Moby system. @;{ @subsection{Effects} Effects allow world programs to apply side effects to the outside world. These are used in conjunction with the effect (@racket[!]) version of the stimulus handlers described above. @defproc[(make-effect:none) effect]{No result when interpreted.} @defproc[(make-effect:beep) effect]{Audible beep when interpreted. On an Android smartphone, uses the notification ringtone.} @defproc[(make-effect:play-sound (a-sound sound)) effect]{Plays a sound from the given @racket[sound]. If the sound is already playing, then the sound continues to play.} @defproc[(make-effect:stop-sound (a-sound sound)) effect]{Stops playing a sound from the given url.} @defproc[(make-effect:pause-sound (a-sound sound)) effect]{Pauses a sound; if @racket[make-effect:play-sound] for the same sound is given later, play restarts from the point where it was paused.} A @racket[sound] is a: @racketgrammar[sound string playlist] @defproc[(make-effect:set-sound-volume (volume number)) effect]{Sets the sound volume; the number should be between 0 and 100.} @defproc[(make-effect:raise-sound-volume) effect]{Raises the sound volume. If the volume's already at 100, has no effect.} @defproc[(make-effect:lower-sound-volume) effect]{Lowers the sound volume. If the volume's set to 0, has no effect.} @defproc[(make-effect:set-beep-volume (volume number)) effect]{Sets the sound volume of the beep; the number should be between 0 and 100. On an Android smartphone, uses the notification sound.} @defproc[(make-effect:play-dtmf-tone (tone number)) effect]{On a smartphone, plays a DTMF tone, where @racket[tone] is between 0 and 15 inclusive.} @defproc[(make-effect:set-wake-lock (flag number)) effect]{On a smartphone, sets the wake-lock flag to prevent the phone from sleeping. Low-level call.} @defproc[(make-effect:release-wake-lock) effect]{On a smartphone, releases a wake-lock to allow the phone to go to sleep again.} @defproc[(make-effect:send-sms (phone-number string) (message string)) effect]{Sends an SMS message.} @; Commenting out the generate-random documentation @;{@defproc[(make-effect:generate-random: (world-update-f (world number -> world))) effect]{When interpreted, generates a random number on the fly and uses @racket[world-update-f] to update the world.}} @defproc[(make-effect:pick-playlist (world-update-f (world playlist -> world))) effect]{Brings up a playlist picker; when a playlist is selected, the world is updated using @racket[world-update-f] with the selected @racket[playlist] sound.} } @section{Images} @defmodule/this-package[image/image] The contents of this module need to run in a Javascript context. This module provides functions for creating images. The design of the library is meant to follow 2htdp/image. @defproc[(image? [x any/c]) boolean?]{ Produces @racket[#t] if @racket[x] is an image, and @racket[#f] otherwise.} @defproc[(image=? [x any/c] [y any/c]) boolean?]{ Produces @racket[#t] if @racket[x] is the same image as @racket[y].} @defproc[(circle [radius nonnegative-real?] [style (one-of/c 'solid 'outline)] [color color?]) image?]{ Produces a circle image with the given radius, style, and color. } @defproc[(nw:rectangle [width number?] [height number?] [style (one-of/c 'solid 'outline)] [color color?]) image?]{Produces a rectangle whose pinhole is at the upper left corner.} @defproc[(rectangle [width number?] [height number?] [style (one-of/c 'solid 'outline)] [color color?]) image?]{Produces a rectangle whose pinhole is at its center.} @defproc[(triangle) image?]{Produces a triangle.} @defproc[(ellipse) image?]{} @defproc[(line) image?]{Creates a line.} @defproc[(text [message string?] [size number?] [color color?]) image?]{Creates a text image.} @defproc[(image-url [url string?]) image?]{Reads in the image at the provided url and produces an image of its contents.} @defproc[(star) image?]{Creates a star image} @defproc[(empty-scene [width number?] [height number?]) image?]{Produces an empty scene with a border.} @defproc[(place-image [x number?] [y number?] [an-image image?] [background image?]) image?]{ Places @racket[an-image] on top of @racket[background] at the given @racket[x], @racket[y] coordinate.} @defproc[(overlay [img1 image?] [img2 image?] ...) image?]{} @defproc[(overlay/xy [img1 image?] [x real?] [y real?] [img2 image?]) image?]{} @defproc[(underlay [img1 image?] [img2 image?] ...) image?]{} @defproc[(underlay/xy [img1 image?] [x real?] [y real?] [img2 image?]) image?]{} @defproc[(rotate [degree real?] [img image?]) image?]{Rotates the given by the degree.} @defproc[(scale [factor real?] [img image?]) image?]{Scales the image.} @defproc[(scale/xy [x-factor real?] [y-factor real?] [img image?]) image?]{Scales the image by the given @racket[x-factor], @racket[y-factor].} @defproc[(put-pinhole [img image?] [x real?] [y real?]) image?]{} @defproc[(image-width [an-image image?]) number?]{Produces the width of an image.} @defproc[(image-height [an-image image?]) number?]{Produces the height of an image.} Colors can be specified either by an RGB color structure, or by string name. Both are described now. @defproc[(make-color [red number?] [green number?] [blue number?]) color]{ Produces a color with the given RGB triplet.} @defproc[(color-red [c color?]) number]{Selects the red part of the color.} @defproc[(color-green [c color?]) number]{Selects the green part of the color.} @defproc[(color-blue [c color?]) number]{Selects the blue part of the color.} @subsection{Available colors} Here is a complete list of the strings that @racket[image] will recognize as colors. @(apply itemlist (map (lambda (str) (item (racket #,(string-downcase str)))) '("ORANGE" "RED" "ORANGERED" "TOMATO" "DARKRED" "RED" "FIREBRICK" "CRIMSON" "DEEPPINK" "MAROON" "INDIAN RED" "INDIANRED" "MEDIUM VIOLET RED" "MEDIUMVIOLETRED" "VIOLET RED" "VIOLETRED" "LIGHTCORAL" "HOTPINK" "PALEVIOLETRED" "LIGHTPINK" "ROSYBROWN" "PINK" "ORCHID" "LAVENDERBLUSH" "SNOW" "CHOCOLATE" "SADDLEBROWN" "BROWN" "DARKORANGE" "CORAL" "SIENNA" "ORANGE" "SALMON" "PERU" "DARKGOLDENROD" "GOLDENROD" "SANDYBROWN" "LIGHTSALMON" "DARKSALMON" "GOLD" "YELLOW" "OLIVE" "BURLYWOOD" "TAN" "NAVAJOWHITE" "PEACHPUFF" "KHAKI" "DARKKHAKI" "MOCCASIN" "WHEAT" "BISQUE" "PALEGOLDENROD" "BLANCHEDALMOND" "MEDIUM GOLDENROD" "MEDIUMGOLDENROD" "PAPAYAWHIP" "MISTYROSE" "LEMONCHIFFON" "ANTIQUEWHITE" "CORNSILK" "LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW" "OLDLACE" "LINEN" "LIGHTYELLOW" "SEASHELL" "BEIGE" "FLORALWHITE" "IVORY" "GREEN" "LAWNGREEN" "CHARTREUSE" "GREEN YELLOW" "GREENYELLOW" "YELLOW GREEN" "YELLOWGREEN" "MEDIUM FOREST GREEN" "OLIVEDRAB" "MEDIUMFORESTGREEN" "DARK OLIVE GREEN" "DARKOLIVEGREEN" "DARKSEAGREEN" "LIME" "DARK GREEN" "DARKGREEN" "LIME GREEN" "LIMEGREEN" "FOREST GREEN" "FORESTGREEN" "SPRING GREEN" "SPRINGGREEN" "MEDIUM SPRING GREEN" "MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN" "SEA GREEN" "SEAGREEN" "MEDIUM SEA GREEN" "MEDIUMSEAGREEN" "AQUAMARINE" "LIGHTGREEN" "PALE GREEN" "PALEGREEN" "MEDIUM AQUAMARINE" "MEDIUMAQUAMARINE" "TURQUOISE" "LIGHTSEAGREEN" "MEDIUM TURQUOISE" "MEDIUMTURQUOISE" "HONEYDEW" "MINTCREAM" "ROYALBLUE" "DODGERBLUE" "DEEPSKYBLUE" "CORNFLOWERBLUE" "STEEL BLUE" "STEELBLUE" "LIGHTSKYBLUE" "DARK TURQUOISE" "DARKTURQUOISE" "CYAN" "AQUA" "DARKCYAN" "TEAL" "SKY BLUE" "SKYBLUE" "CADET BLUE" "CADETBLUE" "DARK SLATE GRAY" "DARKSLATEGRAY" "LIGHTSLATEGRAY" "SLATEGRAY" "LIGHT STEEL BLUE" "LIGHTSTEELBLUE" "LIGHT BLUE" "LIGHTBLUE" "POWDERBLUE" "PALETURQUOISE" "LIGHTCYAN" "ALICEBLUE" "AZURE" "MEDIUM BLUE" "MEDIUMBLUE" "DARKBLUE" "MIDNIGHT BLUE" "MIDNIGHTBLUE" "NAVY" "BLUE" "INDIGO" "BLUE VIOLET" "BLUEVIOLET" "MEDIUM SLATE BLUE" "MEDIUMSLATEBLUE" "SLATE BLUE" "SLATEBLUE" "PURPLE" "DARK SLATE BLUE" "DARKSLATEBLUE" "DARKVIOLET" "DARK ORCHID" "DARKORCHID" "MEDIUMPURPLE" "CORNFLOWER BLUE" "MEDIUM ORCHID" "MEDIUMORCHID" "MAGENTA" "FUCHSIA" "DARKMAGENTA" "VIOLET" "PLUM" "LAVENDER" "THISTLE" "GHOSTWHITE" "WHITE" "WHITESMOKE" "GAINSBORO" "LIGHT GRAY" "LIGHTGRAY" "SILVER" "GRAY" "DARK GRAY" "DARKGRAY" "DIM GRAY" "DIMGRAY" "BLACK"))) @section{Implementing Javascript Modules} Warning: the material in this section is unstable and likely to change. @subsection{Module Implementation in Javascript} @defmodule/this-package[lang/js-impl/js-impl] This module allows the definition of modules whose implementations are written in Javascript. As an example, the following two files provide an implementation of @racket[double] in Javascript: @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol js-impl) (require-js "double.js") (provide double)] @verbatim{ // double.js EXPORTS['double'] = new types.PrimProc('double', 1, false, false, function(x) { return jsnums.multiply(x, 2)}); } Any module implemented with @schememodname/this-package[lang/js-impl/js-impl] will provide bindings that require a Javascript context. @subsection{Conditional Module Implmentation in javascript} @defmodule/this-package[lang/js-impl/js-conditional] Any module implemented with @schememodname/this-package[lang/js-conditional/js-conditional] can run either in a Racket or Javascript context. @include-section["ffi/ffi.scrbl"] @section{Base language} @defmodule/this-package[lang/base] This provides the basic set of bindings for @js-vm[] programs. These include most of the bindings from @hyperlink["http://docs.racket-lang.org/htdp-langs/advanced.html"]{ASL} and some from regular Racket, including: @(let ([names '( ;#%module-begin ;#%datum ;#%app ;#%top-interaction ;#%top define define-struct if cond else case quote unquote unquote-splicing lambda case-lambda let let* letrec letrec-values local quasiquote begin begin0 set! and or when unless recur require for-syntax define-for-syntax begin-for-syntax prefix-in only-in provide planet all-defined-out all-from-out except-out rename-out define-syntax let/cc with-continuation-mark true false pi e empty eof null shared with-handlers write display newline current-print current-continuation-marks continuation-mark-set? continuation-mark-set->list for-each ;; make-thread-cell make-struct-type make-struct-field-accessor make-struct-field-mutator struct-type? struct-constructor-procedure? struct-predicate-procedure? struct-accessor-procedure? struct-mutator-procedure? procedure-arity procedure-arity-includes? make-arity-at-least arity-at-least? arity-at-least-value apply values call-with-values compose current-inexact-milliseconds current-seconds not void random sleep identity raise error make-exn make-exn:fail make-exn:fail:contract make-exn:fail:contract:arity make-exn:fail:contract:variable make-exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero exn-message exn-continuation-marks exn? exn:fail? exn:fail:contract? exn:fail:contract:arity? exn:fail:contract:variable? exn:fail:contract:divide-by-zero? * - + = =~ / sub1 add1 < > <= >= abs quotient remainder modulo max min gcd lcm floor ceiling round numerator denominator expt exp log sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh sqr sqrt integer-sqrt make-rectangular make-polar real-part imag-part angle magnitude conjugate sgn inexact->exact exact->inexact number->string string->number procedure? pair? cons? empty? null? undefined? immutable? void? symbol? string? char? boolean? vector? struct? eof-object? bytes? byte? number? complex? real? rational? integer? exact? inexact? odd? even? zero? positive? negative? box? hash? eq? eqv? equal? equal~? false? boolean=? symbol=? cons car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr caaar caadr cadar cdaar cdadr cddar caddr cdddr cadddr rest first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth length list? list list* list-ref list-tail append reverse map andmap ormap memq memv member memf assq assv assoc remove filter foldl foldr quicksort sort argmax argmin build-list box box-immutable unbox set-box! make-hash make-hasheq hash-set! hash-ref hash-remove! hash-map hash-for-each make-string replicate string string-length string-ref string=? string-ci=? string? string<=? string>=? string-ci? string-ci<=? string-ci>=? substring string-append string->list list->string string-copy string->symbol symbol->string format printf string->int int->string explode implode string-alphabetic? string-ith string-lower-case? string-numeric? string-upper-case? string-whitespace? build-string string->immutable-string string-set! string-fill! make-bytes bytes bytes->immutable-bytes bytes-length bytes-ref bytes-set! subbytes bytes-copy bytes-fill! bytes-append bytes->list list->bytes bytes=? bytes? make-vector vector vector-length vector-ref vector-set! vector->list list->vector build-vector char=? char? char<=? char>=? char-ci=? char-ci? char-ci<=? char-ci>=? char-alphabetic? char-numeric? char-whitespace? char-upper-case? char-lower-case? char->integer integer->char char-upcase char-downcase call-with-current-continuation call/cc call-with-continuation-prompt abort-current-continuation default-continuation-prompt-tag make-continuation-prompt-tag continuation-prompt-tag? make-reader-graph make-placeholder placeholder-set! )]) (apply itemize (map (lambda (i) (item (racket #,i))) names))) @subsection{Deviations from ASL} @itemize[ @item{@racket[+], @racket[*], @racket[/] don't take at least two arguments.} @item{@racket[and], @racket[or] don't require at least two arguments.} @item{@racket[set!] allowed on function arguments.} @item{syntactic keywords can be used as variable names.} @item{displayed output is not identical with regards to shared values and constructor output.} @item{The following primitives have not been implemented: @itemize[ @item{@racket[:] (signature definition)} @item{@racket[define-datatype]} @item{@racket[match]} @item{@racket[delay]} @item{@racket[check-member-of]} @item{@racket[check-range]} @item{@racket[check-error]} @item{@racket[exit]} @item{@racket[force]} @item{@racket[gensym]} @item{@racket[promise]} @item{@racket[pretty-print]} @item{@racket[print]} @item{@racket[read]} @item{@racket[with-input-from-file]} @item{@racket[with-input-from-string]} @item{@racket[with-output-to-file]} @item{@racket[with-output-to-string]} @item{@racket[hash-copy]} @item{@racket[hash-count]} @item{@racket[hash-eq?]} @item{@racket[hash-equal?]} @item{@racket[hash-eqv?]} @item{@racket[hash-has-key?]} @item{@racket[hash-ref!]} @item{@racket[hash-update!]} @item{@racket[make-hasheqv]} @item{@racket[make-immutable-hash]} @item{@racket[make-immutable-hasheq]} @item{@racket[make-immutable-hasheqv]} ] } ]